We have damaged PW with our scripts.

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Shyana said:
The thing is, if we do take the scripts of the server people would quit. Which is why it isn't done.
When I release the first version of Persistent Middle-Earth, I won't have any scripts on the server, and since everyone loves LOTR, I want to see if not having scripts will affect the player base I might have.
Heroes_Witch_King said:
Shyana said:
The thing is, if we do take the scripts of the server people would quit. Which is why it isn't done.
When I release the first version of Persistent Middle-Earth, I won't have any scripts on the server, and since everyone loves LOTR, I want to see if not having scripts will affect the player base I might have.

Good idea. It will avoid market failure. But make sure to scale the economy difficulty to the player base.
I completely agree with the fact that the economy is now broken in PW and thus the game is fundementally broken. Part of the problem may be the banking system, but the players and map makers are to blame as well. People dont want to work.. they want to fight. I may be in the minority but I actually enjoy gathering resources and building up a faction that is well supplied with food weapons etc.  We need a fundemental change in the attitude of people and they have to realize there is more to do then just rape rob and war. I have a few ideas I will be posting about.
NightC2win said:
I completely agree with the fact that the economy is now broken in PW and thus the game is fundementally broken. Part of the problem may be the banking system, but the players and map makers are to blame as well. People dont want to work.. they want to fight. I may be in the minority but I actually enjoy gathering resources and building up a faction that is well supplied with food weapons etc.  We need a fundemental change in the attitude of people and they have to realize there is more to do then just rape rob and war. I have a few ideas I will be posting about.

It's a combat based game. It always has been. For some people other activities are fun, but for most serfing or crafting is an annoying interlude between arming themselves and fighting. After all, is it surprising that grinding for gold isn't seen fun?
I now know what I must do...
I need to start my server without banking and make maps with important economic suggestions from the scene creating guide. I need to talk to other server owners about this as well and try to reason with them. Perhaps a few players will leave because there are no scripts...but who wants a player base when a game is broken. Maybe the original player base or a new player base with the same kind of greatness I knew will come back to PW.
Well this thread inspired me for my map. I had one more faction that I had no idea what to do with. Now, the only mine on the map is a faction.
I'd like to add that there has been many attempts at a professional server with a no script environment by many different people, and that I have never seen them build any form of a community whatsoever. Persistent World, in my opinion, was better without scripts however over the course of (two years?) that we have been introduced to banking and saving scripts we now rely on them. The Persistent World we knew has gone, there is no place for vanilla PW anymore. I'd personally like to see an official release of banking and saving scripts to save the smaller servers a bank load of money that script providers are taking, knowing that they're the only viable solution for that server.
You might rely on them and most people might rely on them but they are certainly not pervasive. None of the people I play with have any money in any banks short of what they deposit and never see again. There is no reason to make the assumption that banks are required to play PW.
Whether its realm's server or the lotr server that comes up without scripts it will be very difficult to get a stable pop. Sure you can convince some older players but lets be honest new players are going to go for the easier stuff which involves the scripts. Im not saying you wont get players, what im saying is you wont get enough for it to really be enjoyable. Unless PW with 15-20 people is fun to you :razz:. But im sure some will argue that low pop can be fun if everyone is role playing. Maybe it could work if your doing it for EU but even then goodluck.
Tribunus Meridius said:
Unless PW with 15-20 people is fun to you :razz:. But im sure some will argue that low pop can be fun if everyone is role playing. Maybe it could work if your doing it for EU but even then goodluck.

I happen to enjoy both scenarios, large pop and low pop, but for the sake of this quote, low pop gives a server a small town feel. The community is small enough to where you can have a pretty friendly and daily relationship with most players. I also find that it makes the money-making aspect a bit safer with only 1-3 outlaws on the server, so having that feeling of security encourages me to be that salt/iron miner or cow rancher or food maker or what have you without needing a large (Or any) security force.
TheCaptain said:
I happen to enjoy both scenarios, large pop and low pop, but for the sake of this quote, low pop gives a server a small town feel. The community is small enough to where you can have a pretty friendly and daily relationship with most players. I also find that it makes the money-making aspect a bit safer with only 1-3 outlaws on the server, so having that feeling of security encourages me to be that salt/iron miner or cow rancher or food maker or what have you without needing a large (Or any) security force.

I agree with you here. A large populated community is really, sometimes too fast. There's so much going on that you feel isolated whereas 15-40 players on a server can be great fun, especially when people work together to form factions, rob and other common activities. Large population can be great fun too, as you are able to experience the huge battles, however if you're not in a clan, or affiliated with a faction then you get a feel of isolation.
How to fix:
Make a server without scripts.
Ddos the rest.  :iamamoron:

But seriously, most of those compromises suggested here wont fix the source of the problem, usually they would just add even more grinding to it.
So basicly the best way to fix this would be to convince all server owners to go script free. Chances are, some will refuse just to get all the complacent new players who just want to permanently play with full armor.. (aka about 200 players from all the bigger clans).

In other words, old PW is dead.
(Oh, and am I the only one who thinks that most faction wars nowadays are rather boring?)
_666_ said:
How to fix:
Make a server without scripts.
Basicly the best way to fix this would be to convince all server owners to go script free.

Currently on staff for a server with no scripts at all, so it's vanilla. The only scripts I wouldn't mind are the ones that let you keep your money when you log out so that you don't start at almost 0 when you log back in, and the script where you can keep your class/armor/weapons from the last time you logged out. I'm on board with eliminating the banking script, but I think there are a couple still worth keeping.
Oh yeah  :mrgreen: ? It's called NA_Thunder. The owner doesn't want to keep it vanilla though. He plans to implement pretty much all the scripts. Trying to talk him out of it though  :smile:.
TheCaptain said:
_666_ said:
How to fix:
Make a server without scripts.
Basicly the best way to fix this would be to convince all server owners to go script free.

Currently on staff for a server with no scripts at all, so it's vanilla. The only scripts I wouldn't mind are the ones that let you keep your money when you log out so that you don't start at almost 0 when you log back in, and the script where you can keep your class/armor/weapons from the last time you logged out. I'm on board with eliminating the banking script, but I think there are a couple still worth keeping.

PW keeps your class and money when you log in and out without any additional scripts, though you will lose some money (variable to the death drop amount) and any gear you have as the logging out will count as a death. If the server restarts, it'll be a total wipe and any money you had along with your class will be lost forever.

The various scripts prevent the loss of equipment and variable money loss on logging out and save data over server restarts, creating 'greater' persistence. They also add the automatic banking, versus the more classic manual banking handled by admins. There are some obvious downsides to the addition of the scripts as-is, such as them completely ruining the balance on PW. As it stands, you don't need to mine or craft - just find someone who did all of that a few months ago, wait for them to die and loot their gear. Sell it and rinse and repeat. Now you've got lots of money.

At least with the days of manual banking, banking was a system in place to negate the effects of a server restart, but because banking was infrequent, it had no noticeable impact on gameplay. When you left, you still lost your gear and would still have to replace it when you get back on, either by waiting for an admin to get your banked cash or through the more common mining, which kept the economy stimulated. An ideal solution would be to either only save equipment and gold, or for monthly/weekly data resets. Better yet would be the removal of the scripts entirely, but no server would be foolish enough to do that, especially as all they care about these days is numbers.
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