Hello, thanks for the release...
I'm a bit embarrassed to keep on asking for features.
I can only ease that by offering my help do to so.
In addition, keep in mind that I only ask for features that would be actually used, and which cannot be substituted by work-arounds (to the best of my knowledge).
Also, I'm personally very much interested in M&B enhancing (not WB), so I hope that side project is kept alive and at par with this one. I'm not very fluent in WB modding so apologies if what I say refers to M&B only.
Enough chat!
So, potential new features:
([b]agent_remove_horse[/b], agent_id),
// stores agent horse in reg0
([b]agent_set_horse[/b], agent_id, horse_id),
to add or remove an horse piloted by an agent. It would be responsibility of the mod to give proper animations/positions to rider and horse so to avoid glitches. I think I'm not the only one who was puzzled by the lack of these. I wonder if that's possible.
( [b]agent_damage_shield[/b], agent_id, damage_amount ),
which can occasionally shatter the shield, if it reaches 0.
([b] icon_activate_animation[/b], icon_id, frame_time_start, frame_time_end ),
// sets an animated icon to loop from frame at time_time_start to a frame at frame_time_end (included).
Note: currently, map animations roll from 100 to 140 whenever they move, regardless of how many frames they have, and are fixed to frame at time 0 when they stay still.
I think that default should be changed: not "from 100 to 140" but "from 100 to whatever the maximal time is in the brf file".
And I would give the possibility to override that by the command above.
It is ok that the time rolls at a fixed pace (you would just change the timings in the brf-file to set the speed).
Setting time_start = time_end would naturally mean to stop the animation at a given frame. If the frame is not found, frame 0 should be used.
Also, I would very much like to see a few shortcoming of the system patched:
(4) currently meshes of boots are not customizable per skin (e.g. their feminine frame, if there, is just ignored). It would be cool
if it behaved just like armors.
(5) currently skins specify
rigid calves (you specify the left-calf mesh, and the right one is determined automatically). It would be better if they could specify a rigged pair of calves instead, just like boot objects. Better animations that way, and more customization possible.