First of all, this is a great game which is both fun and intense. The mounted combat is great but i also like the groundcombat with its superb blockingsystem. Here's some ideas & thoughts on how this game could be even greater.
Some of these ideas have been discussed before but some haven't.
First of all: Combat
* Divide the current tournament into more specialised tournaments. One of them could be a formal 1vs1 jousting tournament with a joustinglance as primary weapon and a sword as a secondary weapon. Another tournament could be a 4vs4 melee with joustinglance as primary weapon and a sword as secondary weapon. A third could be a archer only tournament. A fourth could be like it is today with a mix of classes and weapons. Special tournamentarenas could be created for this purpose.
* Decrease the knockback effect some to make it more balanced.
* Increase the hitpoints of the shields 50-100% to better reflect the real things. Shields can take alot more punishment then people think.
* Make it possible to choose what you want to train in the trainingarena.
Secondly: Overhead map & Cities
* In the overhead map alot of new stuff could be added, for example: Roads where caravans usually travel, cityprovinceborders and banners on top of cities showing their allegiance. This would greatly improve the immersionfactor of the game.
* Skip the idea of making every city in 3d. It would be better to use citymenus instead (like today but better designed and with pictures, townhistory, backgroundsound, music etc). This would make it more easy to implement more features into the game. It also cuts down on the hard task of making each city unique in 3d. Time that could be spent on improving the rest of the game instead.
* Maybe add a compass also to the overhead map.
Thirdly: Trade & Property
* Give the player the opportunity to buy land as an investment from the administration of each city. This land would be farmland rented out (automatically) to farmers for a certain fee per week/month and would only be slightly profitable when the initial investment had been returned. To give players a reason to buy (or sell) land it would be nice if the relationship improved with the faction you bought the land from. Also, if the relationship between a player and a faction became critical, that would lead to confiscation of mentioned landproperty. This way loyalty and disloyalty would be awarded properly.
* Make it possible to invest in trade and merchants as a silent partner with only a economical interest.
Ok, thats it for now. Back to work..
Some of these ideas have been discussed before but some haven't.
First of all: Combat
* Divide the current tournament into more specialised tournaments. One of them could be a formal 1vs1 jousting tournament with a joustinglance as primary weapon and a sword as a secondary weapon. Another tournament could be a 4vs4 melee with joustinglance as primary weapon and a sword as secondary weapon. A third could be a archer only tournament. A fourth could be like it is today with a mix of classes and weapons. Special tournamentarenas could be created for this purpose.
* Decrease the knockback effect some to make it more balanced.
* Increase the hitpoints of the shields 50-100% to better reflect the real things. Shields can take alot more punishment then people think.
* Make it possible to choose what you want to train in the trainingarena.
Secondly: Overhead map & Cities
* In the overhead map alot of new stuff could be added, for example: Roads where caravans usually travel, cityprovinceborders and banners on top of cities showing their allegiance. This would greatly improve the immersionfactor of the game.
* Skip the idea of making every city in 3d. It would be better to use citymenus instead (like today but better designed and with pictures, townhistory, backgroundsound, music etc). This would make it more easy to implement more features into the game. It also cuts down on the hard task of making each city unique in 3d. Time that could be spent on improving the rest of the game instead.
* Maybe add a compass also to the overhead map.
Thirdly: Trade & Property
* Give the player the opportunity to buy land as an investment from the administration of each city. This land would be farmland rented out (automatically) to farmers for a certain fee per week/month and would only be slightly profitable when the initial investment had been returned. To give players a reason to buy (or sell) land it would be nice if the relationship improved with the faction you bought the land from. Also, if the relationship between a player and a faction became critical, that would lead to confiscation of mentioned landproperty. This way loyalty and disloyalty would be awarded properly.
* Make it possible to invest in trade and merchants as a silent partner with only a economical interest.
Ok, thats it for now. Back to work..