We have damaged PW with our scripts.

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At first I thought a view very similar to you all, that the banks were brilliant, and the have revolutionised PW, and in a way they have. The mod is a far more attractive concept to a casual player.
But in doing this, it has lost a key element of it. That is, the interdependence between fighters and workers.

And why is this a problem?

It is quite simple. There is no element of interdependence any more , which for those who don't understand what that means, the role of Lord no longer is the role of organising soldiers, serfs, and engineers, it is a simple role of organising fighting. And this is because of the banks. There is no incentive for a Lord to organise a faction in terms of serfs, engineers, and soldiers. His only incentive is to fight.

But this isn't the fault of the lord, this is the fault of armour saving and banking. Money is not lost. You die, someone loots your gear. You log out, your gear remains. There is no loss of gear, so there is not the right amount of demand for new items.  The supply of resources- Iron, wood, linen, exceeds the demand to a ridiculous extent. The supply of leather and wheat does not come anywhere close, because there is no need for it, and it is not cost effective.

The one trade that comes close to working as it should is the horse trade. Horses are made by lords when needed, lords tell people when they should be made etc.

Now, because of this problem with supply/demand, there is not any reason for soldiers to assist in the gathering of materials and resources during peace time. Ask yourself, when was the last time you declared war in order to gain access to a mine, or to gain another resource? Or when was the last time you organised your men into groups, telling them what to do. It just doesn't happen any more.

And then, because soldiers have **** all to do during peace time they don't act like it is peace time, they run around robbing because they are bored. They don't rob for money, they rob to piss the other player off and kill them, because that is why we are all here, to fight. And can we really blame the players for this?

I don't think so. We (Nexus) are the ones who have put the banking and gear saving scripts into PW, so we need to deal with any **** that they bring. Can we deal with it? I don't know. I have a few ideas, but ultimately, they all fall short due to the bottomless banks.

Scene creators should take a little of the blame, but in all honesty, the banks and gear saving has resulted in no one bothering if the iron mine is not right outside their door.

Vornne seems a bit pissed off at this himself, here he states:

A problem with that is the disconnection of player money from the current environment: if there is no stock at all, people can't buy anything, but someone with piles of spawnable money can use it to buy items other people have created. So someone who became a multimillionare by exploiting a bug undetected months ago or by droning away on deserted servers, can then swoop in and repeatedly consume the items made by newer players who are starting from scratch as the mod was designed; a sort of "multi level marketing" effect where players rank up by simply hanging around for ages, not contributing anything useful in the latter stages. This mod was designed around player skill, with dynamic competition and involvement, not to reward lazy players who feel entitiled to power and riches by hanging around the game for years.
The effort is not linked to the reward in any meaningful way when players can stack up millions forever, outside the current environment; the price of a certain type of armor raised from 15K to 150K to would not make any practical difference to someone with easy millions stored from some glitch or exploit, but it could ruin many features of the game for people who play the mod as designed, cooperating and competing within the current game environment to gain equipment and control. I think "balancing" games by just increasing prices is a terrible idea, because it makes the main method grinding away stupidly until the ridiculous costs can be afforded.

People might object that things like mining iron ore or gathering flax are pretty boring "grinding", but the point of the intended design is that they work in with the weapon and armor supply, taken from limited resource locations which could be controled by other players or organised factions, making the end result not grinding because the mining or processing is only a part of the interactive and competitive whole. Incidentally, scene design where - for example - iron mine location and ore amount is so plentiful that there is no need for competition works against this, as do server rules that presume "peaceful commoners" must be let alone to grind in safety: as I have repeated in this thread, over the years.

I think the game play becomes pretty pointless with safe long term storage of money and items, reducing to mindless grinding at a certain time when there is little competition and a scene with a bug or design that allows extremely easy money or item acquisition, then being able to log on for months afterwards with the ability to repeatedly troll around bothering other players, with little care for the current situation of the game world.

Vornnes response to bank caps on how much you can spend on a day

Question : You can pile a lot of gold - but you can't use more than 150k per day. It is actually the cost of a full tincan armour and weapons set bought from Merchants on Nexus now.

Response from Vornne: It doesn't matter - that is still a lot of money that has no benefit to the current server environment, through adding resources or weapons, or just by populating the game with serfs that give a reasons for protection and area control. Limiting money withdrawals per day would mainly just affect people that have nothing else to do all day, not people who play an hour or two at night after work or school, who might not bother to make any other contribution to the server than buying weapons and armor to kill people.

To the people who complain about current servers just consisting of endless wars and robbing: it's your own fault for wanting the rest of the game to be made irrelevant. Since the "end game" of powerful combat troops and equipment is made stupidly easy rather than require ongoing intelligence and effort, almost everyone will just be a "tin can" wandering around trolling other people, feeling that there is nothing else worth doing.
Quote from: Baskakov_Dima on April 11, 2014, 02:24:28 AM

When enough people in a group playing together have vast piles of money to keep buying top tier weapons and armor no matter how foolishly they play, they can dominate other players: it spoils the dynamic, competitive, consistent environment parts of the mod design.

The view of Semiramis

it completely breaks the game by allowing people to accumulate wealth and then move it out of other's reach definitely, not just in game mechanics (aka, chest deep in a castle basement)
It steals all the ROBBERS (yes you read right!) the fun in the game, since except the carried gear, no one is worth being robbed as all people (except me, likely) never carry money. Ever thought of that part ?
Thing is I remmeber back in the day, when looting someone of wealth (logically, a Lord or important knight) was basically the high end goal for a robber- if you did that, you was trough with robbing and made for the day, or, with a really thick purse like Tywin Lannister would carry it, for at least until the next reset and I don't know how you feel about this, but I personally never felt the motivation to like set up a murder trap for someone to loot his gear and then sell it, despite I could. 
While basically arguing straight against it in theory (since it is as described game breaking), I personally would of course also advice to set a cap on maximum bank money (which needs to be around 100k for not-Lords, for the simple reason that 100k alone already are plenty to lightly arm an army, and the idea of money cap is to reduce inflation)


Splintert *Slightly edited due to his two word response not making sense out of context*

The problem is infinite capital, and the  the only way to keep persistent characters without bank is to put all money in players hands and disallow money robbery.

Another good post by a player (Korbal) I haven't seen for a while was made on Taleworlds. If you are still around, let me know.

TLDR: The mod is ****ed.

Or maybe not.

Something we need to bear in mind when looking for a solution.

Money that has no benefit to the current server environment is utterly, and entirely useless.

So, it is simple. Remove banking and armour scripts.

In fact it isn't. We remove these, then you would see 80% of the playerbase joining Avalon or whatever other server decided to put up with scripts. If this is going to be fixed by removing the banks, it needs cooperation across all servers, and that just isn't going to happen. Yes, we could perhaps get Avalon to agree to remove it, but then another server would pop up, etc , etc.

So bank limits.

The overall solution which I believe is the only way to fix this:

Maximum 150k in your bank. The rest you must carry around on you. Then no money robbing permitted, just armour and items.
Strategic scening. Make resources important. Make mines important. Make farms important.
All stocks start on 0.
I totally agree on the fact these 'modern' scripts broke PW, it was a lot more fun in the past, in the first versions.
Effectively, you won't be able to to remove these for the good reason any other server could come and take all the player base of the server having remooved the scripts.

Making a bank limit ? Yes, even though 150K might be too much. It musn't be more than 70/80k in my opinion.
In addition of that, depositing MUST be taxed. Something between 25% and 50% so player will avoid depositing in banks.

That's what have been done with Persistent Frontier on PF Official EU, I even had fun creating some statistics about that.
Here is the link: http://www.pf-official.eu/forums/load_player_stats.php.
Even if you take a percentage from everyone's deposits, it still doesn't solve the issue at hand - infinite money stored in an offsite, protected location that can be called upon at any time.
It does slow it down, that much is true. I'm not so sure it would be as effective in PW since there is a lot more money floating around already. Not to mention the prices of gear having been risen, so (for example) a 25% tax would merely decrease the inflated gear sell values, just adding another multiplier into a mess of multipliers.

I keep proposing this idea on the Nexus forum but it gets flooded with a bunch of crap, so I'll present it here instead.

A simple solution to the offsite, protected money aspect of the issue is to simply move all players' funds into their hands. Everything else remains the same. This means that players can still store infinitely high amounts of money, but they are always risking it inside the game. They are incentivized to play the game to protect their assets.
Suggested this before, not sure if it would entirely fix your problem but will do it again:

Add a daily (or 2 day) global money pool to the bank which can only be increased for those two days - example as follows:

Day 1 - Bank pool @ 500k denars.

Faction A starts up, withdraws 200k denars to outfit troops, buy horses and throw at wenches to boost morale.

Faction B withdraws 100k denars to counter the growing threat of Faction A, outfits troops.

Bunch of serfs start joining Factions A + B when war begins, production lines come to a relative halt.

Random excessively rich player withdraws 200k denars to **** around with and start a trade caravan.

Bank pool @ 0 Denars.

Faction B kicks the living **** out of Faction A because they were clever with their battle plans and Faction A got overconfident and stupid - Faction B lays siege to Faction A's home fortress ( which happens to have a bank in it ).

There are a few weapon stocks left over in the castle, Faction A tries to withdraw monies but cannot since there is no money in the pool - Thus Faction A dies.

Some of the soldiers from Faction A go surfing ¬.¬ to try and make back some monies, along with the unneeded levies of Faction B - together they make about 200k of which most is deposited into their private bank accounts - also boosting the global bank pool back up to 200k.

I know im pretty bad at examples...

TLDR - Global bank pool set to [#] each couple days, any deposits into private accounts during that time are added to the pool, and withdraws detract from it - thus people NEED to be making money every day to be able to withdraw it.

Also this way it does act more like an actual bank with finite funds ( as opposed to modern day infinite funds).
I like the 150k cap limit and strategic scene design. I do miss mining and farming parties organised by the lord. And it would stop some big faction *cough*Lannisters*cough* abusing the system and dominating other people.

However I`m not sure if stocks starting at zero would make the game more enjoyable, and after all that`s the whole point of the game - enjoyment. Not being allowed to rob gold would simply not work. And of course the biggest issue of PW is the dependence on admins due to rule sets that are meant to protect the peaceful players.
ART0PR said:
I like the 150k cap limit and strategic scene design. I do miss mining and farming parties organised by the lord. And it would stop some big faction *cough*Lannisters*cough* abusing the system and dominating other people.
Funny thing, I actually want to see this mainly because it would be hilarious to give Tavington and his lot some challenge and make him force people to work for him and not just kill them.
Raging Womble said:
Ra'Jiska said:
Why not simply totally wiping every banks once a week for example ?

I would do that but we would lose our players rather fast .

Losing players is a price to pay to have a balanced server on the other hand the bank cap etc might return more players due you actually have to play PW like in the old days i think many players would like to see that
glenn500 said:
Losing players is a price to pay to have a balanced server on the other hand the bank cap etc might return more players due you actually have to play PW like in the old days i think many players would like to see that

I believe you do not understand. If players leave a server because it got its scripts remooved, those players will leave, yes, but then go on another server having scripts. Conclusion: Nexus wouldn't be the leading server anymore and the problem wouldn't be solved.
Ra'Jiska said:
glenn500 said:
Losing players is a price to pay to have a balanced server on the other hand the bank cap etc might return more players due you actually have to play PW like in the old days i think many players would like to see that

I believe you do not understand. If players leave a server because it got its scripts remooved, those players will leave, yes, but then go on another server having scripts. Conclusion: Nexus wouldn't be the leading server anymore and the problem wouldn't be solved.

Nexus should start by having their own poll on their own forum asking what they would do if Nexus would limit Banks etc
Something like this requires the cooperation of every server with external scripts. Even if just Avalon and Nexus cooperated, some random server would come up and offer free money for free thus defeating the whole purpose.
I had in mind to start up a "classic" PW server some months ago, and by classic I mean with no scripts, and bringing back the concept of trying to get as many admins online as possible, instead of having players to make up thousands of complaints on forums. The problem is, there are many "new" players who have never played PW without scripts. They came to PW when the scripts were already there, and they will complaint if they see their gamebreaking scripts taken, giving those servers with scripts a much, and perhaps the whole, bigger player base.

Thx nexus.
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