Watch out Canada- No pre-planning for Iraq, but for you!

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Sergeant Knight at Arms
Raiding the Icebox
Behind Its Warm Front, the United States Made Cold Calculations to Subdue Canada

By Peter Carlson
Washington Post Staff Writer
Friday, December 30, 2005; C01

Invading Canada won't be like invading Iraq: When we invade Canada, nobody will be able to grumble that we didn't have a plan.

The United States government does have a plan to invade Canada. It's a 94-page document called "Joint Army and Navy Basic War Plan -- Red," with the word SECRET stamped on the cover. It's a bold plan, a bodacious plan, a step-by-step plan to invade, seize and annex our neighbor to the north. It goes like this:

First, we send a joint Army-Navy overseas force to capture the port city of Halifax, cutting the Canadians off from their British allies.

Then we seize Canadian power plants near Niagara Falls, so they freeze in the dark.

Then the U.S. Army invades on three fronts -- marching from Vermont to take Montreal and Quebec, charging out of North Dakota to grab the railroad center at Winnipeg, and storming out of the Midwest to capture the strategic nickel mines of Ontario.

Meanwhile, the U.S. Navy seizes the Great Lakes and blockades Canada's Atlantic and Pacific ports.

At that point, it's only a matter of time before we bring these Molson-swigging, maple-mongering Zamboni drivers to their knees! Or, as the official planners wrote, stating their objective in bold capital letters: "ULTIMATELY TO GAIN COMPLETE CONTROL."

Read more here!
im canadian, and i call bull****. seeing how america's plans have been to run in and fire blindly.

isnt that also the site that said a 'chaos cloud' was going to destroy our solar system in 2011? and how did he obtain the documents?
Old news, "1930, then updated in 1934 and 1935. It was declassified in 1974" this was in the news last month. It's the CIA and Military's job to come up with invasion strategies. I'm not bothered, if they DO ever invade us, times are going to very, very tough anyways or long after we are dead.
TheDrunkenMoron said:
im canadian, and i call bull****. seeing how america's plans have been to run in and fire blindly.

isnt that also the site that said a 'chaos cloud' was going to destroy our solar system in 2011? and how did he obtain the documents?

It sounds like a joke but it's not. War Plan Red is real. It was drawn up and approved by the War Department in 1930, then updated in 1934 and 1935. It was declassified in 1974 and the word "SECRET" crossed out with a heavy pencil. Now it sits in a little gray box in the National Archives in College Park, available to anybody, even Canadian spies. They can photocopy it for 15 cents a page.

That information came immediately after my previous quote in the article. In addition, I do not believe the Washington Post published the "Chaos Cloud" article. The Washington Post is a major newspaper in the United States and I find it very doubtful that it would post "bs."

It may be old news but just today I read about it and found it very humorous.
TheDrunkenMoron said:
im canadian, and i call bull****. seeing how america's plans have been to run in and fire blindly.

isnt that also the site that said a 'chaos cloud' was going to destroy our solar system in 2011? and how did he obtain the documents?

i'm american, future Marine Corps officer even (that is, if all goes well) :razz:
you're wrong about how the US makes war, but this whole thing is bull, some proof? how the hell are we going to get our navy to the great lakes? and taking canada is of no economical, political, or military advantage.
Yes, but remember, this was back in 1930 when it was origionaly planned, and the US probably has invasion plans for most countries of the world.
overlooked that part, my bad. but about your second sentence, yeah we do, "the best defense is often an offense" and we have plenty reason to be paranoid, honestly.. who likes us? the english? what a long list... :wink:
Why the heck would US invade canada today? It is way CHEAPER to buy whatever US needs from Canada. Canada will not invade USA unless Canadians decide to have a mass suicide.

1930-s made sence though: British Empire was there and Canada was its part.
My point is that seventy years later, one would think things would improve. We had a plan seventy years ago to invade a country that posed little to no threat. Today, we had little to no plan to invade a country that posed a threat (in the mind of the people that decided war was needed.)
Most countries have war plans for many countries - just incase. I would not be surprised if America had a war plan for Russia, France, England etc. Just incase. I personally don't see why this is surprising.
I merely tied historical facts in with modern reality and found humour. That is all. I was expecting the same from you bunch so I thought it would benefit the livelihood of this forum by introducing some "funnies."

I agree, it isn't surprising that America had the plan. There's more to it than just that, though (see my above post.)
PrinceScamp said:
Yes, but remember, this was back in 1930 when it was origionaly planned, and the US probably has invasion plans for most countries of the world.

No doubt it was planned in the event that facism came to our back door (though it could've come in many other countries). And no, the US had no designs on imperialism at least back then. The policy of the US, which began to change due to events in WWI, was one of general isolationism, especially from European events.

However, with the Monroe Doctrine and the Manifest Destiny, the American sphere of concern had already broadened to all of North America, and most of South America by this time.

Nowadays, the US probably does have at least a rough draft of an invasion plan for many countries throughout the world. Many more, than the dangerous Canada :wink: of the 1930s.
I say go for it USA. There is nothing good on the TV nowdays. I need entertainment god damn it! Now I am off to watch some autopsy vids.
Instag0 said:
I merely tied historical facts in with modern reality and found humour. That is all. I was expecting the same from you bunch so I thought it would benefit the livelihood of this forum by introducing some "funnies."

I agree, it isn't surprising that America had the plan. There's more to it than just that, though (see my above post.)

Oh, sorry.
True true...

But we could throw, uhh... Utes or snags or thongs or something Aussie at you. Suck that down! :cool:
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