Weapon master skill?

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Is weapon master skill supposed to cap your learning of a proficiency? Right now, you just can't use your level up weapon points to raise your skill above your weapon master rating. However you can still raise the skill through use. Doesn't this make the weapon master skill a bit useless since most of your training comes from use anyway?

Of course if it did cap the proficiency then non strength characters would be in trouble, but at the moment it just seems worthless. Maybe it should increase your weapon proficiencies by a certain percentage per level instead of (or in addition to) what it does now. Then there would be a compelling reason to take it.
A few points in weapon master early on in the game really helped in getting my weapon skills up quickly with the 10 points per level you get. Made it easier to get started, I think.
Well, I think that 'weapon master' skill is simply redundant... You never actually need it, cause you can always train your main weapon by application.
Well, I think that it would be much better to have trainers that will teach you 'theory' of using a particular weapon (bow, polearms, etc) for a price, and you will not be able to get it farther then they taught you, no matter what. (Highly logical).
Btw, about training. How about making sparring section, where you'll be all dressed in heavy armor, and use wooden weapons... and fight, like 'untill 20 hits'. Just like we did :smile:. Nice training opportunity... provided you'l be asked what weapon you'll use.
True, the skills go up through use, but they go up a whole lot faster if you're sinking points into them.
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