Water Battles!

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I meant something else. I meant to like hire ship crews and buy boats and have them sail around and fight and you can have them escort the army across. :idea:
It isn't a bad idea ... just would mean a massive amount of work on Armagan's part. He would (correct me if I'm wrong) almost have to create an entire game to add some of these features to M&B. :sad:

If, on the other hand, it wouldn't be that much work for him to implement this ... then I would be all for it as I really love the idea. :grin:

I'm pretty sure what you're proposing has been brought up before. You could sail your army to other lands, and board other ships...I like the idea a lot, and as I recall, Armagan thought it was pretty neat too. He did, however, express that he wasn't sure he'd be able to implement boats.
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