Watch towers increase loot time by 33%, not 25%

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I apologize in advance if my horrendous math skills make me say something stupid here :mrgreen:.  Below is the code that modifies loot time if a village has a watch tower (from the "process_village_raids" script):

              (party_slot_eq, ":village_no", slot_center_has_watch_tower, 1),
              (val_mul, ":raid_progress_increase", 75),
              (val_div, ":raid_progress_increase", 100),

Let's say it takes 100 "points" to fully loot a village, and you make 10 points of progress every hour.  Without a watch tower it would take (100 / 10) hours to loot the village:

100 / 10 = 10 hours to loot village

Now let's say we have a watch tower.  The progress per hour would be (10 * 75 / 100):

10 * 75 / 100 = 7.5 points/hour
100 / 7.5 = 13.3333 hours to loot village

Wouldn't 13.3333 compared to 10 be a 33% increase?  It's only increasing at 75% of the normal rate, but that would mean it's taking 33% longer, not 25% longer (100 / 75 = 1.3333).  In order for it to be a 25% increase, the multiplier would have to be 80 instead of 75.
Shinigami said:
What a horrible mistake. The game is, like, totally unplayable now  :mrgreen:
Well it's not exactly a game-breaking bug, but neither are most of the bugs that people report :mrgreen:.  I was adding a tweak for this to TweakMB, and couldn't for the life of me figure out why it kept converting it to 33% instead of 25%.  Then it occurred to me that maybe the game is just doing it wrong :grin:
So watch towers are actually more useful than they should be.
You know, considering that crossing the whole world map to save your village with a 100+ men army can take a while I think that it could be better to leave this bug alone. :wink:
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