weight/encumbrance of armor or weapons

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does weight of armor affect running speed and how fast a knockdowned person gets up?

I suppose for weapons, the weight factors into weapon speed - and this is again affected by character's agility.
Create a new character without athletics. First, run around with no gear on, and then, buy the heaviest armor you can find and wear it.
namster said:
does weight of armor affect running speed and how fast a knockdowned person gets up?

I suppose for weapons, the weight factors into weapon speed - and this is again affected by character's agility.

Running speed, yes.

As for the time it takes to get up from a knockdown ... I don't believe so (but very well could be wrong).
Worbah said:
Create a new character without athletics. First, run around with no gear on, and then, buy the heaviest armor you can find and wear it.

Or try getting your athletics up to 8 and then removing all your weapons and armor. You're practically a horse with hands.
Yep. Athletics is very important to running speed. In the early game, it's probably the most important stat for survival. Have less than 3 athletics and fighting on foot is virtually suicide for a low level character.

Low athletics is what makes Zendar arena so hard.
Mage- said:

Completely worthless post. Don't spam.

I doubt weapon weight affects its attack speed, seeing as all weapons have a separate speed rating. The weight might be taken into account though, when th speed rating is assigned to a weapon.
I made a female character with 12 Str, 12 Int, and 6 Cha, and the rest was all Agility. I cheated to get her to level thirty, just as a test, you know, and then I took off all her armor and weapons... WOW.

Besides having a GREAT body, she could run fast as a horse. Quite literally.
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