Sergeant Knight at Arms
Crosshair Contest
Participants must make a crosshair for the mod. It can be anything, from the simple four lines that spread out, to an enlarging circle, to three spinning dots.
It must NOT be a single dot in the center of the screen, or anything else that can't enlarge properly depending on accuracy.
Besides the actual crosshair, the participants must draw arrows that show how the crosshair enlarges.
Example submission:
Also, all crosshairs must have an outline of a different color, make it really thin if it bothers you, but it is necessary so that the crosshair is visible everywhere.
And, for the ones who prefer realism, you can just switch crosshairs off in-game.
The winner gets access to the 1st of June beta and a choice between:
-Being a revolutionary leader for one of the factions.
(Revolutionary leaders work as pretenders: They initiate the mission to overthrow the government of a specific faction, and if the revolution succeeds, then he or she becomes the faction's leader with his represented government type. Democratic, Communist, Fascist and Imperialist revolutions are possible, so 4 such characters will exist for each faction.)
-Being the player's personal advisor if the player leads his own faction.
(Regardless of the player's faction government type, he will have an advisor. Talking to that advisor will enable the player to make decisions for his faction, rather than doing it from the camp menu.
Now get going already, submissions end on Tuesday!
By cdvader.
By Temuzu.
By Shatari.
By Varric.
By Antifiriz.
By Austupaio.
Recruiting for closed alpha!
Closed beta isn't far, and if we want to get there faster, we need a few more things done. So, recruiting has started again! You have any skills that might help the mod? PM me with screenshots of your work included, and we'll get you into the alpha!
For the moment, the main page is going through intense reconstruction, this here is just placeholder stuff. If ye would be so kind as to wait until it's complete before complaining, i would be very appreciative.
The Timeline
*stylish description of vehicles will go here soon*
Mod Development Timeline
(from bottom to top)
April 15th, 2010 - Warband porting starts, as well as the crosshair contest.
March 27th, 2010 - The splash screen contest ends. Varric is #1 again!
March 8th, 2010 - The splash screen contest begins.
March 5th, 2010 - The tagline contest is over, SXIII, bgfan, Colonel_Ryan, McBeverage and Antifiriz are the winners.
February 23rd, 2010 - The tagline contest begins.
February 16th, 2010 - Work on the gunship system begins.
February 5th, 2010 - The lottery is over, 12 beta testers are chosen.
February 3nd, 2010 - The beta lottery begins.
February 2nd, 2010 - Work begins on the map.
January 31st, 2010 - SXIII wins the map contest.
January 19th, 2010 - The map contest begins.
January 9th, 2010 - Rize returns, only to be muted yet again for announcing that he's back.
January 5th, 2010 - Rize is muted again after posting in the Finnish forums.
January 3rd, 2010 - The first teaser: "A teaser of the teaser to come" is finally launched!
December 31st, 2009 - On New Year's Eve, Rize and some other forumites are muted following the 100% Noobiness spamfest. The Mute Brothers are formed and the teaser is delayed once again.
December 30th, 2009 - Rize returns, and is close to releasing the teaser video, the banner contest is won by Varric, Queen Pinky, Mudcrab, Slappy101 and Temuzu.
December 25th, 2009 - It's Christmas, and Rize goes missing. Everyone presumes he died in increasingly strange ways.
December 22th, 2009 - Texturing, modeling, animation and whatnot madness begins, the teaser video is getting close.
December 19th, 2009 - Banner submissions are closed and the banner election begins.
December 13th, 2009 - Austupaio starts helping the contraption, and makes a new walker model.
December 4th, 2009 - The banner contest commences.
December 1st, 2009 - The walker system is completed.
November 23rd, 2009 - The walker system is introduced.
October 25th, 2009 - The jetpack system is introduced.
October 18th, 2009 - Fascism wins the poll about the most evil ideologies, getting to have a major impact on the contraption.
October 15th, 2009 - killop5 joins the team as a modeler.
October 14th, 2009 - Automatic firing is implemented, thanks to cdvader.
October 9th, 2009 - Lucke189 starts helping the contraption as a modeler.
October 4th, 2009 - Recruiting officially begins, JakCurse joins the team as a modeler.
September 27th, 2009 - The timeline is added, thanks in part to blowcrapup.
September 22nd, 2009 - Rize is back, after a long, long mute, and work resumes.
September 9th, 2009 - Shotgun texture crisis - Rize is muted for copyright infringement.
September 8th, 2009 - Crouching and going prone are now possible.
August 25th, 2009 - The vehicle plan is made and tanks are starting to be worked on.
August 7th, 2009 - The shotgun script is introduced.
July 28th, 2009 - Health regeneration is introduced.
July 27th, 2009 - It is decided that weapons will only be a little more advanced than what we have today.
July 18th, 2009 - Brazil becomes the final playable faction.
July 18th, 2009 - Helmet vision is introduced, thanks to HokieBT.
July 16th, 2009 - Israel becomes the 9th playable faction, starting the final poll.
July 15th, 2009 - India becomes the 8th playable faction, and the fourth poll begins.
July 14th, 2009 - The idea of sky battles is introduced and the first progress is made.
July 14th, 2009 - The United Arab League is voted as the 7th playable faction. The third faction poll begins.
July 13th, 2009 - Canada is voted as the 6th playable faction and the second faction poll begins.
July 11th, 2009 - The Lunar War becomes the contraption's name and the first faction poll begins.
July 11th, 2009 - The contraption is officially announced and a name poll is made.
(from bottom to top)
April 15th, 2010 - Warband porting starts, as well as the crosshair contest.
March 27th, 2010 - The splash screen contest ends. Varric is #1 again!
March 8th, 2010 - The splash screen contest begins.
March 5th, 2010 - The tagline contest is over, SXIII, bgfan, Colonel_Ryan, McBeverage and Antifiriz are the winners.
February 23rd, 2010 - The tagline contest begins.
February 16th, 2010 - Work on the gunship system begins.
February 5th, 2010 - The lottery is over, 12 beta testers are chosen.
February 3nd, 2010 - The beta lottery begins.
February 2nd, 2010 - Work begins on the map.
January 31st, 2010 - SXIII wins the map contest.
January 19th, 2010 - The map contest begins.
January 9th, 2010 - Rize returns, only to be muted yet again for announcing that he's back.
January 5th, 2010 - Rize is muted again after posting in the Finnish forums.
January 3rd, 2010 - The first teaser: "A teaser of the teaser to come" is finally launched!
December 31st, 2009 - On New Year's Eve, Rize and some other forumites are muted following the 100% Noobiness spamfest. The Mute Brothers are formed and the teaser is delayed once again.
December 30th, 2009 - Rize returns, and is close to releasing the teaser video, the banner contest is won by Varric, Queen Pinky, Mudcrab, Slappy101 and Temuzu.
December 25th, 2009 - It's Christmas, and Rize goes missing. Everyone presumes he died in increasingly strange ways.
December 22th, 2009 - Texturing, modeling, animation and whatnot madness begins, the teaser video is getting close.
December 19th, 2009 - Banner submissions are closed and the banner election begins.
December 13th, 2009 - Austupaio starts helping the contraption, and makes a new walker model.
December 4th, 2009 - The banner contest commences.
December 1st, 2009 - The walker system is completed.
November 23rd, 2009 - The walker system is introduced.
October 25th, 2009 - The jetpack system is introduced.
October 18th, 2009 - Fascism wins the poll about the most evil ideologies, getting to have a major impact on the contraption.
October 15th, 2009 - killop5 joins the team as a modeler.
October 14th, 2009 - Automatic firing is implemented, thanks to cdvader.
October 9th, 2009 - Lucke189 starts helping the contraption as a modeler.
October 4th, 2009 - Recruiting officially begins, JakCurse joins the team as a modeler.
September 27th, 2009 - The timeline is added, thanks in part to blowcrapup.
September 22nd, 2009 - Rize is back, after a long, long mute, and work resumes.
September 9th, 2009 - Shotgun texture crisis - Rize is muted for copyright infringement.
September 8th, 2009 - Crouching and going prone are now possible.
August 25th, 2009 - The vehicle plan is made and tanks are starting to be worked on.
August 7th, 2009 - The shotgun script is introduced.
July 28th, 2009 - Health regeneration is introduced.
July 27th, 2009 - It is decided that weapons will only be a little more advanced than what we have today.
July 18th, 2009 - Brazil becomes the final playable faction.
July 18th, 2009 - Helmet vision is introduced, thanks to HokieBT.
July 16th, 2009 - Israel becomes the 9th playable faction, starting the final poll.
July 15th, 2009 - India becomes the 8th playable faction, and the fourth poll begins.
July 14th, 2009 - The idea of sky battles is introduced and the first progress is made.
July 14th, 2009 - The United Arab League is voted as the 7th playable faction. The third faction poll begins.
July 13th, 2009 - Canada is voted as the 6th playable faction and the second faction poll begins.
July 11th, 2009 - The Lunar War becomes the contraption's name and the first faction poll begins.
July 11th, 2009 - The contraption is officially announced and a name poll is made.
The map is in progress, it will be made following the model of the winning map of the map contest, made by SXIII
Political map
Full Moon Corporation
Military vehicle fabricators.
Near Side Defense
Private military corporation.
Kazakh Autonomous Region
A village named New Kusek that has declared its autonomy within the UIS.
Unity Revival Force
An organization whose goals are the reconstruction of Unity City, the continuation of terraforming and the unification of the human species.
SXIII's prize faction for winning the map contest.
more to come
Military vehicle fabricators.
Near Side Defense
Private military corporation.
Kazakh Autonomous Region
A village named New Kusek that has declared its autonomy within the UIS.
Unity Revival Force
An organization whose goals are the reconstruction of Unity City, the continuation of terraforming and the unification of the human species.
SXIII's prize faction for winning the map contest.
more to come
-New Models
-New Map
-New Animations
-New Factions
Ok, now let's get to the real stuff...
-Rebuilt shooting system, with different fire modes (from semi-auto to full-auto)
-Rebuilt ammo system to fit the new shooting system, with different ammo types and early reloading
-Rebuilt hud, with a more FPS-ish enlarging crosshair and ammo shown on-screen
-HUD only visible when wearing special glasses and helmets
-Regenerative health system, similar to the Call of Duty series
-Shotgun system with a realistic spread
-Explosive weapons system, full with rocket launchers and explosive grenades.
-Flash grenades, smoke grenades (crew screw only) and concussion grenades (grenades using raw explosive force for knockback)
-Jetpack system, fly across the battlefield, shooting at the suckers below, but watch out not to be splattered by incoming gunships!
On to the vehicles...
-Walker system, be able to drive walkers to mow down cooking with its turrets or simply stomp on them to death
-Tank system, drive hovering tanks to blow up other vehicles and cooking
-Light Vehicle system, drive small support vehicles to take down cooking and airborne units
-Gunship system, fly gunships above the battlefield to rain down bullets and rockets upon ground units, or engage in dogfights with other gunships
-Sky hissyfit system, similar to the sea hissyfit system, take your airships to the sky, bombarding ground units with deadly armament, focus your fire on enemy airships to take them down, or board them using your jetpacks to take them down from the inside.
On to the politics...
-Politics system, once ye get your own faction, choose its government type, ranging from despotate to parliamentary republic, set its conscription, imposit and media laws, to turn your faction into a democratic haven, a fearsome dictatorship, or anything in between.
-All factions will change their flags along with their government. Will America really want to keep their stars when they're a fascist dictatorship? Will Japan want their imperial seal when they're a communist state? I don't think so
And last but not least...
-A long, immersive storyline, which I can't tell what it will be about, but it will be a memorable experience...
The Team
Rize - Mod leader, jack-of-all-trades
killop5 - Modeler
Temuzu - Modeler, scene builder
cdvader - Base Autofire and Cover system scripts
HokieBT - Much help with coding
Lucke189 - Models and textures
Zacharro - A walker model
Antifiriz - Turkish thread of the contraption
Austupaio - Models and textures
JakCurse - Models
blowcrapup - First part of the timeline, and other lore stuff
Cp panaka - Models
Banner contest, December 2009.
Objective: Make the best signature for the mod.
Winners: #1: Varric
#2: Queen Pinky
#3: Mudcrab
#4: Slappy101
#5: Temuzu
Map contest, January 2010.
Objective: Make a reference map for the mod.
Winner: SXIII
Tagline contest, February/March 2010
Objective: Make up a tagline for the mod.
Winners: #1: SXIII
#2: bgfan
#3: Colonel_Ryan
#4: mcbeverage101
#5: Antifiriz
Splash Screen Contest, March 2010
Objective: Make a splash screen for the mod in the launcher.
Winners: #1: Varric
#2: Queen Pinky
#3: Colonel_Ryan
Objective: Make the best signature for the mod.
Winners: #1: Varric
#2: Queen Pinky
#3: Mudcrab
#4: Slappy101
#5: Temuzu
Map contest, January 2010.
Objective: Make a reference map for the mod.
Winner: SXIII
Tagline contest, February/March 2010
Objective: Make up a tagline for the mod.
Winners: #1: SXIII
#2: bgfan
#3: Colonel_Ryan
#4: mcbeverage101
#5: Antifiriz
Splash Screen Contest, March 2010
Objective: Make a splash screen for the mod in the launcher.
Winners: #1: Varric
#2: Queen Pinky
#3: Colonel_Ryan
What will the name of the contraption be?
The Lunar War - 43,8% <- WINNER!
World War IV - Conflict on the New World - 18,8%
World War IV contraption - 6,3%
The Moon - A war-free planet... NOT! - 6,3%
Lunar Conflict - 25%
Total votes - 16
What should the 6th major faction be?
India - 18.9%
Iran - 11.3%
Israel - 9.4%
Ukraine - 3.8%
Indonesia - 0%
Canada - 20.8% <- WINNER!
Australia - 7.5%
Fictional Arab Union - 17%
Mexico - 5.7%
Brazil - 5.7%
Total votes - 53
7th Major Faction. Which one?
Ukraine - 3.8%
India - 13.5%
Israel - 17.3%
Brazil - 11.5%
South Africa - 1.9%
Iran - 15.4%
Mexico - 3.8%
Australia - 13.5%
Indonesia - 0%
Arab Union 19.2% <- WINNER!
Total votes - 52
Time to decide the 8th Major Faction. So?
India damn it! - 30.8% <- WINNER!
Israel - 11.5%
Iran - 7.7%
Indonesia - 0%
Ukraine - 9.6%
Mexico - 1.9%
Australia - 11.5%
Brazil - 17.3%
South Africa - 1.9%
Kazakhstan! - 7.7%
Total votes - 52
What will the 9th Major Faction be?
Great nation of Kazakhstan - 14%
Iran - 18%
Brazil - 14%
Israel - 22% <- WINNER!
South Africa - 8%
Ukraine - 6%
Argentina - 8%
Pakistan - 0%
Indonesia - 2%
Mexico - 8%
Total votes - 50
What will the last major faction be?
Vote Brazil! - 20.8% <- WINNER!
No, Borat says vote Kazakhstan! - 18.1%
No, Iran deserves the spot! - 18.1%
Come on, why not Indonesia? - 4.2%
Vote Pakistan! - 1.4%
MEXICO!!! - 6.9%
South Africa. It's possible. - 6.9%
Ukraine, damn it! - 9.7%
Argentina! - 6.9%
Nigeria ftw! - 6.9%
Total votes - 72
What should the role of melee weapons be?
Just a melee function for ranged weapons, and maybe a few energy knives. - 48.8% <- WINNER!
Energy knives everywhere and some rare noodles. - 36.6%
50% of the troops should be melee focused... - 14.6%
Total votes - 41
What will the player's comrade-in-arms be throughout the main storyline?
No winner, ye'll have to choose one.
How advanced should firearms be?
Just a little more advanced then what we have today. - 28.4%
More advanced, with different bullet material and way of propulsing. - 33.3% <-WINNER!
Much more advanced, bullets charged with energy that leave colored traces behind. - 11.8%
Very advanced, up to plasma and electric guns. - 8.8%
Mega-advanced, with blasters, lasers and everything ye see in sci-fi films. - 17.6%
How should health regeneration be handled?
Same as in Native. - 21.7%
Same as in Native, with some sort of health packs included. - 42.7% <-WINNER!
Same as in recent FPS games, it regenerates when ye're behind cover. - 35.7%
Total votes - 157
How many vehicle types will there be?
Are vehicles really necessary? I'm fine with only hoverbikes. - 8.6%
Only one, this isn't Battlefield. - 4.6%
Two is fine. One would be anti-cooking and the other anti-*former vehicle*. - 16.4%
Three, with rock-paper-scissors mechanics. - 29.6%
Four is good. - 7.9%
Make it five. - 32.9% <-WINNER!
Total votes - 152
Should i add stationary artillery, stronger than the artillery vehicles?
Sure, would make battles much more tactical! - 39.4% <-WINNER! (Only in settlements and military bases)
No, the masturbation artillery is enough. - 13.6%
Maybe add AA and AV cannons across the maps, so the player and npc's can use them. - 18.2%
1 and 3 combined. - 24.2%
I don't care. - 4.5%
Total votes - 66
I am now focusing on weapon modelling/texturing. What weapon type do ye prefer to see in future free porn!?
Pistols - 2.4%
SMG's - 12%
Assault Rifles - 28.9% <-WINNER!
Shotguns - 4.8%
LMG's - 2.4%
Sniper RIfles - 12%
AA/AV Launchers. - 4.8%
Anti-cooking heavy weapons (Flamethrower, Minigun, etc.) - 21.7%
One of those "special" ones... - 10.8%
Total votes - 83
What do ye think is the most "evil" ideology?
Fascism - 38.1% <-WINNER!
Imperialism - 14.4%
Communism - 21.6%
Theocracy - 9.3%
Despotism - 2.1%
Capitalism - 14.4%
Total votes - 97
Vehicle Poll 2: How heavy should walkers be?
Extremely light and maneuvreable, twice the size of a human. - 14.5%
Light and maneuvreable. Red faction guerrilla light walker style. - 21.8%
Medium sized and maneuvrable. AT-ST style. - 41.8% <-WINNER!
Heavy and clunky. BF 2142 style. - 12.7%
Very heavy and slow moving, similar to the four-legged ones in Star Wars. - 9.1%
Total votes - 55
Jetpacks will be...
Necessary, so they'll be usable by themselves. - 24.7%
Precious, so they'll only be usable with 1 specific armor piece (helmet, hands, etc.) - 15.6%
Overpowered, so they'll need a full armor set to work with. - 13%
Intolerant to heavy-weight things, so they'll only be usable with any kind of light armor. - 26% <-WINNER!
Weight-intolerant and precious, so they'll only be usable with light armor AND a special light armor piece. - 6.5%
Weight-intolerant and overpowered, so they'll only be usable with a full light armor set. - 14.3%
Total votes - 77
What do ye think the storyline should be inclined towards?
War, clashes between nations, keep it on a large scale and unpersonal. - 26.4%
Action, revenge, and as personal as possible. The war is just the background. - 20.8%
A story with interwoven global-scale and personal conflicts. - 52.8%
Total votes - 72
The Lunar War - 43,8% <- WINNER!
World War IV - Conflict on the New World - 18,8%
World War IV contraption - 6,3%
The Moon - A war-free planet... NOT! - 6,3%
Lunar Conflict - 25%
Total votes - 16
What should the 6th major faction be?
India - 18.9%
Iran - 11.3%
Israel - 9.4%
Ukraine - 3.8%
Indonesia - 0%
Canada - 20.8% <- WINNER!
Australia - 7.5%
Fictional Arab Union - 17%
Mexico - 5.7%
Brazil - 5.7%
Total votes - 53
7th Major Faction. Which one?
Ukraine - 3.8%
India - 13.5%
Israel - 17.3%
Brazil - 11.5%
South Africa - 1.9%
Iran - 15.4%
Mexico - 3.8%
Australia - 13.5%
Indonesia - 0%
Arab Union 19.2% <- WINNER!
Total votes - 52
Time to decide the 8th Major Faction. So?
India damn it! - 30.8% <- WINNER!
Israel - 11.5%
Iran - 7.7%
Indonesia - 0%
Ukraine - 9.6%
Mexico - 1.9%
Australia - 11.5%
Brazil - 17.3%
South Africa - 1.9%
Kazakhstan! - 7.7%
Total votes - 52
What will the 9th Major Faction be?
Great nation of Kazakhstan - 14%
Iran - 18%
Brazil - 14%
Israel - 22% <- WINNER!
South Africa - 8%
Ukraine - 6%
Argentina - 8%
Pakistan - 0%
Indonesia - 2%
Mexico - 8%
Total votes - 50
What will the last major faction be?
Vote Brazil! - 20.8% <- WINNER!
No, Borat says vote Kazakhstan! - 18.1%
No, Iran deserves the spot! - 18.1%
Come on, why not Indonesia? - 4.2%
Vote Pakistan! - 1.4%
MEXICO!!! - 6.9%
South Africa. It's possible. - 6.9%
Ukraine, damn it! - 9.7%
Argentina! - 6.9%
Nigeria ftw! - 6.9%
Total votes - 72
What should the role of melee weapons be?
Just a melee function for ranged weapons, and maybe a few energy knives. - 48.8% <- WINNER!
Energy knives everywhere and some rare noodles. - 36.6%
50% of the troops should be melee focused... - 14.6%
Total votes - 41
What will the player's comrade-in-arms be throughout the main storyline?
No winner, ye'll have to choose one.
How advanced should firearms be?
Just a little more advanced then what we have today. - 28.4%
More advanced, with different bullet material and way of propulsing. - 33.3% <-WINNER!
Much more advanced, bullets charged with energy that leave colored traces behind. - 11.8%
Very advanced, up to plasma and electric guns. - 8.8%
Mega-advanced, with blasters, lasers and everything ye see in sci-fi films. - 17.6%
How should health regeneration be handled?
Same as in Native. - 21.7%
Same as in Native, with some sort of health packs included. - 42.7% <-WINNER!
Same as in recent FPS games, it regenerates when ye're behind cover. - 35.7%
Total votes - 157
How many vehicle types will there be?
Are vehicles really necessary? I'm fine with only hoverbikes. - 8.6%
Only one, this isn't Battlefield. - 4.6%
Two is fine. One would be anti-cooking and the other anti-*former vehicle*. - 16.4%
Three, with rock-paper-scissors mechanics. - 29.6%
Four is good. - 7.9%
Make it five. - 32.9% <-WINNER!
Total votes - 152
Should i add stationary artillery, stronger than the artillery vehicles?
Sure, would make battles much more tactical! - 39.4% <-WINNER! (Only in settlements and military bases)
No, the masturbation artillery is enough. - 13.6%
Maybe add AA and AV cannons across the maps, so the player and npc's can use them. - 18.2%
1 and 3 combined. - 24.2%
I don't care. - 4.5%
Total votes - 66
I am now focusing on weapon modelling/texturing. What weapon type do ye prefer to see in future free porn!?
Pistols - 2.4%
SMG's - 12%
Assault Rifles - 28.9% <-WINNER!
Shotguns - 4.8%
LMG's - 2.4%
Sniper RIfles - 12%
AA/AV Launchers. - 4.8%
Anti-cooking heavy weapons (Flamethrower, Minigun, etc.) - 21.7%
One of those "special" ones... - 10.8%
Total votes - 83
What do ye think is the most "evil" ideology?
Fascism - 38.1% <-WINNER!
Imperialism - 14.4%
Communism - 21.6%
Theocracy - 9.3%
Despotism - 2.1%
Capitalism - 14.4%
Total votes - 97
Vehicle Poll 2: How heavy should walkers be?
Extremely light and maneuvreable, twice the size of a human. - 14.5%
Light and maneuvreable. Red faction guerrilla light walker style. - 21.8%
Medium sized and maneuvrable. AT-ST style. - 41.8% <-WINNER!
Heavy and clunky. BF 2142 style. - 12.7%
Very heavy and slow moving, similar to the four-legged ones in Star Wars. - 9.1%
Total votes - 55
Jetpacks will be...
Necessary, so they'll be usable by themselves. - 24.7%
Precious, so they'll only be usable with 1 specific armor piece (helmet, hands, etc.) - 15.6%
Overpowered, so they'll need a full armor set to work with. - 13%
Intolerant to heavy-weight things, so they'll only be usable with any kind of light armor. - 26% <-WINNER!
Weight-intolerant and precious, so they'll only be usable with light armor AND a special light armor piece. - 6.5%
Weight-intolerant and overpowered, so they'll only be usable with a full light armor set. - 14.3%
Total votes - 77
What do ye think the storyline should be inclined towards?
War, clashes between nations, keep it on a large scale and unpersonal. - 26.4%
Action, revenge, and as personal as possible. The war is just the background. - 20.8%
A story with interwoven global-scale and personal conflicts. - 52.8%
Total votes - 72
Put those in your signature to support the contraption!
By myself, the first presentable signature!
By myself, the contraption logo is also usable as a signature!
By Varric, winner of the banner contest!
By Queen Pinky.
By Mudcrab.
By Slappy101.
By Temuzu.
By killop5.
By Benosaurus.
By MountandBladeKinsman.
Second by Slappy101.
Second by Varric.
By Deltawidow.
Put those in your signature to support the contraption!
By myself, the first presentable signature!
By myself, the contraption logo is also usable as a signature!
By Varric, winner of the banner contest!
By Queen Pinky.
By Mudcrab.
By Slappy101.
By Temuzu.
By killop5.
By Benosaurus.
By MountandBladeKinsman.
Second by Slappy101.
Second by Varric.
By Deltawidow.