weapons or armour?

Weapons or armour EARLY ON!!!!! (NOT LATER)

  • Weapons early on

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  • Armour early on?

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Cleaning agent

Grandmaster Knight
At the start of a new NON CHEATING game there is always the dilemma of wether to buy that tasty looking leather jerkin or that rusty sword... what is better? with weapons you can smack around all the enemies in the world and slice them into pork chops for dinner but with armour you can charge into a melee all rusty falchions blazing and hack down alll the enemies very slowly but surely.
Depends what I'm playing as..

'Footman melee': Winged mace for the win!
'Knight in ragged armor': Jousting lance

Both lets me capture river pirates quite nicely. :grin:
I usually buy armour, because i get weapons from river pirates, but they aren't wearing any (good) armours
I would usually get armor first just because I will live longer. I'd rather live longer and take longer to kill my enemies, than get a shiney new Sword of War and die in 3 or 4 hits :???:
Armor, because I normally delete my character after he was knocked unconscious by a non-blunt weapon and I don´t want to restart the game right after I started every time. :lol:
Zues said:
I would usually get armor first just because I will live longer. I'd rather live longer and take longer to kill my enemies, than get a shiney new Sword of War and die in 3 or 4 hits :???:
You coward you! :razz: It's way cooler to die with a cool 2-hander than surviving without one :smile:
When I have 3 Hunters, I don't exactly want to loose them to a roaming pack of Dark Hunters :eek:
I always buy weapons first, i think.

If an enemy is dead, he cant harm you and so no armor is needed! :wink:
I nearly always get armour... weapons come pretty easily from enemies...the real problem with becoming a super veteran fighter is that you only really start losing once you take on entire war parties with the battle size increaser alone...(not that I have ever done that :oops: ) still... armour is better in the long run in my opinion
Even when I do finally get armour, it's only ever the best LIGHT armour money can buy. I don't like to have my foot-speed reduced too much...
I'll have to go for weapons...

You can't kill someone with a butterknife that the game give you with your new character, can you?

I'm with Lu Bu with this one. If you kill them first. They won't hurt you anymore. Dead people don't fightback, unless they turn to undead!!

If they cannot hurt you anymore, no armor is needed.

BTW, I prefered to evade than blocking. With high athletic. You can get out of the weapon's reach. Then counterattack. Armor will slow you down.
I have to add that with high athletic skill you can perform nice
And what i reallly would like to see is improved evade options!
Well... I never wore any armor except for my shield. All out offence~~!!

Its kinda irritating when you get knocked down from your horse and you move just a wee bit faster than a snail. The enemy AIs comes for your throat like rabid hyenas, that is not a very good scenario, and well, ouch....

Starting out, I only take on river pirates. They are butt-naked, so am I :smile:
So that makes us equal huh :razz:
And by the way, i haven't been wearing armor eversince, and now i'm level 18, with atheletics at 7 or 8 i think. I run like sonic~ lol
Judging from the poll results (82% wpns / 18% armor), it seems you lot are power hungry with a healthy appetite for blood letting (or at the very least, bruise pummelling)...

In fact one of my favorite wpns to get early on is a three stacks of large bag of stones. Developing a good throwing arm early is useful later when I go - a - horsey - riding and attempt to take down dark knights with a nice lance and two bags of shiny throwing axes. (that's da plan.. usually while i narrow my eyes to axe a dark knight, 4 of them have ridden down my ass and pummel me senseless)...
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