SP Native [WB] Raid and Loot Bandit Marauders.(Recruiting Map Maker)

What should the bandit faction be named.

  • the Bandit Confederacy

    Votes: 7 63.6%
  • The Kingdom of Louthall (Loot All)

    Votes: 1 9.1%
  • The Kingdom of Marader (Marauders)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • The United Bandit States

    Votes: 3 27.3%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .

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Ole John Reb

Hello forumers I am creating a new mod for Mount and Blade Warband. I have some modding skills and am aiming to create new factions, troops, armour, weapons, and etc. The first thing I plan on doing before I release a beta is add a bandit faction which will combine all the bandits together (Although there will still be factionless bandit parties running around.) as well as some other small thing but please bear with my limited modding skills.


Not Begun.
Just started
Little Progress
40-60 % Done
Almost Done
Black means that there is not really a marker as to how close to completion.

A Bandit Faction
More Units
New Weapons and Armours
New Companions
Spear Bracing
Garrisonable Villages
Larger Tournament Bets

The Kingdom of Swadia
The Kingdom of Rhodoks
The Kingdom of Nords
The Kingdom of Vaegirs
The Khergit Khanate
The Sarranid Sultanate
The Bandit Confederacy
                                                                                      Special Thanks To:
SeRgYu-Signature Maker

I am currently looking for a name to this mod so please post any suggestions you may have. And also I will try to update this daily and do not think that this will be it once I become a little better at modding I plan to make this into a large mod.

Vaegir Mace

Uploaded with ImageShack.us

Raiding Axe

Woodcutting Axe

Northern War Sword


Sea Raider Sword




Horned Helm
Pics to be coming.

Vaegir Barbute
Pics to be coming.
With you want a special attention to the new outlaws factions you should name your mod ´´Raid & Loot´´ ´´Bandits & Marauders ´´ ...or something like that.

Let's talk more about your idea.

So you basically want a new faction of 'outlaws' that hold territory at game start?

I'd say, instead how about having an outlaw 'faction' holding certain 'bandit strongholds' which are similair to castles and require a siege to take. How about such a location being similiar to the bandit hideouts in that they are not viewable until you pass by them. How about new bandit parties lead by a 'bandit lord' or other bandit NPC?

What about making more developed bandit troop trees? How about allowing players with negative honor to convince bandit parties to join their party? Just some things to consider....
Well if you have ever played the sword of Damocles they have it so that if you have negative honor you can recruit them and I found it to be pretty fun. Also to the rest of your post exept for the vanishing hideouts that is pretty much what my thoughts were. I planned for two bandit castles and two bandit lords plus a king to start out with. I am also expanding there troop tree so that infantry would basically you would start out with like serfs or peasants and than upgrade into mountain bandits and so on. Currently I have ten different troops in the bandit army which is about as many as in a normal factions army.
Well I made the bandit tree and am beginning to edit the other troop trees.
                                                                                                        Troop Trees
Looter  Level 4  Strength 5  Agility 5
Mountain Bandit Infantry  Level 6  Strength 7  Agility 6
Sea Raider Levy  Level 9  Strength 9  Agility 8
Sea Raider Spearman  Level 13  Strength 10  Agility 8
Sea Raider Axeman  Level 18  Strength 17  Agility 15
Sea Raider Swordsman  Level 22  Strength 19  Agility 17

Taiga Skirmisher  Level 7  Strength 8  Agility 8
Taiga Archer  Level 10  Strength 11  Agility 10
Forester  Level 13  Strength 12  Agility 12
Forester Marksman  Level 15  Strength 14  Agility 12

Mountain Bandit Cavalry  Level 10  Strength 11  Agility 10
Desert Cavalry  Level 15  Strength  16  Agility 14
                                                                                              The Kingdom of Swadia
Recruit  Level 5  Strength 5  Agility 4
Militia  Level 6  Strength 7  Agility 7
Light Footman  Level 8  Strength 10  Agility 8
Footman  Level 9  Strength 10  Agility 10
Spearman  Level 11  Strength 13  Agility 12
Halberdier  Level 15  Strength 14  Agility 13
Infantry  Level 18  Strength 19  Agility 17
Heavy Infantry  Level 21  Strength 20  Agility 19
Dismounted Knight  Level 24  Strength 22  Agility  21

Militia Archer  Level 7  Strength 8  Agility 7
Militia Crossbowman  Level 9  Strength 10  Agility 9
Crossbowman  Level 13  Strength 11  Agility 10
Marksman  Level 16  Strength 15  Agility 14
Sharpshooter  Level 19  Strength 21  Agility 20

Man at Arms  Level 17  Strength 18  Agility 17
Cavalier  Level 21  Strength 22  Agility 20
Knight  Level 25  Strength 26  Agility 24
                                                                                              The Kingdom of Rhodoks
Tribesman  Level 4  Strength 7  Agility 6
Militia  Level 7  Strength 8  Agility 6
Light Infantry  Level 10  Strength 9  Agility 8
Spearman  Level 9  Strength 8  Agility 9
Infantry  Level 14  Strength 15  Agility 12
Trained Spearman  Level  13  Strength 14  Agility 12
Veteran Spearman  Level 15  Strength  14  Agility 13
Sergeant  Level 18  Strength 18  Agility 16
Master Sergeant  Level 23  Strength 27  Agility 23

Archer  Level 6  Strength 7  Agility  7
Veteran Archer  Level 10  Strength  9  Agility 10
Light Crosbowman  Level 12  Strength 13  Agility 12
Crossbowman Level 15  Strength 14  Agility 15
Heavy Crossbowman  Level 17  Strength 18  Agility 16
Sharpshooter  Level 19  Strength 20  Agility 22
Master Sharpshooter  Level 22 Strength 23  Agility 24
Lancer  Level 17  Strength 18  Agility 16
Dunno, I'd suggest instead keep the bandit trees regional, for example:

Forest Bandit--->Forest Brigand--->Forest Marksman--->Brethren of the Woods

It would allow for the player to have more options if they happen to get bandits in their party, and would make successful bandit parties on the map more dangerous. For the bandit faction, I'd try to opt for a more 'generic' but unique tree and equipment. Go for a 'neutral' look in terms of equipment, but that said, there is no reason to believe the 'bandit faction' would not have adopted equipment of other factions...
CounterPoint391 said:
Go for a 'neutral' look in terms of equipment, but that said, there is no reason to believe the 'bandit faction' would not have adopted equipment of other factions...
Thsi here is what I am aiming to do for the bandit weapons and armour. Also for the regular factions if you have ever played Europe 1200 I plan on having faction specific armours like a swadian surcoat.
This will hopefully turn into a pretty good mod depending on how deep you are willing to go for it as a Modeller I do suggest you improve as much as you can in your modelling skills and Texturing because since it will be your mod you will also need to be able to do things yourself most of the time but don't be afraid to ask the more experienced for advice!  :wink: What I do suggest is getting as much info on Real historic Outlaws as you can especially about what weapons they used or how they used to fight (horseback or on foot) etc, and I think having Outlaws control castles is pretty cool maybe not that realistic though, I'm not much of a History person so don't judge me if i'm wrong  :lol:

By the Way what kind of Outlaws will they be? northern Europe, Central Europe? I think Vikings would be pretty neat as an Outlaw Faction, I've got an idea maybe you could have many Outlaw Factions like Northern Outlaws (Vikings) Southern Outlaws could be just normal barbarians (English Anglo-Saxons).
Bandits would fight eachother or Unite together and fight the Civilized Factions would be pretty cool.
Ole John Reb said:
P.S. You may notice that bandit troops will be weaker than regular troops. That is intentional.

Why? If you are making them the center of attention in this mod i guess you should power them up. And more, if they start with only two castles/dens they are going to be wiped out very quickliy.
ah ...i got some ideas to evolved bandit troops names: like Forest Snipers, Hired Assassins(last promotion for Looters), Sea Galloper (a mounted sea rider), Dune Crosser (a better Desert horseman)

For equipments my suggestion is some kind of poison darts(dont know if it is possible to make the effect...) and even poison daggers, arrows and the like...

Be good with the bad guys  :mrgreen:
Thank you I was trying to remember the name of the looters to make them the starting unit but that would be pretty good and dagon I like the Idea of making seperate bandit factions in different areas and may attempt that in later versions but for now i shall just try to make the bandits a faction in general. One more thing I was making them weaker because I wanted them to be the center of attention. :smile: Since there outlaws.
Making them weaker may be a little disadvantage since they will be quickly wiped out unless you make them in large numbers cause if a bunch of Outlaws wearing nothing but sheep skin go face to face against the English Cavalry they won't be Outlaws anymore but English Sushi, What you should do if you're going to make them weaker is give them large numbers as well as a few castles to start with or they won't have a chance.
I am just going to make them as strong or nearly as strong. But there still going into battle with sheepskins exept for like the elite sea raiders who will have byrnies and chainmail. Elite meaning axemen and swordsmen.
Ginthus and Dagon19 are now on the modding team as modellers. 
Also here is a mace.
And dagon is making an axe.

Uploaded with ImageShack.us

If somebody could show me how to put the actual picture here that would be great.
Dagon I was waiting till you finished it completely to put it in there and how do you make it pop up here instead of having to click on a link. Or are you already finished.
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