Warband Script Enhancer 2 (v1.1.2.7)

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Oh ok, Im using floris evolved from the steam workshop, does it has something to do with the error?

Heres the Screenshot
Mods with the old WSE are developed for Warband version 1.153. In new versions of Warband, many new operations have been added and the WSE's operations ID have all shifted, so completely incorrect operations are called in the scripts, which causes the game to crash. Only the mod developer can fix this.
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void mbAgent::updateKicking()
    rglVector4 kickVec = rglVector4(-m_movementDir.x, m_movementDir.y, m_movementDir.z) * 0.1f + m_movementDir * 0.6f;
    rglVector4 kickPosition = m_position + kickVec;
    rglVector4 srcPos = m_position + rglVector4(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.5f);
    rglVector4 dstPos = srcPos + kickVec;
    rglBodyPart *hitBodyPart = NULL;
    rglEntity *hitEntity = NULL;
    float hitDistance = g_mission->getObstructingObject(srcPos, dstPos, &hitBodyPart, &hitEntity);
    bool hitBody = hitEntity || hitBodyPart;
    mbMissionGridIterator it;

    if (g_mission->m_grid.startIterating(kickPosition, 0.4f, it))
            mbAgent *agent = it.m_node->m_agent;

            if (agent != this && agent->isAlive() && agent->isHuman() && agent->m_isOnGround && !agent->hasMount())
                if (g_mission->m_isMultiplayer && g_networkManager.m_meleeFriendlyFire && !g_mission->m_inDuelMode || isEnemyWith(agent))
                    rglVector4 distance = agent->m_position - kickPosition;
                    float area = distance.vec2().lengthSquared();

                    if (rglMax(1.0f / m_groundQuad->getNormal().z, 2.0f) * 0.25f + 0.55f > distance.z)
                        if (distance.z > -1.3f && area < rglConfig::Battle::fKickRange)
                            if (hitBody && (area < 0.05f || hitDistance - 0.75f > area))
                                hitBody = false;

                            if (!hitBody)
                                mbBlow blow;

                                blow.m_boneNo = hb_abdomen;
                                blow.m_direction = m_movementDir;
                                blow.m_rawDamage = (getTroop()->getAttribute(atr_str) + 10) * 0.35f * m_modifiers[am_damage];
                                blow.m_rotation = m_movementDir;
                                blow.m_agentNo = m_no;
                                blow.m_damageType = dt_blunt;
                                blow.m_weaponClass = bwc_unarmed;
                                blow.m_type = blt_kick;
                                blow.m_position = m_position + m_movementDir * 0.2f;
                                g_mission->deliverBlow(m_no, agent->m_no, blow);
                                m_kickState = 0;
        while (g_mission->m_grid.iterate(it));
please send me your Prophesy Of Pendor save before battle with huge freezes
Please, apologies for the delay, but here's the save you've asked for. In it you'll find an ongoing campaing with a test character and plenty of troops in garrisons that you can take to assemble a huge army and, then, with Ctrl+T, you may look for a big enemy spawn around the map:


In addition, I've discovered the following two bugs with Viking Conquest:

  1. When laying siege to a settlement, a menu appear and it's supposed to give status messages about performed actions, as shown in this screenshot made using the vanilla engine: Siege menu (vanilla). With the WSE2, instead, no messages are displayed: Siege menu (WSE2).
  2. Certain settlements show a gap between the off-map water and the water within the walkable area. Here's a screenshot from a scene using the vanilla engine: Water at edge (vanilla) and here are two screenshots, one of the same scene and another from another scene, both made using the WSE2: Water at edge (WSE2) 1 and Water at edge (WSE2) 2.
Hi! :smile: What legit method can be used to shorten the effect of getting staggered when you can't attack or defend for a second?
I have discovered one unintended method accidentally but I I'm wondering if there's an operation for this

If there's isn't one, perhaps it's possible to connect it to damage_interrupt_attack_threshold or add damage_interrupt_defence_threshold?
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