SP Native Fantasy [WB] Alternative Calradia Mod - In progress

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Latest update:
- NEW THREAD, check second post on page 5 for more information and link
- Page 4 for new troop trees and the latest screenshots of Elven Confederacy troops.

Planned features:
- Built on Diplomacy mod
- 11 factions plus 2 player cultures
- Custom player culture
- Teutonic raiders plus culture
- Recruiting in towns and castles
- Completely reworked item stats
- Undead and firearms (undead are the ONLY unrealistic element of the mod)
- Larger bandit armies including teutonic crusaders, amazon tribes and roaming undead
- Plenty of mercenaries and if possible some culture only special troops
- I will try to make some troops more special, for example, Berserkers might lose blocking ability

Calradia is a piece of land that is isolated from the rest of the world. Trapped between the violent sea, the everlasting winter in the north-east and the endless desert in the south-east. It is believed that the first humans came to calradia long ago down the sharp cliffs in the central-eastern steppelands. The sharpe cliffs however, makes entry into Calradia a much easier task than escaping it. Only questionable rumours and  legends of travelers provide any information of the outside world. Calradia is a small land with no means of escape and soon the steppe got too populated and eventually most of calradia was populated. Constant tribal wars over territory was unavoidable, tribal wars that are still ongoing on a larger scale in modern Calradian times.
Old Empire:
In a time of primitive tribal wars, a clan from the central plains learned to tame and ride horses,  fast and strong creatures native to Calradia. The clan used their new allies as a tactical advantage against other clans and their riders terrified enemy warriors and quickly forced their authority upon defeated and weaker clans in central Calradia. The first major city of Dhirim was build as a center of a newly founded empire. From Dhirim the empire would expand during hundreds of years. The empire was controlled by the Imperial clan but other clans had power and influence within the empire as well. Most clans had their own purposes and duties to the empire and among them, there were those that expanded the empire's borders, colonized and faught the enemies of the empire. These clans were to become very powerfull  due to their succes in strengthening the empire and three of the largest of these clans were Swadia, Vaegir and Rhodok. Eventually the Imperial clan at the center would grow fat and lose control over the powerfull border clans. The weak Imperial clan was quickly overthrown and a series of civil wars were faught over the control of the empire. In the end Swadia won the war and Dhirim was under its control but the two large est clans, Vaegir and Rhodok declared independence and the other territories ignored Swadian law. The empire was practically dead and Calradia divided.

Faction: Kingdom of Swadia
Leaders: King - Lord
Towns: Praven, Suno
The kingdom of Swadia started out as the Swadia clan in the old empire where it expanded the empire to the westwards using its heavy knights to plow through the forests. When they reached the west coast they built the city Praven as their stronghold where they grew strong and rich from the fruitful countryside. During the power struggle that followed the fall of the old empire, Swadia succesfully took over the central imperial territories  and later won the war against the Vaegirs over the north-western coast with the help of Nord mercenaries. For a short time Swadia was the mightiest nation in Calradia since the old empire but after the Nord occupation and Dhirim revolution, Swadia was only a shadow of its glory days.
Before the revolution in Dhirim, swadians used crossbows in their army just like the rhodoks but the crossbows proved ineffective and too slow against the much heavier muskets. The revolution's push towards the western forests were put to a halt when pikes and muskets were useless in the forests against quicker swadian bowmen shooting from behind trees. The swadian peasantry is often living under the nobilities rules and some escape to the forests to live as free men and become bandits. Times of war these forest bandits are often recruited into the ranks of archers and some cover their faces to make sure they are not indentified as criminals.
The swadian knights are slow but very heavy and strong in close melee combat, even on foot, and resistant to archers. When the knights have trampled the enemy, strong polearmsmen and archers clean up what is left of the knights assault.

Troops: Villager/Townsman - Militia - Footman - Infantry - Halberdier: 5
            Villager/Townsman - Militia - Skirmisher - Archer - Marksman: 5
            Squire - Cavalry - Knight: 3

Faction: Vaegir Tsardom
Leaders: Tsar - Boyar
Towns: Rivacheg, Wercheg
The Vaegir clan was a border clan that expanded the old empire to the north-east area of Calradia and they originally had their roots from the steppes which can still be seen in their culture in modern times. They subjugated the barbarian tribes in the snowlands and built cities and castles which was not easy task. The vaegirs were bitter enemies of the swadians in the imperial days as they were the two strongest contestants for inhereting the old empire. When Swadia won the power struggle over the empire, Vaegir abandoned the empire and took a large territory chunk with it. Later they faught a brutal war over the north-west coast but the war tipped in Swadias favor when the nords joined in on their side. Things got even worse for the vaegirs when the barbarian warlords decided that they wanted to play country and stormed the cities and castles in the snowlands. The vaegirs were pushed towards the sea where they captured the nordic town of Wercheg and they made the north-east coast their last stand against the barbarians and the nords. Cut off from Reyvadin which was not taken over by barbarians, there was nothing the vaegirs could do to stop the Dhirim revolution when it spread to Reyvadin.
The vaegirs stopped using dedicated melee infantry troops after their battles with the nords and barbarians as their melee infantry was vastly superior. To counter the enemy melee infantry they trained all vaegir infantry in archery and refused to engage the enemy infantry with their own. As they were decent archers to begin with and their khergit roots where shown in their horsemanship they increased their cavalry numbers and let the cavalry destroy enemy infantry in field battles.
Vaegir infantry act as both heavy melee infantry and as archers and they are best used in defense. Lancers are meant to mow down infantry while heavy horse archers are good at occupying cavalry or skirmishing in general.

Troops: Villager - Scout - Raider - Lancer - Hussar: 5
            Villager - Scout - Skirmisher - Horse Archer - Dvor: 5
            Townsman - Watchman - Archer - Veteran Archer - Guard: 5

Faction: Khergit Khanate
Leaders: Khan - Noyan
Towns: Halmar, Narra
The khergits were nomads even before the empire and they were among the quickest to adopt horse taming. They or the steppelands never truly belonged to the old empire but as the khergits were not united there was nothing that stopped the empire from building cities and claiming the land as imperial territory. The khergits did not mind though as no army or law could catch up with the traveling nomads once they were taught to ride horses and the cities provided chances of raiding and trading. But the cities also brought stability to those who desired it. The khergits were eventually split between city and tribal people. The traditionalist nomads formed alliances with each others and became the Khanate while the city khergits became the Shogunate. A wide spread civil war resulted in Khanate control over the open western steppe and Shogunate control over the enclosed eastern steppe.
The Khanate still manages cities as any nation for economical and tactical reasons but they take great care to keep their old nomadic traditions alive. Some tribes refuse to join the Khanate as they believe the Khanate to be just as untraditional as the Shogunate for uniting and not burning the cities to the ground.
The khergits field the most skilled cavalry and their lancers are very good against cavalry and infantry while guarding the horse archers. Horse archers skirmish and are very good against cavalry with their two handed sabres when riding alongside the enemy cavalry.

Troops: Tribesman - Horseman - Raider - Lancer - Veteran Lancer - Guard: 6
            Tribesman - Horseman - Skirmisher - Horse Archer - Veteran Horse Archer - Mangudai: 6

Faction: Nordic Colonies
Leaders: King - Jarl
Towns: Tihr, Sargoth
The nords are not native to Calradia. They came from an island far away by chance in their longships. They first appeared on the north coast and sailed down rivers and caused terror as they plundered villages. As neither Swadia or Vaegir cared much for the northern regions, the nords did not face much resistance. But after the old empire fell and the swadians and vaegirs started fighting over the north-western coast, the nords found chances to plunder rapidly decreasing due to all the large professional armies in the area. But the nords were very quick to adapt and to the locals surprise, even better traders than they were warriors. Their warriors also sold themselves  as mercenaries to the swadian cause and gained their favor. After the war was won nord leaders were given land to live on as reward and insurrance that they would not return to raiding. But the nords invited their kinsmen from their island and the nords grew in numbers and build cities and castles of their own. The swadian lords did not have time to resist and a nord Jarl declared himself King of the nordic colonies. However the longships stopped coming in large numbers and the new nordic king of the colonies cut off ties with the native island.  Rumours say that the island king was enraged by this and planned a large scale invasion. The invasion never came but some still fear that one day the horizon will be covered with longship sails and that the king of the island will come to take the colonies back along with the rest of Calradia.
The nords have maybe the best general purpose infantry. Warriors are skilled with swords, axes and spears while axe throwers can throw axes from their shieldwall making them very strong against approaching infantry while still protected from ranged attacks by their shields. Nord archers are below average but still useful. Cavalry is serious weakness in field battles though as the nords have short melee range.

Troops: Villager - Hunter - Archer - Marksman: 4
            Townsman - Footman - Warrior - Veteran Warrior - Huscarl: 5
            Townsman - Footman - Axe Thrower - Veteran Axe Thrower: 4

Faction: Rhodok Empire
Leaders: Emperor - Elector
Towns: Veluca, Uxkhal
The Rhodok clan was the third largest clan during the decline of the Imperial clan. Like Swadia and Vaegir, the Rhodok clan was a border clan that expanded the empire. However they were skilled politicians and diplomats rather than warriors. The Rhodok clan kept their relations good with other clans and especially with Swadia as they were powerful neighbours. This allowed the rhodoks to keep their eyes on their prize which was the south-west mountains and avoid any large conflicts with other clans loyal to the empire. The local elven tribes severely disliked strangers in their forests and took every chance they got to ambush the rhodok settlers. With a lot of time, perseverance and smart military tactics they were eventually able to build wide roads, castles and cities as far as to the south-western coast and the city Yalen was the jewel of their success. The elves were deadly archers but rhodok board shields soaked the arrows up and crossbows were perfect for sniping elven archers down from trees. When the old empire fell, Rhodok decided to support Swadia in return for self-governance of the rhodok territories within the empire. It turned out to be a very smart move as Swadia was unable to keep the empire together and during the swadian-vaegir war over the north-western coast, Rhodok took the chance to declare complete independence without fearing a swadian attack. The Rhodok Empire was born and it increased its defenses against Swadia or any other nation or clan that might attack. Unfortunatly for the rhodoks, their defenses were aimed at foreign enemies, not enemies from within. They thought that the occasional elven raids were all that the savage and split elven tribes were capable of. One night, the newly formed Elven Confederacy performed a well coordinated massacre against the rhodok settlements. The rhodoks were unprepared and forced down from the mountains and forced to retreat to the forest edges.
After the elven uprising, the term "rhodok luck" was used for people who continuously had good fortune only to lose everything in an instant.
Crossbowmen provide the power in a rhodok army and are protected from suppressive arrows by boardshield legionnaires. Rhodok heavy lancers serve to engage cavalry and keep them from breaking the crossbow and boardshield formation.

Troops: Villager/Townsman - Militia - Legionnaire - Trained Legionnaire - Veteran Legionnaire: 5
            Villager/Townsman - Militia - Crossbowman - Trained Crossbowman - Veteran Crossbowman: 5
            Horseman - Lancer - Cataphract: 3

Faction: Sarranid Sultunate
Leaders: Sultan - Emir
Towns: Shariz, Durquba
The sarranid people, much like the khergits have lived a nomadic lifestyle. Before the time of the old empire, sarranid tribes often fought each other and when the imperial horsemen came they were unable to properly fight back and joined the empire. During the imperial days the desert was split between many imperial loyal clans and nomadic tribes that sometimes fought each other just like before the empire. After the Swadia clan took control over the dying empire, the sarranids never formally left the empire. However, swadian law was ignored and Swadia eventually gave up on both the sarranids and keeping the empire together. Some time after this, a powerful and rich man from Shariz declared himself Sultan and managed to unite the desert cities under his sultunate.
The nomadic tribes and desert towns share a symbiotic  relationship. The desert towns are depending on outside trading and support which is usually provided by nomadic tribes while in return, the towns act like oasises, safe havens and marketplaces for travelers.
The sarranids are masters of harassment both on horse and on foot. Lancers and skirmishers on horse attack stragglers and protects the vulnerable infantry from enemies. Warriors and archers skirmish with throwing spears and bows and in melee they are quick but weak with their spears and scimitars.

Troops: Townsman - Militia - Footman - Warrior - Almogavar: 5
            Townsman - Militia - Watchman - Archer - Marksman: 5
            Nomad - Horseman - Raider - Veteran Raider - Lancer: 5
            Nomad - Horseman - Skirmisher - Veteran Skirmisher - Jinete: 5

Faction: People's Republic
Leaders: Consul - Tribune
Towns: Dhirim, Reyvadin
The former imperial capitol of Dhirim declined along with the old empire. In the latter days of the empire and under swadian rulership, the plains people were neglected by the nobility and constantly under pressure from barbarian and khergit raiders. There had been a resistance movement for some time in Dhirim that worked towards independance from Swadia. They had experienced little succes but one day a young inventor who sympathized with the cause, joined the movement and provided it with gunpowder weapons. After a long political campaign against the swadian nobility, the movement gained the people's support and soon a full revolutionary war had begun. The powerful muskets proved the key to victory for the revolutionaries as the slow and heavy swadian knights were easily gunned down or impaled on pike walls no matter how much armor they wore. The revolution spread across the plains to villages, castles and eventually even the vaegir capitol of Reyvadin which had been seperated from vaegir lands by the barbarian horde rebelled against the nobility and joined the revolution. The war with Swadia came to an end when the swadians retreated to their forests where pikes and muskets were at a disadvantage. The People's Republic was formed and its leaders were selected by the people to make sure that the people would no longer be neglected. Some believe however that the power vacuum left behind by the nobility will be taken over by the rich merchant class which will become a new upperclass that will once again rule over the commoners with tyranny.
The young inventor disappeared during the revolutionary war before the republic was created. The common belief is that he was assassinated by Swadia but some rumours speculate that he was 'silenced' by revolutionary leaders. Swadians however would say that he was a demon in human shape whos purpose was to spread death and chaos as well as destroy the holy Swadian Kingdom. Horse taming and riding originated from the imperial clan from Dhirim but now the current people plains are too far behind the other factions of Calradia in horsemanship to return to their past as horse masters.
The revolutionary troops are best used in a formation similar to the rhodoks except that they serve different purposes. A musketeer line posses deadly power but need a pikewall to guard against cavalry charges. A few claymore warriors and pistoleers provide a more solid counter against melee infantry than pikes and muskets. They are very weak however against rapid firing archers as they got no defense against projectiles and all the firepower in the world is useless if you can not even hit your target.

V Pikeman - Trained Pikeman - Veteran Pikeman - Elite Pikeman: 4
T Musketeer - Trained Musketeer - Veteran Musketeer - Elite Musketeer: 4
C Swordsman - Claymore - Veteran Claymore: 3
C Swordsman - Swashbuckler - Duelist - Officer: 4

Faction: Barbarian Horde
Leaders: Overlord - Warlord
Towns: Curaw, Khudan
Just like most regions in Calradia, the snowlands were populated by tribes that fought each other constantly. The barbarian tribes however, were and are more savage and war loving than any tribes. Raids and brawls are only interupted by dinnertime. But like every other people in Calradia the barbarians fell against the imperial cavalry and the Vaegir clan brought civilization to the snowlands and the north-eastern coast. After the old empire had fallen and the vaegirs lost the war over the north-west coast, the Vaegir clan was at its weakest. At this time the barbarian warlords became convinced that their vaegir masters had grown weak so a gigantic barbarian horde was formed which took the vaegirs by storm. They took vaegir castles and towns and made them their own. The vaegirs were pushed up towards the coast and only there where they able to hold off the barbarian hordes. The barbarians eventually formally created their own nation with the intention of conquering all of Calradia and.
Some barbarian shamans claim that their ancestors warns them in their dreams that one day an undead army of unimaginable size will emerge from the constant snowstorms to the east of the snowlands to destroy all life in Calradia. The shamans use their dreams to urge on the conquest and uniting of Calradia for the sake of facing this threat. The undead horde crossed the desert so why not the tundra?
Sturdy barbarian warriors acts as shields for softer damage dealing troops. Berserkers have a very weak defense and are very vulnerable when standing still. But they make up for this with high speed and brutal damage in melee. Archers attack with either javelins or bows while raiders do heavy damage against melee cavalry or melee infantry with their long axes and throwing axes.

VTC Tribesman -> Footman -> Warrior -> Veteran Warrior -> Marauder: 5
VTC Tribesman -> Footman -> Warrior -> Scout -> Raider: 5
VTC Tribesman -> Footman -> Hunter -> Skirmisher -> Marksman: 5
Shaman -> Pyromancer

Faction: Khergit Shogunate
Leaders: Shogun - Daimyo
Towns: Ichamur, Tulga
When many khergits settled in the imperial built cities they started to develope their own way of life that opposed the traditions of the traditional nomadic kherigt tribes. They allied under a shogun and adopted a isolationistic and defensive policy to keep the increasingly more hostile tribes away. The Khergit Khanate was formed by strong nomadic clans to oppose the Khergit Shogunate and after a massive khergit against khergit war, the shogunate and khanate were split. The shogunate got a hold on the eastern steppe which suits their policies perfectly as it is enclosed by mountains and only narrow vallies leads to the eastern steppe. The khanate got hold on the western steppe which suits them as well as it is open and suitable for their nomadic traditions.
The shogunate khergits divide into two classes. The commoners who live typical lowerclass lives and in battle they mainly provide numbers to overwhelm the enemy and support the real warriors. The other class is the samurai class which act as a nobility and rulers of the shogunate. But the samurai are also elite warriors in battle, trained in different combat arts and do critical damage against the enemy when supported by the numerous commoner ashigaru troops.
Cheap asigaru troops use their numbers against the enemy and act as meatshields for the stronger and fewer samurai warriors. Samurai warriors are skilled with both bow and sword but are vulnerable against cavalry and archers. Mounted samurai uses naginatas to counter melee cavalry but their low speed makes them vulnerable to archers both on foot and on horse.

Troops: Ashigaru - Yari Ashigaru - Trained Yari Ashigaru - Veteran Yari Ashigaru: 4
            Ashigaru - Yumi Ashigaru - Trained Yumi Ashigaru - Veteran Yumi Ashigaru: 4
            Samurai - Katana Samurai - Nodachi Samurai: 3
            Samurai - Katana Samurai - Yumi Samurai: 3
            Samurai - Mounted Samurai - Mounted Naginata Samurai: 3

Faction: Necromantic Cult
Leaders: Death Lord - Necromancer
Towns: Ahmerrad, Bariyye
Note: Necromancy is THE only supernatural element in the mod so do not expect any flashy magic tricks.
The desert of south Calradia was believed to be endless by the sarranids. Impossible to cross as there is no end and the only people who have returned from such a journey were those that turned back before they died in the heat. However, all of Calradia was shocked when the undead horde suddenly appeared from the desert and besieged Bariyye. Soon the eastern half of the desert had fallen to the undead. The only things that have stopped the undead horde from advancing any further in Calradia is the quick and skirmishing sarranid warriors and the powerful samurai that guard the pass that leads to the eastern steppe. Behind the undead forces there was a necromantic cult lead by necromancer with the power to raise the dead as obedient slaves. The cult have the intention of forcing its dark beliefs and rituals upon the calradians and anyone who resists is killed without mercy. Those that do not resist the cult are controled by fear or brainwashed and their destiny is to be killed in a necromantic ritual and raised as an undead slave. Once a creature have been turned undead it will be unable to feel any emotion and the only will that matters is that of the necromancer who raised it. Because of the inability to learn after death, cultist soldiers are trained and only when they are deemed worthy of eternal life do they undergo the necromantic ritual to serve their master with their skills forever. But the undead are not truly eternal as they can be destroyed by the defeat or death of their necromancer. To counter this, necromancers who are closing in on their own unavoidable death undergo the necromantic ritual to serve another necromancer along with his slaves as a Lich.
Some fear that the Death Lord who rulesover the Necromantic Cult is actually only a minor general under a death god who rules over an unimaginably gigantic necromantic empire outside of Calradia. The possibility that Calradia is the last land of free men is denied by nords who tell indirect stories of foreign lands. Barbarian shamans and others of a more superstitious nature will however do their best to make sure that the undead are not taken lightly.
Cultist troops are generally weak but still able to perform properly unless outnumbered on the  battlefield. The strength lies in the cheap undead troops which can not be killed unless the army is completely defeated and their skeletal bodies gives them a natural armour. This means that the cultist armies take much fewer casualties and can often outnumber the enemy.

VTC Serf -> Footman -> Warrior -> Undead Warrior: 4
VTC Serf -> Footman -> Warrior -> Horseman -> Undead Horseman: 5
VTC Serf -> Footman -> Archer -> Undead Archer: 4
Necromancer -> Lich
Black Knight -> Death Knight

Faction: Elven Confederacy
Leaders: Elder - War Chief
Towns: Jelkala, Yalen
Note: The elves in this mod are elves in name only. They are humans inspired by fantasy wood elves, forest bandits and the iroquois confederacy.

The elves have lived in the mountainous forests of south-west Calradia long before the old empire was formed. They have a strong bow archery tradition and their longbowmen are unmatched by other calradian bowmen. The elves are a xenophobic people despite fighting between the different elven tribes and strangers are often shot at sight. When the Rhodok clan began its expansion through the forests the elves constantly harassed the rhodok caravans and settlers with arrows from the tree tops. But the rhodoks were smart and began using board shields to block the elven arrows and behind the board shield, crossbowmen hid and only raised their heads to snipe elven archers with great success. The elven ambushes became even more futile when the rhodoks built fortifications and wide roads. But after the Rhodok clan had conquered the mountains it would eventually declare itself as the independant Rhodok Empire. The new empire no longer thought of the elven tribes as threats and their forces were stationed along the borders incase of a war with Swadia or other external nation. Elven tribe leaders gathered and agreed on forming an alliance with the goal of throwing out the invaders once and for all. The Elven Confederacy was formed and they took advantage of the rhodok weakness and in a brutal and swift surprise war against the rhodoks, they pushed out most of the rhodoks towards the forest edges. The elven leaders realize that they do not have the power to hold back foreign armies forever so the elves are on the warpath now that they are more united and stronger than ever. The foreigners must be stopped before being given a chance to invade the forests!
Elven longbowmen are the strongest archers in calradia and are perfect for quickly taking the enemy down from range. However, without melee support or defensive terrain, they are very vulnerable once in melee. To support the archers, warriors wait for the enemy to be soften up by arrows and then use their speed and power to quickly take down the approaching enemy. Warriors are also decent with their spears at taking on slowed down cavalry but elven armies should avoid battles on flat land if possible.

CTV Troops:
Tribesman ->  Footman -> Warrior -> Veteran Warrior -> Champion: 5
Tribesman ->  Hunter -> Archer -> Longbowman -> Veteran Longbowman -> Marksman: 6

Castle Special: Elven Scout -> Elven Ranger
Town Special: Elven Druid

Elven Champion line.
Elven Tribesman

Elven Footman

Elven Warrior

Elven Veteran Warrior

Elven Champion

Elven Marksman line.
Elven Tribesman

Elven Hunter

Elven Archer

Elven Longbowman

Elven Veteran Longbowman

Elven Marksman

Special troops.
Elven Druid
Druids are herbal medicine doctors and they communicate with the spirits of nature. They are lightly armed and often of old age but they are known for their strength which they gained from their long travels through mountains and forests in the search for rare herbs. They are also revered for their wisdom and love for nature but more than a few of them lose their sanity in the wilderness.

Elven Bard
Bards are professional entertainers. Many of them travel through Calradia and hire themselves out to taverns, courts and armies. While they are not soldiers, some of them are skilled acrobats or even assassins. (They were meant to carry lutes or lyres (as shields) on their back for visual reason but despite being forced to have shields, units who got two handed weapons do not get their shields.)

Elven Scout
Scouts are quick both mounted and on foot. They are the only elves who rides horses and the purpose is to outrun foreign cavalry and scout areas or even hunt down enemies as light cavalry.

Elven Ranger
Rangers act not only as scouts, but also as law enforcers in elven lands. While they are stronger than scouts, they still should be kept away from heavy fighting.
It was a month ago since I posted my mod in progress but I did not get nearly the amount of feedback I wanted. :sad: (Thanks to dcoold though)
Hopefully I will get more constructive response which I would really appreciate now that I have updated the mod page with more information and stuff. I hope the history texts somehow makes the factions appear less random and silly to those who bother reading. I am going to keep working and next I will either make the teutonic culture ingame ready or finish the item reworking where I still have weapons and body armours left.

My current plans for the items are:
- Lower armor
- Lower melee damage
- Ranged weapons slower and less accurate
- Spears will be improved to be more attractive

Things I would really appreciate help with are:
- How to make a troop recruiting script that only shows up in fiefs owned by the player
- How to make a script that makes certain troops provide a party with morale or other bonuses.

Old inpirational images of Teutonic Order culture troops:

well this is the first time I have seen this and I must say I think it looks very interesting But as I have a favouring of the Teutonic Order can they be recruited? Hope you go forward with this. I miss a good, well thought out SP mod.  :mrgreen:
87th_Foot_Fus_Hall said:
well this is the first time I have seen this and I must say I think it looks very interesting But as I have a favouring of the Teutonic Order can they be recruited? Hope you go forward with this. I miss a good, well thought out SP mod.  :mrgreen:
Thank you and yes, they will be somehow recruitable. Teutonic crusaders are planned to wander Calradia in large bandit armies to provide a bandit foe worthy of fighting with lords and high leveled players. They are also planned to be an available culture for the player kingdom but not hirable as mercenaries.
    [(party_get_slot, ":volunteer_troop", "$current_town", slot_center_volunteer_troop_type),
     (party_get_slot, ":volunteer_amount", "$current_town", slot_center_volunteer_troop_amount),
     (party_get_free_companions_capacity, ":free_capacity", "p_main_party"),
     (store_troop_gold, ":gold", "trp_player"),
     (store_div, ":gold_capacity", ":gold", 10),#10 denars per man
     (assign, ":party_capacity", ":free_capacity"),
     (val_min, ":party_capacity", ":gold_capacity"),
       (gt, ":party_capacity", 0),
       (val_min, ":volunteer_amount", ":party_capacity"),
     (assign, reg5, ":volunteer_amount"),
     (assign, reg7, 0),
       (gt, ":volunteer_amount", ":gold_capacity"),
       (assign, reg7, 1), #not enough money
       (eq, ":volunteer_amount", 0),
       (str_store_string, s18, "@No one here seems to be willing to join your party."),
       (store_mul, reg6, ":volunteer_amount", 10),#10 denars per man
       (str_store_troop_name_by_count, s3, ":volunteer_troop", ":volunteer_amount"),
         (eq, reg5, 1),
         (str_store_string, s18, "@One {s3} volunteers to follow you."),
         (str_store_string, s18, "@{reg5} {s3} volunteer to follow you."),
       (set_background_mesh, "mesh_pic_recruits"),
        (eq, reg7, 1),
      "I don't have enough money...",
        (eq, reg7, 0),
        (eq, reg5, 0),
      ], #noone willing to join                   
        (party_set_slot, "$current_town", slot_center_volunteer_troop_amount, -1),
        (eq, reg7, 0),
        (gt, reg5, 0),
      "Recruit them ({reg6} denars).",
        (call_script, "script_village_recruit_volunteers_recruit"),
        (eq, reg7, 0),
        (gt, reg5, 0),
      "Forget it.",

possible change would be this (no opt done, not tested)
		(party_slot_eq,"$current_town",slot_town_lord,"trp_player"),	                                             # Checks if it belongs to player
		(party_get_slot, ":volunteer_troop", "$current_town", slot_center_volunteer_troop_type),
		 (party_get_slot, ":volunteer_amount", "$current_town", slot_center_volunteer_troop_amount),
		 (party_get_free_companions_capacity, ":free_capacity", "p_main_party"),
		 (store_troop_gold, ":gold", "trp_player"),
		 (store_div, ":gold_capacity", ":gold", 10),#10 denars per man
		 (assign, ":party_capacity", ":free_capacity"),
		 (val_min, ":party_capacity", ":gold_capacity"),
		   (gt, ":party_capacity", 0),
		   (val_min, ":volunteer_amount", ":party_capacity"),
		 (assign, reg5, ":volunteer_amount"),
		 (assign, reg7, 0),
		   (gt, ":volunteer_amount", ":gold_capacity"),
		   (assign, reg7, 1), #not enough money
	(else_try),                                                   #If it doesnt belong to the player, recruit amount variable is set to 0
		(assign, ":volunteer_amount", 0),
	   (eq, ":volunteer_amount", 0),
	   (str_store_string, s18, "@No one here seems to be willing to join your party."),
	   (store_mul, reg6, ":volunteer_amount", 10),#10 denars per man
	   (str_store_troop_name_by_count, s3, ":volunteer_troop", ":volunteer_amount"),
		 (eq, reg5, 1),
		 (str_store_string, s18, "@One {s3} volunteers to follow you."),
		 (str_store_string, s18, "@{reg5} {s3} volunteer to follow you."),
	   (set_background_mesh, "mesh_pic_recruits"),
        (eq, reg7, 1),
      "I don't have enough money...",
        (eq, reg7, 0),
        (eq, reg5, 0),
      ], #noone willing to join                   
        (party_set_slot, "$current_town", slot_center_volunteer_troop_amount, -1),
        (eq, reg7, 0),
        (gt, reg5, 0),
      "Recruit them ({reg6} denars).",
        (call_script, "script_village_recruit_volunteers_recruit"),
        (eq, reg7, 0),
        (gt, reg5, 0),
      "Forget it.",

For troops having an effect on stats (or moral) have a look at this

Extremely much appreciated Duh! I will be very greatful if I get this to work and will make sure to credit you.  :grin:
You might have to change things from a local variable (":volunteer_amount") to a registry (reg5 is already used to keep track of it anyway). So in the added else_try assign reg5 0 and then switch volunteer_amount with reg5 in the check below. IIRC local variable are only usable for their try block, regs on the other hand remain valid until sth else overwrites them.
The Teutonic Order troops are done. Teutonic crusading bandit armies will roam Calradia and they will be available as a culture for the player faction. The recruit line is made up of the Order's elite religious warriors. The conscript line is made up of slaves and lower class volunteers and their purpose is to support the melee warriors with bolts and glaives. Feel free to tell me if there is something you think could be improved.

Troops: Teutonic Recruit - Teutonic Footman - Teutonic Infantry - Teutonic Foot Knight: 4
            Teutonic Recruit - Teutonic Footman - Teutonic Cavalry - Teutonic Knight: 4
            Teutonic Conscript - Teutonic Crossbowman - Teutonic Veteran Crossbowman: 3

Potential companion who is necessary for enabling the Teutonic culture for the player faction.

Teutonic Priests

Teutonic infantry line

Teutonic Cavalry and Knights

Teutonic crossbow line

e27 said:
GunFred said:
(undead are the ONLY unrealistic element of the mod)
GunFred said:
Faction: Necromantic Cult

Faction: Elven Confederacy


The elves are elves in name only. They are actually humans (at least until I learn race modelling  :razz:) and being an elf is like being a swadian or a khergit. Being called elves suit them as their warfare and in some ways, appearance áre inspired by the fantasy race. Elves here can be compared to humans being called vampires for drinking human blood without being actual vampires.

Necromancy is the only supernatural thing that is planned for this mod but there are also religions in Calradia so maybe this alternative Calradia is actually a magical place behind the scenes...

Comrade Temuzu said:
Well, this mod seems really interesting. Good luck with it.

Thanks.  :smile:
Lord Goodfella said:
GunFred, sorry for my earlier mistake about my PM. But I did intend to send a similar one to you as well. An application for composing your music.
No need to apologize. I sent you a PM reply now.  :smile:

Edit: Moved potential mercenaries from main page to here to make room for other stuff on the main page.
Potential mercenary/culture troops:
If I can, I will later make some special troops give bonuses to their party.

Centaur: Named after the famous mythical beast because of their legendary horsemanship. They claim to be of Imperial clan blood but live as elite nomadic mercenaries. Used by the Khanate and hired in Taverns.

Black Knight: Heavy elite cavalry of the Necromantic Cult. Upgraded to Death Knight.

Apprentice: Novice necromancers who assist in rituals. Not very useful in battle but can be upgraded to Lich

Druid: Elven priests who are good staff fighters and rock throwers but should avoid heavy fighting.

Executioner: Heavy and very strong but very slow vaegir soldier. Hirable in taverns.

Amazon: Not really meant as a mercenary but amazon warbands are planned as strong bandits.

Valkyrie: Nordic religious warrior women on horse using lances and nord melee weapons. Strong units but tough to use as they easily get outnumbered and seperated from nord foot troops.

Rhodok Guard: Crossbowman, legionnaire and plate armour combined.

Rhodok Mounted Crossbowman: Uses lighter crossbows from horseback and are hirable in taverns.

Swadian Paladin: Elite religious knights of Swadia.

Swadian Foot Knight: Mercenary knights trained in polearm foot combat. Hirable in taverns.

Revolutionary Dragoon: Acts as officers and police in the republic. On the battlefield they are powerful skirmishers against infantry but weak against fast cavalry.

Gunner: Gunners are brutal in short range combat. Their guns are extremely powerful but inaccurate and in melee they use very large two handed swords to destroy their opponent. Pure power and hirable in taverns.

Ninja: Assassins from the Shogunate who are very quick and throws daggers. Hirable in taverns

Samurai Yabusame: Ceremonial horse archers with roots from the old nomadic tradition of horse archery. Heavier and stronger than Khanate horse archers but considerably slower.

Ronin: Clanless samurai warriors who are skilled with both bow and sword. Hirable in taverns.

Shaman: Barbarian priests who are much like druids.
Moved potential mercenaries from main page to my earlier post just above this one to make room for other stuff on the main page.

I am currently working on the new bandit spawns. The spawns themselves are done but only Teutons and Amazons are 95% done. I have also added map images on the main page that shows the current positions of the factions. Have in mind that I plan to reassign some villages to stop territorial situations like Tahlberl(look at Swadia map to know what I mean).

Teutonic Crusaders
They spawn near Bazeck(barbarian map). Look among the lower page 1 comments to see pictures of them. They are the only planned bandit culture that is available for the player kingdom.

Roaming Undead
They spawn between Jelbegi Castle and Tahlberl(nord map) and also between Rduna and Dirigh Aban(khanate map). They are almost done as they use the undead troops of the Necromantic Cult. They still missing a necromancer troop though.

Dark Elf Renegades
They spawn between Maras Castle and Haringoth Castle(elf map). I am probably gonna finnish them tomorrow but I got some pics that shows how they will probably look like. The dark elves are from an outcast elven tribe. They have a grudge against the Confederacy and have adopted a small board shield to use against other elven archers.
Bandit -> Warrior
Archer -> Assassin

Amazon Raiders
They spawn near Amashke(khanate map). Amazons are nomadic warrior tribes which only members are all female. They are highly dangerous raiders and sometimes they capture strong male warriors for breeding. But before you think about getting captured on purpose to get your own harem, you should know that males are always killed as soon as possible in cruel ways. Male children born by amazon mothers are swiftly killed.
Sister -> Huntress -> Matriarch

Amazon Sisters

Amazon Huntresses

Amazon Matriarchs
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