Weapons with multiple use

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I have two specialized weapons in mind - warhammer and halberd

Halberds had point for thrusting, axe for chopping and hook for pulling the horsemen from the saddle. Similarly, warhammers (not those fantasy, huge, unrealistic prop, historic warhammers, sleek, all-metal weapons with relatively small head) had one side for delivering blund damage and spike fon the other side to deliver piercing damage (to penetrate spaces in plate armor).

I propose an ability to rotate the weapon, so that the swing will be delivered with the other part of the head. For examle, a halberdier could either swing with the hook for minimal damage, but with a chance to dismount a rider, or chop with the axed part for powerful cutting damage.

I even saw an Arabian one-handed axe that had a spike opposed to the blade plus a long, needle-like misericordia dagger hidden in the hilt. A sort of anti-knight kit!
Sounds like a good idea, maybe that would involve the touch/holding of another button whilst attacking to enable secondary attack of certain weapons :smile:
I was thinking about a special button for this. You press it, the weapon turns and you use the other side. You press it again, and it turns again. Holding something is very uncomfortable.
I suppose some weapons, like the polearm, already do this. You can stab with the spearhead and slash with the axehead.

It does kind of annoy me that on the military pick there's a hammerhead but you're not allowed to use it.
What if you could use the blunt end of a spear? Maybe adding a spear that had weaker piercing damage, or was slower, than the regular one but had a golfball size metal bludgeon on the other end.
I suggest using mousewheel to circle through the various modes of a weapon.

I saw a lot of medieval weapons fitted with spike for stubbing, mace, axes etc. It's nice if I could use mace to knock unconcious but when I find that he's too strong, use spike on top to stub him (for more damage) without circling different weapon, or losing a slot for another weapon.
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