Weapon Classes

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What weapon classes are the best,and what classes should be combined?
Example,one handed +bow.Is bow any good because it has wide croshair and not very high damage.
lord crusader said:
But what is the best: bow,crossbow or throwing
And weapon mastery skill,what is it for?
The best weapon is the one you look stylish with. Bows have a high rate of fire, crossbows generally do more damage per hit than bows and throwables only work at short distances, but do great amounts of damage. All weapons have their pros and cons and there isn't one überweapon that beats all the others. This is one of the finer points of this game.

Anyhow, if you want to be mainly a mêlée fighter and have a ranged weapon only as a backup, then you might not want to choose a bow, since it takes quite a bit of dedication to learn to use properly. Crossbows are good long range secondary weapons, as they require very little skill to use efficiently. Throwing weapons serve well at short ranges and only take 1 slot so they might also serve you well. It's really just a matter of personal preference.

You don't need weapon mastery skill until some of your weapon proficiencies reaches the level where it cannot be improved anymore. The weapon mastery raises this cap higher, so you can assign more points to that proficiency.
Kelpo said:
Anyhow, if you want to be mainly a mêlée fighter and have a ranged weapon only as a backup, then you might not want to choose a bow, since it takes quite a bit of dedication to learn to use properly.

What he may be meaning by dedication is that the bow requires you to take points in power draw so that you can use the best bows (power draw of 4 for the war bow), also points in power draw are necessary to get the reticule small enough to be accurate, again about 4 is good.

I personally prefer bows over crossbows simply because of their rapid rate of fire. As your proficiency in bows climbs (say past 150 or 200) you'll find that you deal more than adiquate damage.

Throwing weapons are nice because they take up only one slot... so you could be a lance-toting, sword wielding, jarid throwing kinda guy all at once, WITH A SHIELD. With bows or crossbows, that's not possible. Of course, with throwing weapons, you don't have nearly the range, nor the same amount of ammo.

The game is wonderfully balanced in this aspect.
Does the weapon proficiency really affect the damage done? I always thought it only affects swing speeds(or reticule size). Also, does power draw really affect accuracy? It doesn't say anything of the sort in the skill description.
Kelpo said:
Does the weapon proficiency really affect the damage done? I always thought it only affects swing speeds(or reticule size). Also, does power draw really affect accuracy? It doesn't say anything of the sort in the skill description.

I'm not certain about this, but after I switched from nomad bow to war bow, i got a lot less kills per battle.
Kelpo said:
Does the weapon proficiency really affect the damage done? I always thought it only affects swing speeds(or reticule size). Also, does power draw really affect accuracy? It doesn't say anything of the sort in the skill description.

I was under the impression that it might... I do know that horse archery DEFINITELY improves reticule size while you are riding.
Is Lance unbalanced because of great damage in charge.Is there any particular reason to use one handed or two handed weapons?
What skills are the most important?
There is no proper answer. Lance do a great damage ( and is great weapon when You're mounted knight fighting on plains or icefields, but rather useless in moutains), one-handed swords are great in close combat due to speed, two-handed are good because do a lot of damage and have a decent range.

Let me say : all kind of weapon is good in specific conditions : terrain, skills ect...
Good choice imho is using few variations of weapons:

for knight : great lance, shield, steel-weathered saber and jarids

for other mounted warrior : sword of war, warbow, 2 packs +3 dam arrows

for archers : war bow, saber, 2 packs of +3dam arrows

for footed warrior : pike(lance ect), shield, single handed fast weapon, jarids

But this is only examples ...there is much more variations, depends of what You like to fight.
Skills : well ...again, depends of what weapon you re focusing, what party You'd like to have or fighting solo ect ect
For example : You want to be a meele high armored knight with lance and jarids, with high party then focus at skills raising meele and throw damage), riding to use heavy horses, propably leadership ect ..

There can be talk without end about it ...but better examine this by yourself. You quickly realise which skills You need :smile:
Good luck
Thanks,now I have question about armor?
Does armor lower damage by some percent,or it has a chance to completly block an atack.Any diference about scale,chain or plate armor
it lowers damage, and when ya have enough, it has good chance to block all.

For me, polearm is really the best...but thats also becouse i pimped horses :razz:
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Back on subject ... :wink:

lord crusader said:
Thanks,now I have question about armor?
Does armor lower damage by some percent,or it has a chance to completly block an atack.Any diference about scale,chain or plate armor
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