Well, I have now officially reached lvl 30, I PWN everything there is to PWN. My latest encounter with Black Hunters had the following flow: My team had 20 men, myself, marnid (lvl 16) around 10 knights, and some other, weaker units. The outcome was that I personally killed over 50! of them, while my Knights were all slain (not even mentioning my otherm weaker units). My point is, there should be some kind of stronger units you can have. Either add something better then knights (palladins? Or the ability to hire black knights, I dunno) or add an extra unit somewhere in the middle, make man-at-arms as strong as knights are now, while making knights even stronger (as strong as black knights). The point is, my char is so strong now, he doesn't really need any help, but I can't enter battles alone, as it always says I'm hoplesly outnumbered and I don't stand the chance. So maybe add a unit that would be acually hopefull in later parts of the game?
Also, that marnid guy is leveling way to slow, I know he gatheres expirience the same way my char is, but I don't think that is such a good idea. Maybe, while "heros" are in the party, bound their lvl with main chars lvl or make it to be always 1-2 lvls lower, or something like that.
Also, that marnid guy is leveling way to slow, I know he gatheres expirience the same way my char is, but I don't think that is such a good idea. Maybe, while "heros" are in the party, bound their lvl with main chars lvl or make it to be always 1-2 lvls lower, or something like that.