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There are a lot of strange new requirements for account details, for example, steam's custom URL, copying the entire link or filling in only the custom section is not acceptable, can only fill in with the default steamID. But the forum is becoming more and more modern, it looks better.
So, how add a music player to xenforo forum signature?
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for an oldie just like myself, it is much appreciated to see a theme close enough to the old one. still a bit modern though. it will take some getting used to with all this fancy new designs
I am lost, how do you access the modding section from Forum Home? I can find modding section searching posts i know there but i can not see it on forum home unless i'm blind. And the modding section is supposed to be under Home root, i see that in the post forum path.

If i click "Home", i just see Game Forums, International forums, Featured content, Featured threads, but no modding forum link at all. I'm lost heeeeeaaaaalppp :wink:
After my first week of using this new forum I changed my mind. This new xenoforo forum is literally awesome. It would be even better with 1:1 BBCode conversion, but everything else is superior to the old SMF.
I still find basic forum navigation as in keeping up to date with everything I need to keep up with much harder than in SMF because you can't ignore boards. The old SMF 'new' and 'unread' were perfect. Other than that ye, the groups and alerts and stuff is really good.
After my first week of using this new forum I changed my mind. This new xenoforo forum is literally awesome. It would be even better with 1:1 BBCode conversion, but everything else is superior to the old SMF.

Yeah, it's starting to grow on me too, just needs a lighter theme (hopefully similar to the old SMF beige theme).
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