Weapons could be more specialized.

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Grandmaster Knight
So, I've been thinking (as if!) that nearly every weapon type is nearly the same in the game. So, here are my suggestions:

Pikes: Multiplied speed bonus when on foot, so that when you hit a cavalryman charging at you you do extra damage. extra damage bonus against armor due to the narrow tip. IMO you should be able to set them when on foot, so that they do damage passively (the samee way a couched lance does). You could use holding down attack button as the way to set them.

Spears: More damage and speed. At the moment they aren't a serious option for a new character. Maybe a bit more knockback so that you could keep your enemy at a more optimal distance. you should also be able to se them. But you should have penalties for couching and setting. Kind of like a lance/pike hybrid.

All polearms: A chance of impaling the enemy. The weapon would get stuck and you'd spend a few seconds removing the corpse, or if enemies are nearby, hit 'next weapon' to abandon it.

bigger twohanded weapons: Damage bonus against unarmored. they should IMO also be slower to block with.

big onehanded and small twohanded weapons: You should be able to choose whether you use them with one hand or two. using them twohanded would add bonuses, naturally.

Javelins: Should have more range and damage if used just after running. You don't see modern athletes standing still to throw them. They should, however be inaccurate if used like this. I just wish they were more than a weaker jarid.

Scythe: should be moved to regular twohanded weapons. Now, you can couch it, you can use a shield with it (although you can only thrust with it if you use a shield) and even after all this, you use the blunt end for your slashing attacks. Atleast you did so in 0.622, haven't bothered trying them in this version.

I'll add more as I remember them.
For a moment i thought you meant more proffeciencies for weapons :shock:

Pikes - I thought that if you hit an incoming cavalry you get the same speed bonus he would get, no ?
but it can be a nice idea that if you hold the attack button you hold the pike, and it goes back after 3-4 seconds. (or until you release the button)

Spears - although spears are powerful due to reach, i totally agree they aren't that attractive overall - imo a spear should have an option to swing with bash-damage (something like half) to be used when target is too close.(would only swing from one direction)

Bigger twohanded weapons - if you're just suggesting to add more two-handed weapons with more damage but less speed, sure why not.

Big one handed and small two handed - would be nice and realistic to have the ability to switch between one handed and two handed for these weapons, though seems a bit useless to me. (why use them in the first place ?)

Javelins - throwing weapons which go straight, should get a speed bonus imo (maybe even all throwing weapons).
if the go faster however, consider how it will make throwing weapons a hell of a lot harder to predict, but will also actually make them more accurate - i'd rather not think of that :X

Scythe - isn't a scythe the same tool used by farmers ?? or are you reffering to the scythe from the game ?
Worbah said:
Pikes: Multiplied speed bonus when on foot, so that when you hit a cavalryman charging at you you do extra damage. extra damage bonus against armor due to the narrow tip. IMO you should be able to set them when on foot, so that they do damage passively (the samee way a couched lance does). You could use holding down attack button as the way to set them.

I like that idea. Maybe make a reticle start when you begin to hold down the attack button, much like the archery reticle. When the reticle reaches it's center, it's set and will deliver couche damage +speed bonus to anyone running into the tip. The reticle timer would mean you couldn't do it instantaneously, and needed time to "set up". If you change directions, it widens the reticle a little, and needs to shrink back to be set. I do think there should be a minimum speed they have to be going, it will be useless against a guy walking up to you.

Worbah said:
Spears: More damage and speed. At the moment they aren't a serious option for a new character. Maybe a bit more knockback so that you could keep your enemy at a more optimal distance. you should also be able to se them. But you should have penalties for couching and setting. Kind of like a lance/pike hybrid.

I'll have to take your word on this one, since I haven't really used the spears much. However, I like the lance/pike hybrid idea, maybe deals 75% of couche damage either way?

Worbah said:
All polearms: A chance of impaling the enemy. The weapon would get stuck and you'd spend a few seconds removing the corpse, or if enemies are nearby, hit 'next weapon' to abandon it.

Hmm, not sure if I like this too much, since a sword thrust could get caught on bone or something too. However, lances tend to be lost or broken under the shattering force of a charge, so I'd say there should be skill added to the couched lance. You need to click and release the attack button just after the point of impact, the ammount of time you have to do this is dependant on your strength score and your mount's charge score. How closely you needed to click would be determined by your mount's charge score, the higher the charge, the earlier the impact window(time in wich you must click and release) starts. Your strength score sets the end of the impact window. The higher your strength score, the later you can release the click. If you successfully click and release, you deal your couched lance attack and ride away for another pass. However, if you clicked too early, your lance is stuck in the opponent, and you have to go over and get it back. If you clicked too late, your lance is broken (like empty arrows, can't be used until the next battle) with the force of the blow, and your mount was slowed significantly by the force. You could even work in a consolation for halfway winners, who click just on time, but release late, lance is broken, but the horse keeps it's gallop.

Worbah said:
bigger twohanded weapons: Damage bonus against unarmored. they should IMO also be slower to block with.

I really like the feel of the game as is, maybe one or two slightly heavier/slower swords, but too much more and it will lose its nice authentic feel.

Worbah said:
big onehanded and small twohanded weapons: You should be able to choose whether you use them with one hand or two. using them twohanded would add bonuses, naturally.

There's a nice thread on bastard swords you should read http://forums.taleworlds.com/viewtopic.php?t=4216

Worbah said:
Javelins: Should have more range and damage if used just after running. You don't see modern athletes standing still to throw them. They should, however be inaccurate if used like this. I just wish they were more than a weaker jarid.

Hmm, well, the range of thrown weapons is something I don't like about this game so far. . .I've caught a Javelin in the chest less than 3 seconds after spawning, and the enemies were clear accross the map. However, provided they get that fixed, I definitely think that you should be able to get a better arc with Javelins than with Jarids, but the Jarid should be the more solid damage.

Worbah said:
Scythe: should be moved to regular twohanded weapons. Now, you can couch it, you can use a shield with it (although you can only thrust with it if you use a shield) and even after all this, you use the blunt end for your slashing attacks. Atleast you did so in 0.622, haven't bothered trying them in this version.

Hmm, I was pictureing a scythe, the long, staff-like farming implement that the Grim Reaper is often depicted carrying. I guess I haven't used the scythe you are talking about, since you definitely can't thrust at all with the one I am thinking of.
When I mentioned bigger twohanders I meant great axes and SOWs. The blades of these weapons are massive, and the force of a hit is divided on a fairly large area. Thus the bonuses against lighlty armored/unarmored enemies.

EDIT: I was talking about the scythe there is now. Instead of the regular shape of a 7 the blade in the one the game has is aligned with the shaft.Currently it's the worst polearm. But when you take a look at the model, doesn't it look asthough you could hit a guys head clear off with it from full gallop?
In relation to pikes you shoul have something liked couched lance, ie if you stand there and cavalry charges you they get it big style. No need for you to press attack, just brace yourself.
I meant that by setting your lance. With lances and horses the couching is automatic, but since you don't want to have your guy brace himself everytime you stop, you could have holding down the attack button as the way to do it. i mean you don't even release it.
Yep I'd like that. It would be scary for a troop of cavalry to charge pikes. It would make me think twice!!
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