weapon control

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1) friendly fire for melee weapons needs to be in for many reasons. It's completely stupid for people to be in a huge moshpit swinging two handed weapons, it just wouldn't happen.
There is a REASON why people did/did not use big weapons in mass combat Two handed swords are -great- for single combat, and -terrible- for mass combat, which is one of the many reasons the german zweihander wielding barbarians were beaten by the romans, who used shortswords and spears in their main body of troops.

2) which movement hey I hold down when I swing should determine how I swing. back = overhead, forward = thrust, left/right = swing

3) there should be a 'zone' in the weapon swing (maybe this is already in) that is where the damage occurs. If I swing an axe. the axe won't do any damage at the beginning or end of the swing.

4) missing should slow down the next swing. When a hit lands, a good swordsman uses the rebound as inertia for the next swing.

5) a skilled riposte or shield-punch should spoil the enemy's balance. A great melee fighter knows how to 'punch' or 'spike' an enemies weapon with their own weapon or shield to throw it off balance, which will cause them to lose balance and spoil their initiative or defense.

there you go
okay some refinements to the ideas...

there should be two methods of attacking for all weapons. tapping the mouse button and holding it down. If I 'tap it' it'll do whatever attack I can do with my weapon that's 'fast'.

If I hold the mouse button down, it's a swing attack - and the longer I hold it the further back it draws the weapon, diff weapons go back faster or slower.

how I move the mouse while holding down the button determines where I swing.

--- chaining attacks ----

it should be possible to 'chain' an attack. To get a faster attack, depending on the weapon speed, if the player hits attack again after the previous attack with the right timing, they have a chance to 'conserve momentum' on the weapon with certain weapons and thus keep the weapon in motion for another attack.

For example, with a greatsword - if I swing once, and miss, and hit attack again I should continue the swing of the sword and bring it around for another attack - perhaps the avatar could follow the sword through the swing and step one foot behind him, spinning his torso around and whipping the blade forward - or swinging the blade down up in back and then across sideways - the window for a successful chained swing should get smaller with each successive swing.

If an attack HITS, the player in some cases should be able to conserve momentum and bring the weapon around for a second swing, if their timing is good.
also on big weapons, collision with anything on the backswing should spoil the attack. It should not be possible to swing a big weapon in a press. That's when you drop the halberd and draw your swordsword.
nox said:
1) friendly fire for melee weapons needs to be in for many reasons. It's completely stupid for people to be in a huge moshpit swinging two handed weapons, it just wouldn't happen.
There is a REASON why people did/did not use big weapons in mass combat Two handed swords are -great- for single combat, and -terrible- for mass combat, which is one of the many reasons the german zweihander wielding barbarians were beaten by the romans, who used shortswords and spears in their main body of troops.

It's realistic, but might be hard to control. Also, with your 2) implemented, everyone would just do crazy overhead swings that would only harm the enemy right before you.

2) which movement hey I hold down when I swing should determine how I swing. back = overhead, forward = thrust, left/right = swing

I would like to be able to control the type of attack, but NOT by moving! It should be movement of the mouse. Mouse moved down-up -> thrust, up-down -> overhead swing, left-right/right-left -> swing. I really hate the moving == attack type system, because I can't thrust while retreating etc. I liked the battle of ages-old Daggerfall (mouse-controlled attack types) for this reason, and don't like Morrowind's (movement-controlled).

3) there should be a 'zone' in the weapon swing (maybe this is already in) that is where the damage occurs. If I swing an axe. the axe won't do any damage at the beginning or end of the swing.

Yes! Great idea. I hate it when mounted Zweihander hits me, standing right behind him! I can somehow understand lancers doing it, but not two-handed-sword-wielders.

It would also be great if one couldn't get Warrider bonus when you attack backwards. I did it once in accident, and found it quite distracting in a game where mounted combat is handled very realistically otherwise.

4) missing should slow down the next swing. When a hit lands, a good swordsman uses the rebound as inertia for the next swing.

5) a skilled riposte or shield-punch should spoil the enemy's balance. A great melee fighter knows how to 'punch' or 'spike' an enemies weapon with their own weapon or shield to throw it off balance, which will cause them to lose balance and spoil their initiative or defense.

I would prefer the next hit being slowed down when it it blocked. However, either or even both of these would be nice. They would, especially together with chosable attack types, really add some tactics to melee. I don't currently have any, and this would speed up me making them up. Or just make me die more often. :???: :wink:

there you go

And here I come:

6) When I start my swing, the camera should slow down. One should be able to turn normally when attack is readied, but if the weapon is already moving 180-degree-turns shouln't be possible. It would help me to actually hit the enemy, while being able to face that rider coming towards me.

It would also be nice if camera was defaulted when I leave Arena, enter shop etc.
i like all the ideas but i think we also we need to have the weapons find the target if they are lower then you like when you are on a horse fight a footman alot of times you miss b/c you where higher up.
okay some refinements to the ideas...

there should be two methods of attacking for all weapons. tapping the mouse button and holding it down. If I 'tap it' it'll do whatever attack I can do with my weapon that's 'fast'.

If I hold the mouse button down, it's a swing attack - and the longer I hold it the further back it draws the weapon, diff weapons go back faster or slower.

how I move the mouse while holding down the button determines where I swing.

I am with nox - that would be the way I would do it. :smile:

I dislike the chaining thing though. :cry:
I like most of the ideas, except friendly fire with melee. It would be impossible to control, not to mention that the AI would have trouble with it. It would only add frustration, not fun.
Go check out the 'combos' thread. I posted some weaponscontrol suggestion there (well, it was ripped from Daggerfall) that will put you all to shame.
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