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Dunque giusto per organizzare un pò tutti i topic aperti su ogni nuova versione di WB ho deciso di aprire un topic unico dove raggrupparli tutti.


Version 0.590 changes:
Fixed horse hitbox not being checked properly
The game now differentiates between left and right-swings for determining if attacker can hit behind the defender's block
Added itp_can_penetrate_shield to bolts
Increased horse prices,
decreased throwing axe melee damage and number.
quiver visuals are fixed
animation predictions are fixed
client initial connection is fixed
client hanging while searching servers or connecting to a server is fixed
corpse amount bug is fixed, fade out is fixed
hit points is updated
arrow bolt throwing weapon displays are fixed
hanging at server is fixed
text messages in multiplayer mode is fixed
mouse cursor fixed for ToggleFullScreen
You can no longer use an item that is behind a wall.
profile deletion fix
Version 0.610 changes:
Fixed bug with archers being able to shoot through obstacles right next to them.
Increased horse hit_points
Removed nord veteran default throwing axe. (It will need to be purchased)
Added long bow to nord archers equipment selection.
Added sound cue, played when player's shot hits a target.
New "Master of the Field" game mode is added to battle mode which kicks in when there have been no causalties for a while. In this mode, the team that can pull up the flag in the middle of the field will win the match.
Fixed verious networking bugs and problems.
Version 0.612 changes:
Ranged accuracy is reduced while jumping.
Hit points of saddle horse, sumpter horse, and courser are reduced.
Deathmatch standard gold bonuses have been doubled.
Horse charge damage has been halved.
The flags in Battle/Master of the field mode will appear in one of the three possible locations randomly.
Various bug-fixes.
Version 0.613 changes:
Bans initated by player votes now expire after half an hour.
Fixed hit detection bug with thrusting/couched lance while moving/riding fast.
Jumping now reduces accuracy with crossbows and throwing weapons as well as bows.
Re-adjusted proficiencies for some troop types.
Many other bug-fixes.
Version 0.614 changes:
Two new maps.
New Voting options: change factions/change bot count
Added system for footstep matching for better looking foot-work.
Reduced friendly fire penalty when one shoots a horse but is not on horseback.
Camera now returns to previous position when you "view character" in multiplayer.
Camera rotation speed is now limited in MP.
Font scale reduced for on-screen battle reports.
Changed shield up/down animations
text fade out speed is changed.
mumble positional audio support is added (but doesn't seem to be working at the moment?)
crossbow icon now shows whether it is loaded or not.
Attack animation reach extended some more.
Many other bug fixes.
Version 0.615 changes:
Change in network protocol, therefore clients running 0.615 won't be able to see servers running older versions.
Admins cannot be banned from servers any more.
Changed random terrain generation system in MP and reduced default random terrain dimesions.
Reticule now turns red if character can't shoot at the current direction on horseback.
Troop stats and equipment re-balance for slightly more defined roles for cavalry, archers and infantry.
Movement-direction is controlled with a similar system to Single-player now.
The limit on Mouse-look introduced in .614 has been removed.
Reduced chance of crossbow bolts to penetrate shields.
Refined two-handed swing animations.
Dedicated servers now create event logs.
Several bug fixes.
Version 0.620 changes:
New Multiplayer Mode "Fight and Destroy" where one team tries to destroy the strategic targets on the map and the other tries to

defend them.
Character's turn speed now stays behind camera turn speed only while swinging a weapon or jumping.
Active defending arc against thrusting attacks increased.
Fixed camera view-angle for wide displays.
Aiming accuracy is now affected while turning.
The game now registers manual blocking direction when right-click is pressed even if the character is stunned at that instant
Other small adjustments to manual-blocking.
Money formula altered slightly.
Various bug fixes.
Version 0.621 changes:
Fixed the sound bug that played when a scenery object was hit.
Fight and Destory mode money formula slghtly changed. Targets now give 1500 gold when destroyed, but attackers start with 100 less gold.
The durability of the catapult and trebuchet is now sclaed according to the number of players.
Added sally door to castles in siege mode, which can be broken down to open another entry.
Version 0.622 changes:
New network protocol used, which should reduce packet size and improve relaibility.
Combat-speed can now be specified in multiplayer admin options.
Maximum votable bots can now be specified in multiplayer admin options.
Reduced effect of encumberance on walking speed.
Reduced running speed while bow is drawn.
Turning accuracy penalty now only applied on sudden turns.
Turn limitation while attacking is now working correctly.
Added Stun effect to bocks. Blocking a heavier weapon with light one causes the defender to be stunned for a short while.
Fixes to manual blocking.
Changes to some animations.
Version 0.623 changes:
Fixed rot constraints for horseback thrusts
Blocking against heavier weapons now causes stun properly.
gate/ladder/door use messages now explicitly mention the direction, eg. Close gate/Oen gate
Sally door on castle 2 scene can no longer be opened from outside.
Fixed bug where you could throw javelins very quickly by tapping right mouse button
Various other bug fixes.
Version 0.625 changes:
Attacks by heavier weapons stunning lighter ones is active now.
Blocking is now predicted on client, so that it will feel more responsive.
Throwing weapons are now thrown slightly quicker.
Various bug fixes.
Version 0.630 changes:
New bot command system. Players now select which bot types they want to lead.
Added Control attack/defense direction by keyboard option.
Basic implementation of weapon inertia system.
Many attack animations are back to being slower.
Stun has been disabled.
Fixed bug which made blunt attacks classified differently.
All damage has been reduced a tad(approx. 7%.)
Fixed bug which made armor rating of horses get used incorrectly.
One handed weapon use penalty increased for polearms and twohanded weps.
Fixed skeleton for better detection of head-shots.
Removed javelins,war bow, hunter and courser from Khergit horse archers.
Various bug fixes.
Version 0.632 changes:
Players can now select banners in their profiles
Added the ability to kick opponents. You need to be stationary or walking backwards and not defending yourself with a shield.
Attacks can no longer be cancelled after the swing animation is past a certain point.
Walking back speed increased as long as you are not actively shooting with a ranged weapon.
Increased accuracy penalty to archers while walking.
Effect of speed bonus has been reduced.
Effect of encumberence on speed has been further reduced.
You can no longer hit the rider after hitting the horse if the horse armor is high enough.
Fixed bug where overhead attacks did little damage.
Added more arrow and bolt types to archer troops.
Version 0.633 changes:
Kicks are not used by double tapping forward button.
Very powerful attacks can crush through weaker blocks
Combat speed now has five levels.
Blunt weapons now cause knocback more frequently.
You can now choose to use your facton's banner at your profile.
Horse armor finally fixed.
Missiles shot on horseback not take only 10% of perpendicular component of horse velocity.
Increased precision of missile Collision detection with shields.
Version 0.634 changes:
Single handed swing animations slightly sped up.
New helmets and long axes for Nords.
Speed decreased further while climbing slopes.
Added control_mouse_movement_y_scale option to config file.
Only very powerful overhead attacks cause crush-through now. Powerful right/left attacks cause stuns.
Turn speed slightly capped while running.
Even weak attacks interrupt your opponent now.
Improvements to precision of shield defense against missiles.
Some weapon and troop re-balancing.
sword motion blur fix with instancing rendering;
New siege map.
Faction banners added to score page and score display part
Limited respawn option added to siege mod.
Various bug fixes.
Version 0.635 changes:
Single-handed attack animation reduced slightlty.
Horsemen can no longer swing or thrust through their horses.
Reduced slope penalty slightly.
Added icons for mauls and morningstars
Turn-limit fine-tuned.
Castle doors can be opened by only defenders
You can now block with a weapon while kicking.
Swinging attacks that hit feet may now cause the victim to fall to the ground.
Changed couched lance animation so that shield doesn't obstruct view.
Various bugs fixed.
Version 0.641 changes:
Rolled back vertex buffer system to the old one for the time being.
Fixed weapons causing knock-back indiscriminately.
Various other bugs fixed.

Version 0.640 changes:
Gold is now set to a minimum of 1000.
Lances are held further back for couched-lancing, extending the range.
It is now possible to kick regardless of speed, however it will be slower to switch to kick animation if you are running.
Changed horseback swing limitation system so that the system now favors attack to the sides when the attack would otherwise hit the

horse's neck.
Fixed bugs with turn speed limitation system while running/attacking.
Fine-tuning to crush-through system.
New vertex buffer management method.
Version 0.650 changes:
It is now possible to stop attacks by parrying or blocking. Quickly pressing and releasing the right mouse button will trigger a parry, whereas holding it down will activate a block. Parrying at the right time will cause the attacker to be stunned longer giving the defender a longer window for a counter-attack. Parrying with a shield will also cause less damage to the shield. Currently, there is no seperate animation for parrying but it is still functional.

Chambering animation will also defend against a particular attack direction for a brief period:
Chamber right -> Defends against opponent's left to right attack.
Chamber left -> Defends against opponent's right to left attack.
Chamber overswing -> Defends against opponent's thrust attack.
Chamber thrust -> Defends against opponent's overswing attack.

Characters now use special running animations when ther upper-body is forced to rotate sideways because they are doing a particular attack animation.
Characters now go into "sprint" mode and run faster if you do not attack or defend for two seconds.
Some attack animations have been sped-up
Removed restriction on attack direction for horseback weapon thrusts.
Weapons now cause less damage when they connect to the target further down the shaft.
Couched lancing does less damage and kicks in at a higher speed.
Horses are now more likely to rear up when they are hit by spear thrusts.
Long axes can now be used as polearm by pressing the x key.
Welcome message added to admin panel options.
Game admins can now modify gold bonuses.
Many other fixes.

Best wishes,
-Taleworlds Team
Version 0.660 changes:
Order System changed to a two-stage system. A menu is shown on screen to help remember orders.
Identical thrown weapon stacks are now clustered together when you switch to next weapon.
Kick is now bound to a key
Many new weapons to various factions including war cleavers, long hafted maces, etc...
Forward speed is reduced for a while after being blocked/blocking.
Ranged troops are staggered when another troop bumps into them.
Attacks at the beginning/end of their arc get more stun.
Attacks now collide with the environment.
New troop morale system for single player.
Many other fixes and improvements.
Version 0.670 changes:
The game now uses Havok for Character physics.
Random plains maps are now less hilly.
Kick is now affected by friendly fire options.
random desert and desert forest scenes are added.
Kick now works on slopes correctly.
Block stun made more selective. Overheads and chambered attacks are much more likely to cause it.
New cue sound when defender is block-stunned.
Changed defense system so that blocks are started instantly again.
Left mouse clicks are now buffered even if attack cannot be started immediately.
You can no longer order bots to hold position close to the map edge. (They'll leave a distance of 15m.)
Weapons do not collide with the environment at the beginning and end of a swing.
use_secure_connection option is added to rgl_config.txt
In multiplayer, if the selected server runs another module, the game will automatically switch to it.
Friendly fire options are added for both dedicated server and admin panel.
Melee friendly fire is now effective against horses.
Mute player option is added
Unnecessary packet flooding is removed (during server search)
Event timeouts are added
Friendly fire options can now be set as ratios
Event priorities and timeouts are organized (lower bandwidth consumption)
Game keys are reorganized
New vertex buffer management system;
Many other fixes and improvements.
Version 0.671 changes:
Removed left-click buffering during stuns which could be causing lag issues.
Changed sound event sending method to fix latency issues.
Horse collision fix for the new havok physics module.
Some other bug-fixes
Version 0.672 changes:
Several Important networking bug-fixes
Only lances can be couched on horseback now.
Chambering time now attacks defender stun chance properly.
You can now switch attack direction by tapping RMB as before.
Dying enemies now soak up attacks for a short while.
You can adjust camera distance by numpad +- keys (temporary, before selecting a final value.)
Item costs can now be specified indvidually for different factions.
Version 0.700 changes:
Sarranid Sultanate is now functional in single and multi-player with new equipment and horses.
New, optimized, tree level-of-detail system.
New, dynamic texture load-on-demand system for better memory utilization.
Carrying multiple shields now has encumbrance penalties and makes one run slower.
The weapon you are carrying now has more effect on encumbrance. Using extra-heavy or extra-long weapons will make you run slower.
It is now harder to cause block-stuns unless you are doing an overhead or chambered  attack.
Added "unbalanced" flag to heavy two-handed weapons, which gives them a brief delay to switch to defense, once an attack has been started.
Horse sounds are now played with relatively higher volume.
Horses are now less likely to rear when running into lone enemies.
Reduced the swing arc for melee friendly fire so it is now less likely to hit friends standing to the sides.
Force default armor is added as a multiplayer option
Allow player banners is added as a multiplayer option
New jumping/fall animation.
Fixed path calculation for horse-archer AI units.
Many other optimizations and bug-fixes.
Version 0.701 changes:
Fixed bug where the game couldn't join a server and reported "incorrect serial key" even though it was correct.
Fixed bug where closer sounds were cut off instead of further ones.
New config param to turn off texture load-on-demand system.
Fixes to Sarranid equipment problems.
Many other bug fixes.
Version 0.710 changes:
Blocking is no longer instant but takes a short period to become effective. This period is reduced by player's ping. Therefore players with very low ping will notice the period the most while players with over 50 ping shouldn't be affected at all.
Fixed bug where arrows could go through characters and be stuck on the terrain behind.
Fxed bug where melee attacks could go through characters.
Couched lances can no longer kill horse and rider at the same instant.
Shield defense area beyond pysical size has been reduced.
First person camera no longer turns with the horse while on horseback.
Improvements to picking up slot selection.
Horses are now less likely to stop when they bump into enemies.
It is now possible to select the same faction for the two in multiplayer matches.
AI is now better at swithcing between weapons and putting distance between itself and opponents.
while switching teams automatically, all weapon money is given back to the player.
Many other improvements and bugfixes.
Version 0.711 changes:
Fixed bug where the game client crashed if a rider's horse was killed at full gallop.
Long axes are now polearms by default
Some minor tweaks and bug fixes.
Version 0.720 changes:
Some graphics problems have been fixed. The game's performance on some systems is now much better.
Couched lancing is now disturbed by the turning of the horse.
Height and default position of third person camera re-adjusted.
Added "Turn Camera with Horse in First Person" option to the game options.
Ranged troops are now stunned when bumped only if they are readying ther weapons.
The game now starts up faster due to optimized searchng of resources.
Many other fixes and improvements.
Version 0.800 changes:
-New Tutorial
-Quick battles have been replaced by a Custom Battle Generator
-Language selection added to configuration menu.
-In game options windows have been redesigned.
-New Background pictures.
-Changes to Face rendering method (will this fix stuttering?)
-New cheat: Ctrl+Shift+H now restores horse hit points (SP only, of course)
-Fixes to automatic module switching.
-Dedicated server now takes much less memory
-Compatibility with M&B 1 modules has been improved.
-Horse speed reduced for riders carrying flags in CTF.
-Couched lancing turn limit has been removed. Couched lancing is now activated by X key and automatically resets back after some time.
-sto cercando-
Dopo la Release del 30/03

    * New Game option to set Campaign AI to easy, normal or difficult
    * NPC soldiers should now climb siege ladders without problem.
    * There is now a chance player companions will not fall prisoner with you when you are defeated.
    * The game will no longer crash if you move all your prisoner into a castle.
    * AI weapon selection improved.
    * AI will no longer equip two shields.
    * Your companions who are prisoners at a faction's castles are now set free when peace is declared.
    * Party skill bonuses are now calculated correctly.
    * Fixed slashing through your horse and buildings using hafted blades on horseback.
    * Added max_number_of_connections option to rgl_config.txt. Players who have difficulty receiving server list from internet can lower the default value (64) to 20 or so.
    * Number of maximum bandit parties reduced by 15%.
    * Added Chinese language option (Simplified and Traditional).
    * Many other bug-fixes.

    * Fixed bug introduced in version 1.110 which caused problems with pathfinding on some maps.
    * Fixed occasional crashes on the map screen.
    * One handed swing animations on horseback changed.
    * Splash screens added when exiting the game in trial mode.
    * Links to various online and retail stores added to the trial window.

* Initial party size limit is extended by 20.
    * Shield blocking is updated: Fixed bug where shields didn't protect against missiles shot from above.
    * AI pathfinding is updated, and lots of weird behaviors are fixed.
    * AI troops that seldomly spawn with shields bug is fixed.
    * Retreat simulation in battles now damages the enemy even if player is knocked down.
    * Models and lengths are updated for some of the weapons.
    * Characters who have been killed now soak up attacks for a short while.
    * Incorrect coloring of heraldic mails is fixed.
    * Fixed a bug where throwing weapons couldn't be used as melee weapons on horseback.
    * Some of the multiplayer maps' glitches are fixed.
    * Mount&Blade Warband directory is added under My Documents folder. Some of the editable files are moved to there for ease of access.
    * Rendering performance is increased slightly.
    * Removed memory leaks from dedicated servers.
    * Many other bug-fixes.

    * Fixed a bug that caused crashes when fading out characters take damage.
    * Reduced the probability of AI characters chasing after retreating enemies when someone else is already doing so.
    * Sound initialization is updated.
    * Some other bug-fixes.

Version 1.123 Changelog:
-Dedicated server list has been revamped and several game filters are now operational.
-Fixed bug where some players were unable to join multiplayer games.
-Character turning cap has been made tighter.
-The code for finding spawn locations has been moved from scripts to native code, making dedicated servers run smoother.

-AI that is following their leader as a tactic now switches to charge when the leader dies.
-Item stat display improved in inventory screen.
-Retreat order is now operational.
-Fixed a critical bug causing occasional crashes.
-Tax efficiency has been reduced in easy Campaign difficulty setting.
-Kidnapped girl staying on party when quest aborts is fixed.
-Village prosperity texts are shown only when the player is the owner.
-Fixed bug where hit point loss during a tournament was not cleared at the end of the round.
-Player no longer has to pay for staying at vassal's castles.
-Prisoner and castle guards are spawned correctly in towns in player's domain.
-Surrendering no longer delivers you permanent stat damage.
-Player caravans are now stronger.
-Player party name change bug is fixed.
-Allies' shields can no longer be damaged by friendly fire.
-A cut-scene is now shown at weddings.

-The method for calculating damage when your attack connects too soon or too late has been changed.
-AI now moves back more effectively in combat to control distance.
-Some polearm attack animations have been redone.
-Some troop stats and equipment have been rebalanced.
-New key combination added to hide overlay mesh (Ctrl + o).
-Left-right and up-down keys now cancel each other (instead of one key always overriding another).
-Characters now have softer shadows.
-The models for several items and weapons have been redone.
-Camera raycast direction fix for dungeon-like places.

-A ton of other bug fixes and improvements.

M&B Warband version 1.126
Jul 07
Version 1.126 for M&B Warband has been released. You can download the upgrade patch on our download page. The changelog is:

Features and Gameplay:

NEW! Gameplay features have been added, now players have the ability to build production houses that produce valuable goods such as iron, wine, velvet and more.  The building of production houses is accessible through guild masters in towns.  Also players may visit these newly modeled scenes via the town menu.
New Swadian houses have been added to major Swadian towns.
New, AI Behavior enables more realistic AI lord behaviors, such as AI lords collecting taxes.
Campaign difficulty has been rebalanced, hard mode is now even more challenging with AI lords recruiting troops faster.
Economy parameters such as taxes from fiefs and raiding outcomes, have been balanced.
The Khergit faction has been given some much needed love and as a result has had their troops and items rebalanced.
Khergits get modified hats and steppe armor instead of leather vests in multi-player.
Man-hunters and high tier slaver troops have been given an overhaul and have top tier troops equal to other top tier army troops.
Weapons that cannot be used to block can now do feint attacks.
All items from hammers to warhammers and spiked clubs to iron maces now have knockdown capabilities.

New flags for items are added and new operations are defined to give more freedom to modders.
Out of memory errors while rendering are now handled more properly.
Fixed a bug that caused AI lords to have too many high level troops.
Several bug fixes to the level editor.
Lots of other bug fixes and some healthy re-balancing/improvements in both single and multi-player modes.

So, the official Changelog (thanks to sirinan for notifying):

Features and Gameplay:
Content Additions:

    *  NEW! By community demand Duel mode is being introduced into multi-player.  You can now partake in 1 on 1 protected duels.
    *  NEW! Server setting to disallow ranged weapons, get rid of pesky archers with one click!
    *  NEW! Two new horse armors have been added for Steppe and Sarranid factions.


    * Bow accuracy has been rebalanced, higher tier bows are even better, with low tiers being slightly more inaccurate.
    * AI Bots in multi-player have been changed to be more difficult in dedicated servers.
    * Economy balance is somewhat tied to campaign difficulty setting.
    * Minor Khergit troop stat changes.
    * Knock down chances have been reduced.


    *AI is no longer able to hit allied horses in single player.
    *A minor bug in the spy meeting quest has been fixed.
    *Links to finished quests will no longer appear in other notes.
    *Several new and useful operations have been added for modders.
    *Some shield banners have been fixed for multi-player.
    *Various other fixes for non English packs.
    *Various other bug fixes.

Change log 1.130


    * 3 Amazingly awesome multiplayer maps!
    * Forest Hideout: Perfect for team play modes like TDM, CTF, and Conquest.
    * The Arena: The go to place for battle, deathmatch, and duel modes.
    * Jammeyyed Castle: A unique siege in the desert.

    * New music and sounds have been added to single and multi-player modes.


    * Mahdaar Castle map has been slightly redesigned for better play.
    * Warhorse & Charger stats have been balanced.
    * Camp Followers and Sword Sisters now get Power strike skill.
    * Swadian and Rhodok troops have been rebalanced.


    * Village infestation quest is fixed.
    * Bandit lair navigation meshes have been updated.
    * Custom troop group behavior fix for defending castles.
    * Some graphical fixes concerning specularity.
    * Fixed banner display problems on heraldic armors.
    * Non-English language fixes/additions.
    * Various other bug fixes

Some multi-player map fixes.
Some armor stats have been rebalanced.

Quests fixes:
Aborting quest bugs have been fixed.
Ordering your lords to stop script error bug has been fixed.
Pretender quest has been fixed under the condition of already having a village/center before starting the quest.
Caravan escort quest script error has been fixed.
Deal with looters quest script error has been fixed.

Other fixes:
ATI driver fix.
Achievements "last man standing" and "morale leader" have been fixed.
Non-ending battle/siege bugs have been fixed.
Desertion of prisoners when party morale is low bug has been fixed.
Hold fire/use blunt weapons orders have been corrected, player agent no longer changes his/her weapon because of the order.
Formations not looking at the enemy bug has been fixed.
Automatic offline favorite server removal is added.
TCP protocol optimizations are made for dedicated servers.
Various other bug fixes.

Changelog 1.134

- Rhodok Sharpshooters' ironflesh skill has been decreased.
- Sarranid infantry & archers now have jarids added to their inventory.
- Some other minor game balances.

- Numerous game bugs of all shapes and sizes have been squashed.
- Minor fixes to scripting files.
- Some collision issues fixed.
- Some operations for modders are now "fully operational".

- Plenty of new operations and features have been added to aid our amazing mod community.

  • Several new operations added for use by modders.
  • Sarranid Archer and Sarranid Master Archer no longer have jarids.
  • Mounted units cannot spawn on walls
  • 3d mouse on map window for 3dvision;
  • 3d vision convergence has been decreased;
  • ti_on_agent_hit position is moved down a bit in order to give the correct damage value, and it now uses the trigger result as the dealt damage if it is greater than or equal to zero.
  • mayor_politics_assess_realm dialog having no options after all factions are defeated bug is fixed.
  • party_count_members_with_full_health no longer counts player as a regular troop. needs some testing on battles and sieges.
  • qst_troublesome_bandits no longer gives reputation penalty when it is aborted due to someone else destroying the party.
  • Shield no longer gets damaged when the attack is chamber blocked.
  • process_text now encodes for url if requested. therefore url strings will only encode the tokens like {s0} {s1} etc for url.
  • show_item_details_with_modifier operation is added for showing item details which have modifiers (unlike the original operation).
  • several wrong operation condition checks are corrected.
  • Font is now reloaded when player switches to a new module without closing the application.
  • module_version, compatible_module_version, compatible_savegame_module_version keys are added to module.ini
  • become_knocked_down works for mounted agents too (but they don't get knocked down with an animation, they just continue fighting).
  • healing of wounded troops of parties are now related to wounded troop ratio in that party and 50% slower also it is a bit related to campaign ai.
  • overlay_set_container_overlay, agent_get_ammo_for_slot, scene_prop_set_prune_time operations are added
  • agent_unequip_item and agent_equip_item operations now have new parameters
  • ti_on_player_exit trigger is added
  • mission_object_prune_time is added as a key to module.ini
  • savegame checksum calculation no longer requires megabytes of memory (which causes the CTDs during saves).
  • restore module objects is removed from ctrl + m
  • equipping unequipping agents after they are spawned had several visual bugs. they are all fixed.
  • Crash when exiting dedicated server (bugid:3431) fixed;
  • new sound system is redone, and working fine under both old and new versions
  • ti_on_scene_prop_hit: set_trigger_result sets the damage dealt, just like the new feature for ti_on_agent_hit.
  • scene_prop_set_cur_hit_points is added
  • agent_equip_item and agent_unequip_item bugs are fixed (minor)
  • Various minor item stat fixes
  • Rhodok infantry troops dont have battle forks and military sycthes anymore
  • Long axes and great axes now have proper "unbalance" penalty
  • Minor balance bug .. Rhodok Multiplayer_ai items changed (was clone of nords scout)
  • inventory infinite ammo bug is fixed
  • client side fixes for agent ragdoll effects;
  • dedicated server fixes;
  • tableau fixes for new 3d vision drivers

Changelog 1.143


- Some rebalances to the trade/production systems.

Mod system Fixes:

- Shield replacement w/out respawning visual error has been fixed.
- Scene objects damage editing has been fixed.

Bug Fixes:

- Crash to desktop when entering a new scene bug has been fixed.
- Fixed random problems with merchants' inventories not showing up sometimes.
- Lady of the Lake achievement bugs have been fixed.

Version 1.150 Changelog:
    - In multiplayer, Khergit troop stats have been rebalanced to make them more viable.
    - Maximum number of players in a multiplayer match has been changed to 200.
    - Usernames in multiplayer games can now have special characters.
    - Random rain and fog amounts have been removed in multiplayer. All players now see the same weather.
    - Lots of new operations, flags and trigger types have been added for the benefit of modders.
    - New parameters have been added to module.ini for modders, including new order system usage and crouching.
    - Support for game controllers has been improved.
    - Troop AI for selecting alternative weapon mode has been added.
    - Troop AI blunt weapon usage has been fixed.
    - Troop AI for distant targeting has been fixed.
    - In multiplayer server filtering, "Compatible with version" checkbox has been renamed as "Compatible with module" and now it checks for both module and its version.
    - Core resource files and shader files have been made modifiable.
    - Face generator system now supports multiple meshes to apply deforms.
    - Volume and priority have been balanced for sounds.
    - Playing sounds from hard drive option has been added for module system.
    - Memory usage for resources and navigation meshes have been reduced.
    - Network data priority values have been updated.
    - Several crash-to-desktop bug fixes.
    - Minor translation fixes.
    - Various other bug fixes.

Version 1.151 Changelog:


    Lots of new operations, flags and trigger types have been added for the benefit of modders.
    New parameters have been added to module.ini for modders, including new order system usage and crouching.
    Support for game controllers has been improved.
    Troop AI for selecting alternative weapon mode has been added.
    Troop AI blunt weapon usage has been fixed.
    Troop AI for distant targeting has been fixed.
    Core resource files and shader files have been made modifiable.
    Face generator system now supports multiple meshes to apply deforms.
    Volume and priority have been balanced for sounds.
    Playing sounds from hard drive option has been added for module system.
    Memory usage for resources and navigation meshes have been reduced.
    Several crash-to-desktop bug fixes.
    Minor translation fixes.
    Various other bug fixes.

Single Player:

    Good productions for towns have been rearranged.
    Bug fix at Lady of the Lake achievement.
    Effect of village raids on prosperity has been increased. To balance that, village prosperity increases faster now.
    Merchant inventory update has been made less random.
    Probability of lords defecting from a faction with very few centers has been increased.
    Number of cattle at villages has been revised.


    Khergit troop stats have been rebalanced to make them more viable.
    Maximum number of players in a multiplayer match has been changed to 200.
    Usernames in multiplayer games can now have special characters.
    Random rain and fog amounts have been removed in multiplayer. All players now see the same weather.
    In multiplayer server filtering, “Compatible with version” checkbox has been renamed as “Compatible with module” and now it checks for both module and its version.
    Network data priority values have been updated.

Version 1.152 Changelog:

- Bugs related with sounds and music have been fixed. Disable music option now works correctly.
- Muskets sticking to left hand after reloading bug has been fixed.

Single player:
- Several dialog text fixes.
- Lords now defect even faster when their faction has no centers left.
- Minor fix on faction AI.

- Trees with bad physics that caused missiles to pass through them have been fixed.
- Switching module without closing the application now works.


Version 1.153 Changelog
- Troop AI for choosing weapon for different situations has been updated.
- Ranged troop AI not being able to choose a target under certain circumstances bug has been fixed.
- New operations for modders.
- Some fixes and operation enhancements for modders.

Single player:
- Town economies are now more balanced.
- Several other bug fixes.


- Two new multiplayer maps have been added: Canyon and Desert Town.
- HTTP communication has been rewritten due to connection issues reported by players.

Lista DOWNLOADS aggiornamenti dalla 1.126 alla 1.153
ftp://anonymous:[email protected]/ (ftp://anonymous:[email protected]/)

(all'interno della lista troverete sia gli aggiornamenti lato server chiamati "dedicated"  le versioni full installer con la dicitura "setup"  e le singole patch chiamate "upgrade" . Inoltre rtroverete versioni anche per gli altri titoli della serie: with Fire and Sword e Napoleonic Wars)

Version 1.154 Changelog:
- Fixed a bug that made upper stabs unblockable when in crouch-mode.
- Horses don’t rear up anymore when hit by a bayonet to their front.
- Upper stab chamber attacks are now not blockable anymore just like the lower stab.

The Warband patch is automatically included in the Napoleonic Wars installer!

-Rebalanced in-game economy to encourage a range of propserity among towns (previously most towns became rich or very rich).
-Fixed bug with 'auto_select_weapon_mode' occurring too frequently.
-Fixed a visual error with attacks that are cancelled mid air.
-Fixed animation error with pikes.
-Fixed bug with shadows.
-Added new operations for modders and modified/fixed some existing operations.
-Fixed bug that caused slow movement in certain buildings and with certain scene props.
-Adjusted the way attack cancelling is handled while jumping.
-Added more options to module.ini.
-Bug fixed where throwing axe and throwing knife models would show on shields with the wrong rotations.
-Increased maximum number of different party member and prisoner stacks from 32 to 256.
-Changed netcode to fix a bug where animations would sometimes fail to load.
-Rebalanced Khergit multiplayer troops and added 'Khergit Infantry' class.
-Adjusted price of certain items in multiplayer based on faction (certain items now cost different amounts of gold depending on faction).
-Rebalanced several items to create proper price/quality progression balance in multiplayer.
-Other minor bug fixes.
-Adjusted equipment of Vaegir troops for balance.-Adjusted stats of ranged troops for balance.
-Shortened string of server messages.
-Reduced cap on turn speed in multiplayer.
-All spears can now rear horses.-Singleplayer fixes.
-Updated fonts.dss file to support the Lithuanian language characters.

-Fixed issue with multiplayer troop stat assignment. Values are now shown correctly in the module system with a workaround to prevent auto-assignment, at the same "real" values as 1157. With the exception that Vaegir and Sarranid Archers now have a riding skill of 1 instead of 2 and that Nord Huscarls have 0 Power Draw instead of 1.
-Resolved crashing when prop_instance_play_sound is used server side but not synced client side.
-Resolved issue where all spawned items play only blunt sounds in multiplayer.
-Fixed minor issue with Lend Companion quest.
-Fixed slow movement on certain scene props occurring after a fix in 1157.

General change notes:-Alteration made that allows higher value IDs to be used.Steam change notes:
-Workshop support.-Mac OS X/Linux support. Some file format changes implemented for the port.

UPDATE: This patch is live now on Steam. Non-Steam version will come later along with the Module System. This version is compatible with the previous version.

Heyo Warbladers,

We have updated Warband's Steam beta (use the password "betapassword" for access) to 1.161 in preparation for an upcoming DLC announcement! This patch introduces a haul of new operations for modders.

We'll bring this patch out in full in a few days on Steam.

Old mods will be compatible. To use the new operations (you may be able to hack them in yourselves by manually entering the operations) we will provide the module system ASAP. More info on that soon!

Save games from old versions WILL be compatible with this version but save games from this version WILL NOT be compatible with old versions.

Ask any questions here.

Full list here!
try_for_prop_instances = 16 # (try_for_prop_instances, <destination>, [<scene_prop_id>]), # if scene_prop_id is not given, it loops through all prop instances.game_key_get_mapped_key_name    = 65  # (game_key_get_mapped_key_name, <string_register>, <game_key>),
options_get_battle_size        = 270 # (options_get_battle_size, <destination>), # returns battle size slider value in 0-1000 range.
options_set_battle_size        = 271 # (options_set_battle_size, <value>), # sets battle size slider value in 0-1000 range.
position_rotate_z_floating      = 734 # (position_rotate_z_floating,<position_no>,<angle>), #angle in degree * fixed point multiplier
mouse_get_world_projection      = 751 # (mouse_get_world_projection, <position_no_1>, <position_no_2>), returns camera position (position_no_1) and mouse projection to back of world (position_no_2)
overlay_set_material                      = 956 # (overlay_set_material, <overlay_id>, <string_no>),
auto_save                                = 985 # (auto_save),
party_set_ignore_with_player_party    = 1648  # (party_set_ignore_with_player_party, <party_id>, <value>),
party_get_ignore_with_player_party    = 1649  # (party_get_ignore_with_player_party, <party_id>),
close_order_menu                      = 1789  # (close_order_menu),
cast_ray                              = 1900  # (cast_ray, <destination>, <hit_position_register>, <ray_position_register>, [<ray_length_fixed_point>]), #Casts a ray of length [<ray_length_fixed_point>] starting from <ray_position_register> and stores the closest hit position into <hit_position_register> (fails if no hits). If the body hit is a prop instance, its id will be stored into <destination>
cur_item_add_mesh                      = 1964  # (cur_item_add_mesh, <mesh_name_string_no>, [<lod_begin>], [<lod_end>]), #only call inside ti_on_init_item in module_items # lod values are optional. lod_end is not included.
cur_item_set_material                  = 1978  # (cur_item_set_material, <string_no>, <sub_mesh_no>, [<lod_begin>], [<lod_end>]), #only call inside ti_on_init_item in module_items # lod values are optional. lod_end is not included.
agent_get_bone_position                = 2076 # (agent_get_bone_position, <position_no>, <agent_no>, <bone_no>, [<local_or_global>]), # returns position of bone. Option 0 for local to agent position, 1 for global
prop_instance_deform_to_time          = 2610 # (prop_instance_deform_to_time, <prop_instance_no>, <value>), # value gives the vertex animation time.
prop_instance_deform_in_range        = 2611 # (prop_instance_deform_in_range, <prop_instance_no>, <start_frame>, <end_frame>, <duration-in-1/1000-seconds>), #play animation from start frame to end frame
prop_instance_deform_in_cycle_loop    = 2612 # (prop_instance_deform_in_cycle_loop, <prop_instance_no>, <start_frame>, <end_frame>, <duration-in-1/1000-seconds> #cyclical animation within start-end frame
prop_instance_get_current_deform_progress = 2615 # (prop_instance_get_current_deform_progress, <destination>, <prop_instance_no>), #returns a percentage value between 0 and 100 if animation is still in progress. returns 100 otherwise.
prop_instance_get_current_deform_frame    = 2616 # (prop_instance_get_current_deform_frame, <destination>, <prop_instance_no>), #returns current frame with round to nearest
prop_instance_set_material            = 2617 # (prop_instance_set_material, <prop_instance_no>, <sub_mesh_no>, <string_register>), #give sub mesh as -1 to change all meshes' materials.

item_get_weight                      = 2700 # (item_get_weight, <destination_fixed_point>, <item_kind_no>), #Stores <item_kind_no>'s weight into <destination_fixed_point>
item_get_value                        = 2701 # (item_get_value, <destination>, <item_kind_no>), #Stores <item_kind_no>'s value into <destination>
item_get_difficulty                  = 2702 # (item_get_difficulty, <destination>, <item_kind_no>), #Stores <item_kind_no>'s difficulty into <destination>
item_get_head_armor                  = 2703 # (item_get_head_armor, <destination>, <item_kind_no>), #Stores <item_kind_no>'s head armor into <destination>
item_get_body_armor                  = 2704 # (item_get_body_armor, <destination>, <item_kind_no>), #Stores <item_kind_no>'s body armor into <destination>
item_get_leg_armor                    = 2705 # (item_get_leg_armor, <destination>, <item_kind_no>), #Stores <item_kind_no>'s leg armor into <destination>
item_get_hit_points                  = 2706 # (item_get_hit_points, <destination>, <item_kind_no>), #Stores <item_kind_no>'s hit points into <destination>
item_get_weapon_length                = 2707 # (item_get_weapon_length, <destination>, <item_kind_no>), #Stores <item_kind_no>'s weapon length into <destination>
item_get_speed_rating                = 2708 # (item_get_speed_rating, <destination>, <item_kind_no>), #Stores <item_kind_no>'s speed rating into <destination>
item_get_missile_speed                = 2709 # (item_get_missile_speed, <destination>, <item_kind_no>), #Stores <item_kind_no>'s missile speed into <destination>
item_get_max_ammo                    = 2710 # (item_get_max_ammo, <destination>, <item_kind_no>), #Stores <item_kind_no>'s max ammo into <destination>
item_get_accuracy                    = 2711 # (item_get_accuracy, <destination>, <item_kind_no>), #Stores <item_kind_no>'s accuracy into <destination>
item_get_shield_height                = 2712 # (item_get_shield_height, <destination_fixed_point>, <item_kind_no>), #Stores <item_kind_no>'s shield height into <destination>
item_get_horse_scale                  = 2713 # (item_get_horse_scale, <destination_fixed_point>, <item_kind_no>), #Stores <item_kind_no>'s horse scale into <destination>
item_get_horse_speed                  = 2714 # (item_get_horse_speed, <destination>, <item_kind_no>), #Stores <item_kind_no>'s horse speed into <destination>
item_get_horse_maneuver              = 2715 # (item_get_horse_maneuver, <destination>, <item_kind_no>), #Stores <item_kind_no>'s horse maneuver into <destination>
item_get_food_quality                = 2716 # (item_get_food_quality, <destination>, <item_kind_no>), #Stores <item_kind_no>'s food quality into <destination>
item_get_abundance                    = 2717 # (item_get_abundance, <destination>, <item_kind_no>), #Stores <item_kind_no>'s abundance into <destination>
item_get_thrust_damage                = 2718 # (item_get_thrust_damage, <destination>, <item_kind_no>), #Stores <item_kind_no>'s thrust damage into <destination>
item_get_thrust_damage_type          = 2719 # (item_get_thrust_damage_type, <destination>, <item_kind_no>), #Stores <item_kind_no>'s thrust damage type into <destination>
item_get_swing_damage                = 2720 # (item_get_swing_damage, <destination>, <item_kind_no>), #Stores <item_kind_no>'s thrust damage into <destination>
item_get_swing_damage_type            = 2721 # (item_get_swing_damage_type, <destination>, <item_kind_no>), #Stores <item_kind_no>'s thrust damage type into <destination>
item_get_horse_charge_damage          = 2722 # (item_get_horse_charge_damage, <destination>, <item_kind_no>), #Stores <item_kind_no>'s thrust damage into <destination>
item_has_property                    = 2723 # (item_has_property, <item_kind_no>, <property>), #Fails if <item_kind_no> doesn't have <property>
item_has_capability                  = 2724 # (item_has_capability, <item_kind_no>, <capability>), #Fails if <item_kind_no> doesn't have <capability>
item_has_modifier                    = 2725 # (item_has_modifier, <item_kind_no>, <item_modifier_no>), #Fails if <item_modifier_no> is not a valid modifier for <item_kind_no> # use imod_xxx instead of imodbit_xxx
item_has_faction                      = 2726 # (item_has_faction, <item_kind_no>, <faction_no>), #Fails if <item_kind_no> doesn't have <faction_no> in its faction list

str_store_player_face_keys            = 2747 # (str_store_player_face_keys, <string_no>, <player_id>), #Stores <player_id>'s face key into string.
player_set_face_keys                  = 2748 # (player_set_face_keys, <player_id>, <string_no>), #Sets <player_id>'s face keys from string.
str_store_troop_face_keys            = 2750 # (str_store_troop_face_keys, <string_no>, <troop_no>, [<alt>]), #Stores <troop_no>'s face key into string. if [<alt>] is non-zero the second pair of face keys is stored
troop_set_face_keys                  = 2751 # (troop_set_face_keys, <troop_no>, <string_no>, [<alt>]), #Sets <troop_no>'s face keys from string. if [<alt>] is non-zero the second pair of face keys is set.
face_keys_get_hair                    = 2752 # (face_keys_get_hair, <destination>, <string_no>), #Stores face key's hair value into <destination>
face_keys_set_hair                    = 2753 # (face_keys_set_hair, <string_no>, <value>), #Sets face key's hair value
face_keys_get_beard                  = 2754 # (face_keys_get_beard, <destination>, <string_no>), #Stores face key's beard value into <destination>
face_keys_set_beard                  = 2755 # (face_keys_set_beard, <string_no>, <value>), #Sets face key's beard value
face_keys_get_face_texture            = 2756 # (face_keys_get_face_texture, <destination>, <string_no>), #Stores face key's face texture value into <destination>
face_keys_set_face_texture            = 2757 # (face_keys_set_face_texture, <string_no>, <value>), #Sets face key's face texture value
face_keys_get_hair_texture            = 2758 # (face_keys_get_hair_texture, <destination>, <string_no>), #Stores face key's hair texture value into <destination>
face_keys_set_hair_texture            = 2759 # (face_keys_set_hair_texture, <string_no>, <value>), #Sets face key's hair texture value
face_keys_get_hair_color              = 2760 # (face_keys_get_hair_color, <destination>, <string_no>), #Stores face key's hair color value into <destination>
face_keys_set_hair_color              = 2761 # (face_keys_set_hair_color, <string_no>, <value>), #Sets face key's hair color value
face_keys_get_age                    = 2762 # (face_keys_get_age, <destination>, <string_no>), #Stores face key's age value into <destination>
face_keys_set_age                    = 2763 # (face_keys_set_age, <string_no>, <value>), #Sets face key's age value
face_keys_get_skin_color              = 2764 # (face_keys_get_skin_color, <destination>, <string_no>), #Stores face key's skin color value into <destination>
face_keys_set_skin_color              = 2765 # (face_keys_set_skin_color, <string_no>, <value>), #Sets face key's skin color value
face_keys_get_morph_key              = 2766 # (face_keys_get_morph_key, <destination>, <string_no>, <key_no>), #Stores face key's morph key value (0-7) into <destination>

face_keys_set_morph_key              = 2767 # (face_keys_set_morph_key, <string_no>, <key_no>, <value>), #Sets face key's morph key value (0-7)

Hello all,
Warband is currently on 1.164 as many of you have noticed. This shouldn't affect anything in your game, there are just some upgrades related to Viking Conquest.

We will be providing a link for the new module system soon, with additional operations that can also be used in Native mods.

You can always download the latest version from Warband's download page, when it's released:


There should be no issues with mod compatibility and mods working on versions 1.158 onwards should be fine on the latest version.

Thank you.

Hello all,
We have updated Warband's exe (application) file as a beta on Steam. This is compatible with the old versions and should simply fix one or two issues with Native that occurred in the previous version.

-controller support fixes
-pathfinding fixes

Just as a reminder, here are instructions on how to enter the beta branch on Steam:
"To select this, you need to right click on "Mount & Blade Warband" in your Library, open the betas tab and enter "betapassword" then press Check Codes. Then select the beta from the dropdown menu. You may need to close and restart steam for the download to begin"

We plan to release this within an hour or two, providing everything is working properly.

Thank you.

Hello all!
Just to let you know we have pushed out a patch. This is just a patch for Viking Conquest and shouldn't affect anything in Native. Regardless, those non-Steam users among you are welcome to download it from theWarband Downloads Page


Hi all!

We're pushing out the HD Texture pack from the console version to Windows, macOS and Linux today. The majority of textures aren't actually affected, so you probably won't feel a major change, however the UI and initial loading screen are among the changes, which does make it feel a bit brighter, when launching the game!

If you have any problems with the patch at all, you might want to try lowering your texture resolution in the options menu. Alternatively, to completely reverse the effects of the patch, navigate to your Mount & Blade: Warband folder ("browse local files" on Steam) and simply delete or rename the folder "TexturesHD".

Thanks all!


- Stability improvements

- Anti-Cheat measures
- Added support for latest game keys
- Fixed issue with server names for multiplayer Steam Workshop mods
- Edited game credits
Questa è la versione nuova, la 1.157

-Rebalanced in-game economy to encourage a range of propserity among towns (previously most towns became rich or very rich).
-Fixed bug with 'auto_select_weapon_mode' occurring too frequently.
-Fixed a visual error with attacks that are cancelled mid air.
-Fixed animation error with pikes.
-Fixed bug with shadows.
-Added new operations for modders and modified/fixed some existing operations.
-Fixed bug that caused slow movement in certain buildings and with certain scene props.
-Adjusted the way attack cancelling is handled while jumping.
-Added more options to module.ini.
-Bug fixed where throwing axe and throwing knife models would show on shields with the wrong rotations.
-Increased maximum number of different party member and prisoner stacks from 32 to 256.
-Changed netcode to fix a bug where animations would sometimes fail to load.
-Rebalanced Khergit multiplayer troops and added 'Khergit Infantry' class.
-Adjusted price of certain items in multiplayer based on faction (certain items now cost different amounts of gold depending on faction).
-Rebalanced several items to create proper price/quality progression balance in multiplayer.
-Other minor bug fixes.
-Adjusted equipment of Vaegir troops for balance.
-Adjusted stats of ranged troops for balance.
-Shortened string of server messages.
-Reduced cap on turn speed in multiplayer.
-All spears can now rear horses.
-Singleplayer fixes.
-Updated fonts.dss file to support the Lithuanian language characters.
...In ogni caso, notizia che ho scoperto propio oggi da un dev su Twitter, pare che uscira' una nuova patch per WB che permettera' l'uso dei Joypad e dello Streaming integrati...
...leggete qui:...

TurambarMakart said:
Mah.... !

Non capisco perchè si perdono con queste 'facezie' quando tutti attendono un video del gameplay del futuro gioco
...Io spero solo che Nvidia paghi bene, perche' se hanno investito tempo e soldi loro in questa vaccata di "joypad/console" che e' lo Shield sono veramente da ricovero...

...Ufficializzata anche per gli utenti non-Steam la nuova patch 1.160:...

...niente di nuovo sotto il sole:...
General change notes:
-Alteration made that allows higher value IDs to be used.

Steam change notes:
-Workshop support.
-Mac OS X/Linux support. Some file format changes implemented for the port.

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