
Hello. Recently I started to learn the language and to write new HLSL shaders for Warband. I have successfully adapted the Parallax Occlusion Mapping and Parallax Mapping, even though it cost me a lot of time and effort. Then I decided to do something new, such as manipulation of the vertex shader in the water. I decided to implement this by changing the Z coordinates relative to the normal map, transmitted through the shader function tex2Dlod, of course. As a sample shader I used a technique watermap, which uses vs_main_water and ps_main_water. So here's the problem: reading from a texture in vertex shader support, as far as I know, only in VS 3.0 + versions. But when I tried to change the version of the vertex shader in technique at 3.0, the shader in the game stopped working and disappear. The same situation occurs if you change the version of the pixel shader. What's the problem?