Weapon Implacements??

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I know: (1.) this has probably been brought up, i'm just too lazy to go find the thread where it was; (2.) it's far-fetched.. but

It would be sooo cool to have like scorpions/ballistas that could be implaced and immovable weapons in a fight, taking on man to arm them. Maybe they could take up like 3 or 6 spots in the inventory. Gah that'd be cool. Alright everyone, go ahead and make fun of me for this.
Such weapons would however slow the party on the map to a crawl (speed 1 or 2).

Siege weapons were usually assembled/built just before the actual siege. The army did not drag them around when marching.
Sieges, eh? That'd be an interesting addition to the final version. Would it be possible do you think?
corksacker69 said:
somebody played rome:total war, or as i like to call it, rome: total bore

Seeing a game trashed by someone called corksacker69 is like a GOTY award.
Well I wasn't really thinking sieges b/c I always thought that was a bit far-fetched for a game like this (although if it happened, this would be the best game ever). I was thinking more on the lines of using small "siege weapons" but really anti-personnel weapons just in battles that couldn't be moved at all. Maybe they could shoot through multiple opponents and such.

this thing........
May be it could be possible not to start the siege, but to join it. F.e. swadians siege vagires, and you come with your guys and help one side. The siege weapons such as trebuchets and ballistas could be already positioned, you just need to com-and-shoot if you want, or climb the ladder or fight for the main gate.
I would like to see warmachines, but i think against humans it would be a bit too strong, maybe against defenses, i dunno ...

Don't mix sieges with assaults, sieges were about blocking the city gates and starving the people inside, assaults were about using high force and war
machines to breach the walls/gates to conquer the city.

Sieges aren't a far fetched idea, they are quite feasable, check out :
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