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i have a big problem! all the traders is gone, smith , tavern empty all traders gone in every city!!!!! :shock: can somebody tell me were everybody is!!!!
Yes, it's the annual Market day all over Calradia. Like every year the shop owners and traders have been invited to Sargoth for a day of partying. If you really want to buy something you might have to go there and hope somebody takes pity on you.
any way while some one is viseting this topic i could ask another question....
i have problem with dark_hunters im in the city *something* and they will not move!!!! like the are waithing for me! could some one give me tip about who to get rid of dark_hunters easyest way???? :?:
If resting at the tavern (have you tried resting several times?) does not work then I don't know how to help.

If there is another easy way that I'm not thinking of, I'm sure someone will post it.

close your game, run the .exe again to start the game, go to "Configure," and change Cheat_mode = 0 to Cheat_mode = 1

Then, go in to the game, move your camera over a town faaaar away from the one you're in, then ctrl+left click next to it. Save&Exit, run the .exe, then change Cheat_mode = 1 back to Cheat_mode = 0

No more dark hunters :grin:
If theres dark hunters waiting for you outside a town why dont you approach the town from a differant angle?
Juno said:
If theres dark hunters waiting for you outside a town why dont you approach the town from a differant angle?

I believe the issue is he's IN the town and they're outside.

There are a few other options...

Exit the town, tell Marnid to go do his own thing, hand him a few peasants, and let him run distraction when the Black Hunters run his butt down and you make good your escape. Come back in a few days and pick him up again. :smile:
I always slept at the tavern even if it took a couple or three naps they always wandered off eventually, I just thought that since my character is a drunk (just like me) my men wouldn't mind anyway. And a couple of wasted weeks aren't going to make any differance on my road to glory.
thanks for all the tips but i m dead becose someone said to attack them :???:
i was outnumberd 9-25 it was a massacare against the mighty dark_hunters :cry:

but thanks any way :grin: !!
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