Let me tell you, those Swadian counts are merciless! Here I am, a lowly new recruit (level 12) in the Swadian army. I go to the count in praven and ask for a mission. He sends me and my humble party of 12 to go intercept a raiding party. I find the party and it has like 10 knights and 20 horsemen. I'm not exactly sure because I turned and ran as fast as I could! I then go to the Count at Suno and he asks me to go get him four black helmets! Yowza! Talk about breaking the bank! Next up, I go to the king himself at Sargoth, who sends me on an errand to capture 4 Vaegir Knights! Whoa Nelly! Running out of royalty, I find my way to Jekala, where the Count asks me to get him 9 sumpter horses... finally a quest I can handle!
Is it me or do the Swadians have a bit of a high expectation for their new recruits? Wonder if the Vaegirs are just as sadistic!
Is it me or do the Swadians have a bit of a high expectation for their new recruits? Wonder if the Vaegirs are just as sadistic!