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Amontadillo said:
Just commenting in general, no negativity inplied. I'm more interested in the lore changes is all.
Which are quite ****.
I started reading up on it a few days ago ago and it just reads like one massive bad fan fiction tumblr post.
There's no intricacy, no living world, no nothing. It's "if Warhammer lore was a MOBA".
Honestly i found all that **** happening with the eldar quite interesting. Also Cadia falling is  a good thing IMO. A nice change of pace.

End of times will not happen, its just spicing up what is supposed to be the main front.
And a new eldar god has risen and will do a deathmatch with slaanesh, and apparently the eldar and dark eldar are teaming up with that, though some eldar wont follow the new god but keep on about khaine, which might cause that fracturing of biel tan...

And apparently the tau will most likely do a 4th sphere of expansion to regain what they lost recently as the imperium withdraws most of its forces in the eastern fringes to fight the black crusade.
So of all loyalist primarchs, they brought guilliman back...


I imagine after his first few hours out of stasis he's going to look up at everyone at the briefing and say."What the **** have you done?"
IA said:
I imagine after his first few hours out of stasis he's going to look up at everyone at the briefing and say."What the **** have you done?"
Yeah that should make for awesome interesting moments.
I wonder if some elements will try to brand him a heretic at some point for that.
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