Waterloo Event Instructions. READ!!!

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Bite Me

Knight at Arms
Right this is how it will work.

When the clock hits 18.45 BST the server will switch to Waterloo. Both sides will be required to form up in their regiments, and once everyone knows where they are meant to be, the map will restart, and the fight will begin. Wellington and Napoleon are in complete control of the armies, you do what they say. Period.

Don't talk. The different teamspeak servers may have different rules, but people writing in chat will be punished, as you will need to see your orders clearly.

Line infantry Regiments MUST stay in line, apart from when they are holding/attacking a building or fortifications. Just think like empire/napoleon total war.

Regiments MUST stay together, they cannot split into multiple groups, they have to stick together. The rifles may spread out a bit, but must stil be roughly together.

We will do multiple battle rounds on Waterloo, then probably some other fun things we can think of :smile:

This OP may change before the event, so keep watching, and ask questions here ok!

Event Password: musketflash

We will kick anyone not in a regiment, if regiments are undermanned you will have a chance to join one.
Maybe we could do some house defence. A team positions in a house and the other tries to get him out, first team to stay in that building for 8 min. wins. Since there are admins, it should work without having a mess.
It's already posted. Go here.

Question: let's say we've arrived at 18:46 BST, there's 14 minutes before the battle. Can we use the general chat to say hi to our friends?
Would be cool if there were like an battle of scenarious effecting the course of battle, like  if the 5th_Kgl would deffend La Haye Sainte and only two dies there and they decimate the other attacking regiment to only two people. Does who survived in here can battle further in the next scenario were they are ment to fight.
Faewulf said:
Would be cool if there were like an battle of scenarious effecting the course of battle, like  if the 5th_Kgl would deffend La Haye Sainte and only two dies there and they decimate the other attacking regiment to only two people. Does who survived in here can battle further in the next scenario were they are ment to fight.
I think you mean an campaign.
Rule-breaking may be tolerated by the 22nd, but I'll have none of it. Break a rule, I'll have no mercy on your arse. We've worked hard for it, and won't have ****tards ruining it.
Yukimura_Sanada said:
Faewulf said:
Would be cool if there were like an battle of scenarious effecting the course of battle, like  if the 5th_Kgl would deffend La Haye Sainte and only two dies there and they decimate the other attacking regiment to only two people. Does who survived in here can battle further in the next scenario were they are ment to fight.
I think you mean an campaign.

Not really as it is only one battle.  :razz:
Right, up until 19:00 BST its free chat, when the event starts, chat stops :smile: (Steam is a wonderful thing, shift tab people, shift tab)

Anyhoo: The house defence will probably happen in waterloo anyway, but I agree, it could be fun to do afterwards :smile:

One thing I want to see is a double line of 100 people fighting another double line of 100 to the death at some point XD

Oh yeah and rule breakers will be kicked.
Another question (kinda important). Those who become Imperial Guards, what regiment they'll select? (not cannoneer, Imp. Guard.)
You know, in Artillery regiments there are Imperial Guards. Which regiment and rank they'll select?
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