Grandmaster Knight

So, I've been thinking (as if!) that nearly every weapon type is nearly the same in the game. So, here are my suggestions:
Pikes: Multiplied speed bonus when on foot, so that when you hit a cavalryman charging at you you do extra damage. extra damage bonus against armor due to the narrow tip. IMO you should be able to set them when on foot, so that they do damage passively (the samee way a couched lance does). You could use holding down attack button as the way to set them.
Spears: More damage and speed. At the moment they aren't a serious option for a new character. Maybe a bit more knockback so that you could keep your enemy at a more optimal distance. you should also be able to se them. But you should have penalties for couching and setting. Kind of like a lance/pike hybrid.
All polearms: A chance of impaling the enemy. The weapon would get stuck and you'd spend a few seconds removing the corpse, or if enemies are nearby, hit 'next weapon' to abandon it.
bigger twohanded weapons: Damage bonus against unarmored. they should IMO also be slower to block with.
big onehanded and small twohanded weapons: You should be able to choose whether you use them with one hand or two. using them twohanded would add bonuses, naturally.
Javelins: Should have more range and damage if used just after running. You don't see modern athletes standing still to throw them. They should, however be inaccurate if used like this. I just wish they were more than a weaker jarid.
Scythe: should be moved to regular twohanded weapons. Now, you can couch it, you can use a shield with it (although you can only thrust with it if you use a shield) and even after all this, you use the blunt end for your slashing attacks. Atleast you did so in 0.622, haven't bothered trying them in this version.
I'll add more as I remember them.
Pikes: Multiplied speed bonus when on foot, so that when you hit a cavalryman charging at you you do extra damage. extra damage bonus against armor due to the narrow tip. IMO you should be able to set them when on foot, so that they do damage passively (the samee way a couched lance does). You could use holding down attack button as the way to set them.
Spears: More damage and speed. At the moment they aren't a serious option for a new character. Maybe a bit more knockback so that you could keep your enemy at a more optimal distance. you should also be able to se them. But you should have penalties for couching and setting. Kind of like a lance/pike hybrid.
All polearms: A chance of impaling the enemy. The weapon would get stuck and you'd spend a few seconds removing the corpse, or if enemies are nearby, hit 'next weapon' to abandon it.
bigger twohanded weapons: Damage bonus against unarmored. they should IMO also be slower to block with.
big onehanded and small twohanded weapons: You should be able to choose whether you use them with one hand or two. using them twohanded would add bonuses, naturally.
Javelins: Should have more range and damage if used just after running. You don't see modern athletes standing still to throw them. They should, however be inaccurate if used like this. I just wish they were more than a weaker jarid.
Scythe: should be moved to regular twohanded weapons. Now, you can couch it, you can use a shield with it (although you can only thrust with it if you use a shield) and even after all this, you use the blunt end for your slashing attacks. Atleast you did so in 0.622, haven't bothered trying them in this version.
I'll add more as I remember them.