Sergeant Knight

Multiplayer Realism Mod
The point of this work in progress mod is to achieve what I define as multiplayer realism by making each class dependent of the other classes. Now, and hopefully, it would be a lot less possible for teams of mostly the same classes to win through archer or cavalry spam. Teamwork and cohesion will now be the focus of servers running battles. I will not be using crazy and awesome modding skills and abilities, which I do not have, to make this mod possible. Instead, I will simply be editing the stats of most of the items used in multiplayer so they are more realistic and forces players to play differently by considering the recklessness of their archer and cavalry spams will get them killed much more easily.
Archers in this game at the moment are self-sufficient infantrymen. They excel in taking down cavalries by shooting their horses and can decimate any group of infantries if more than half of an entire team decides to go archers. What ends on the ground are piles of porcupine shields and infantries running around awkwardly to dodge arrows from a dozen archers camping on ruined walls.
Archers and crossbowmen no longer have the ability and strength to pick up and wield most two handed weapons. This means you will not find levied peasants ordered to volley arrows running around wielding heavy Dane Axes that Huscarls, household troops picked for their size, skill and strength, spent much of their time training with. The reload time has been increased and the arrows/bolts per quiver has been decreased. Not everything about archers and crossbowmen is nerfed. The travel speed and damage output of most propelled projectiles is increased.
Archers and crossbowmen are now more dependent on infantry protection and you will no longer find self-sufficient mailed knights running around chopping people up with bardiches and Dane axes with incredible speed after breaking 3 shields with 60 arrows.
Horses also got most of my attention. Cavalry spam and ridiculous and unrealistic horse bumping caught my attention. Horses are now divide between 2 groups and 2 subgroups under each. You have light and heavy horses, and below you get the Calradian and Sarranian/Khergit categories. Light horses have less armor, are easier to kill but a lot faster and maneuverable than their heavier counterparts, making them ideal mounts for skirmishers and lancers. Heavier horses are armored and are much harder to kill. However, they cost much more. If it takes quite a bit to armor a man, wouldn't it also cost as much to armor a horse? Heavier horses are less maneuverable, slower and are ideal for charging infantries head on instead of doing the usual charge-retire-recharge.
Calradian horses are generally bigger, stronger and faster while Sarranian/Khergit horses are much more maneuverable and agile but smaller and slightly weaker. It doesn't matter what kind of horse you get on, horses can now be killed easily if you do things right and horse bumps are now very deadly.
These changes will force cavalry players to use hammer and anvil tactics instead of charging mobs of infantries head on with war horses for easily bumps and will force poorer cavalry players to skirmish and plan careful backlances and charges instead of running around the map surviving 4 arrows and 2 javelin hits.
Throwing Weapons
Unfortunately, throwing weapons can be spammed like arrows and bolts, making this game more of an arcade game than a medieval combat simulator. The general number of throwing weapons you can carry is lowered. However, throwing weapons now deal significantly more damage and has bonus against shield. If several javelins or axes gets stuck on your shield, you will be forced to discard it. Rhodok footmen can now pick up and use throwing spears and only Nords can throw throwing axes.
Melee Weapons
Melee weapons got most of my attention. I have modified almost all of them in every reasonable way possible to give players more options to choose from and to consider, especially when going berserk or spamming. All weapons that are clearly unbalanced, such as maces, one handed axes, fighting picks, soldier's cleaver, etc... are now unbalanced and are a bit slower and all of them can be used to deliver a thrust attack. The type of damage it deals depends on the way the weapon is made. Scimitars and Khergit sabers all got their revamps. They all can be used to deliver thrust attacks, inferior in damage compared to straight swords of course.
I have nerfed the speed of two handed axes and bardiches just a little bit. The reason why I did not nerf it that much is because Huscarls have wielded and fought with them in speed similar to how it is portrayed in the game.
Every faction now will have shield breakers. Morningstars can shatter shields as would an Awlpike can penetrate one. Talking about polearms, most polearms can be used to deliver a slower overhead swing while being used with a shield and glaives can now be used with shields with a small penalty.
Great Helmets and Few Armor Changes
Those playing as Swadia and Rhodoks will now enjoy a bitter sweet modification to their factions' great helmets. Great Helmets/Full Helms are basically two helmets, now giving you significantly increased protection for your head. You can now sustain some overhead swings from most weapons and not take much damage. However, due to the obstruction of sight, the encumbrance is greater as the weight value has significantly increased. You will sacrifice speed for a real metal head.
Some armors got their rightful changes. For example, the Rhodok Aketon now weigh less than a Ragged Outfit. There are now differences in weight between turbans and veiled helmets.
This is still work in progress and I have finished with the armors, melee weapons, archery and cavalry nerf/buff. If you have any suggestions or areas you deem to be totally unrealistic, please tell me.