Weird graphic bug

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Hello all!


is my problem. I've tried to google solutions, changed direct x to 7, lowered video settings, but nothing has helped.
It just appeared after my 3rd encounter with bandits or something.. I really want to buy the game, but not until I get this fixed.

Anybody that has a solution?
That is not the problem, MogulKahn, you probably have something on your computer to make games playable in 3d, that is why M&B appears like this, if you would put 3d glasses on, M&B would be in 3d. So either uninstall the program, make it so it doesn't do it for M&B or play M&B in 3d.
I managed to solve it! :smile:

I opened the NVIDIA control panel, and just set the stereoscopic 3d section to default - and voilá, problem solved.
How I managed to turn it on, will forever be a mystery...

Thanks for the info MrRoy!
this is propably caused by an laxly USB wire from your graphics card to you monitor... check the connection it should work after this ... i had the same error some time ago and i managed to get it work again on this way.
sry for bad english^^
mfg Bombenlejher
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