NW Completed Wellington's Own Royal Brigade Events *Tuseday Linebattle* [7:30 GMT]

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Welcome to the Wellington's Own Royal Brigade Events

Starting At 7:30pm GMT 2:00pm EST On The WORB Official Server  Pass: musket Make Sure To Be On Our TS : For 7:15 GMT !


- No shooting out of formation.
- No officer aiming
(Your allowed to shoot the officer if the other regiment is charging you).
- No glitching/hiding in rocks.
- No ramboing.
- No fort building.
- No shooting off horseback.
- You must reform after every volley taken.
- No kneeling 
(unless if you're in a double line/ranks, or if you're bracing for cav).
- If there's only 3 or less people alive in a line you must join another line.
- Respect other participants.


What is the unit sizes?
Line Infantry min. 5/ max. 25 Per line
Light Infantry min. 5/ max. 15
Skirmishers min. 5/max. 15
(Can include 2 sappers)
Light Cavalry min. 5/max. 15
Heavy Cavalry min. 5/max. 12
Artillery min. 4/ max. 10
(Including Guards and 2 sappers + max 2 guns)


How To Apply
Regiment name:
Unit class:
Number of people:
Steam name:

If You Need Contact Add Me On Steam : [95th] ColonelSharpe

Funny I thought Spunn3d stopped the usage of those decorated section splitters. Oh well, goodluck.
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