Warhammar Moddz?

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Sergeant at Arms
Is dere any warhammar moddz in dis forom? I jus can"t seam to find ayn!!1!

Leik if ti had kewl lil spaec merines
leik diz 1 kina.. and leik orkz
leik dis 1 two anz stuf thta wud be aewsome.....
  :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :smile: :smile: :cool: :cool:

fi u can fidn ayn of dose kina moddz will u lrt me kwno? I jus htae thsi forom cus I can"t seam to fidn aynthign on ti!! u guyz suc at forom desigms..

Thakns all fo u!!!

btw i foudn thsi modd made yb thsi guy TheWarlrod... loks kinda kewl. u shoudl chec it oout dudz.. :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :razz: :razz: :razz: :razz: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :grin:

o an plz dun be meen leik u guy usualyl r.. i jus wnt my qestiun answerd.... so plz shwo smoe respeect.. thx :smile: :smile: :wink: :wink:
Lore.ik said:

That was my reaction.

But yeah, if you haven't guessed this is a parody by now. Go away.

And since I am somewhat of a forum member I find it even funnier.
Yeah i know it's a parody but its still not funny, I have seen too much of this kind of **** to consider it funny.

But as long as someone got a good stomach full of laughter it's ok i guess, though i highly doubt that :grin:
I suppose I started this.
I apologize for the consequences of my actions.
And also the post need more movie references and you don't have to misspell everything. :mrgreen:
Evod Lighttaker said:
I suppose I started this.
I apologize for the consequences my actions.
And also the post need more movie references and you don't have to misspell everything. :mrgreen:

Nah, this was going on LOOOOONG before you got here.

We do it every now and then so we can keep our sanity.
Nice try Darkstar, but when I saw your name as the thread maker, I knew what it was right away.

Stop it guys, you cannot surpass the best mod joke

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