SP Medieval [WB] The Liberation - Georgian XI Century Mod

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Well I probably won't be able to work on it until around the end of May. My computer continues to still be messed up and I have a lot of school work to focus on, sorry about that but once again I must make my real life take precedence over this, but I will try to work on it after that.
Taz,  I have found more artwork with total war character models which are pretty realistic, with drawn shields, maps and more.
Here it is: http://www.twcenter.net/forums/showthread.php?478205-Kingdom-of-Georgia-Sakartvelos-Samepho-%26%234321%3B%26%234304%3B%26%234325%3B%26%234304%3B%26%234320%3B%26%234311%3B%26%234309%3B%26%234308%3B%26%234314%3B%26%234317%3B%26%234321%3B-%26%234321%3B%26%234304%3B%26%234315%3B%26%234308%3B%26%234324%3B%26%234317%3B/page2
It seems to be one thing after another. Start of summer my computer breaks, losing all my files. I have still not heard anything from either my modeler, map maker, or texture person. I am working two jobs now, am in school, and am taking exceedingly difficult courses. I also am doing many hours of extracurricular activities currently. My luck with this mod has seemed to go from bad, to worse, to...... well s*#t. I have no idea what to do honestly, I have lost my team members and currently don't have time to do much myself. I am disappointed because I have on and off put many hours into this project over the years, but through two broken computers, two teams that have left without warning, and school already here, once again progress will be slow, unfortunately.

I have taken many punches to the chin, and I don't know how many are left until the knockout.
გაუმარჯოს ბიჭებო, ქართულ მოდს აკეთებთ რაიმეს? ინგლისური არ ვიცი ისე თუ დახმარება გინდათ დაგეხმარებით . საკმაოდ კაი ხანია ტოტალ ვარის თემაზე ვხატავ ქართველ მეომრებს :smile:
კი ძმაო მაგრამ აზრი აღარ აქვს 4 წელია უკვე აკეტებს და ჩვენც დავიღალეთ ხან რას იგონებს ხან რას და ამიტომ თავი დავანებეთ რა არ გამოვა სამწუხაროდ არაფერი  :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad:  თუ ქართველებმა არ მოვიფიქრეთ რამე

Clearly this mod is dead...... AT LEAST FOR WARBAND!!!!! Currently, with the release of Mount and Blade Bannerlord less than a year away (not really sure, could be 1 month, could be 12) It seems pointless to put in tones of time and effort if, by the time I finish, people can enjoy it for a month and then move onto the new game. So, I am planning to start making this mod for Bannerlord! When the game comes out, I will try to start progress on the new and improved version of The Liberation! Do not give up hope! I am very sorry that the Warband version did not work out the way I had hoped. Due to many problems such as broken computer, corrupted files, injuries ( almost lost a few toes, but thats another story), and just having tons of work between my job and school, I was unable to get the progress that I had wanted to see at this point. So, as I said, sorry for the wait, and hopefully through hardwork, dedication, and most of all, luck, I am able to pull through a bannerlord version for all you guys! Thanks for all of your support through this all!

CenturionTaz said:
It seems to be one thing after another. Start of summer my computer breaks, losing all my files. I have still not heard anything from either my modeler, map maker, or texture person. I am working two jobs now, am in school, and am taking exceedingly difficult courses. I also am doing many hours of extracurricular activities currently. My luck with this mod has seemed to go from bad, to worse, to...... well s*#t. I have no idea what to do honestly, I have lost my team members and currently don't have time to do much myself. I am disappointed because I have on and off put many hours into this project over the years, but through two broken computers, two teams that have left without warning, and school already here, once again progress will be slow, unfortunately.

I have taken many punches to the chin, and I don't know how many are left until the knockout.

Looking forward to the new version.

Illustrations of Costume & Soldiers
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