Warband Script Enhancer 2 (v1.1.2.7)

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That screenshot was just testing different values. No matter what settings I chose, I didn't get the checkbox. Also when using the exact settings from your screenshot.

Do I need any specific driver settings? Or does it depend on GPU brand?
Hmm, I lack the insights to pursue this any further. If people report that bug to us, and they have an nvidia card, I will ask them to turn on MSAA and transparency MSAA. Otherwise, I will still have to refer to this thread.

But thanks for helping!
Attack option "relative by enemy position" is currently broken for some reason, any way to fix this?
Last edited:
-Lua update - Script hooking.
-Added "By inverse mouse movement" block control option.
-Fixed "By relative enemy position" attack control option.
-Fixed font material update for parties map legend.
-Fixed itp_remove_item_on_use item flag.
-Fixed shield deform and horse cripple for items without modifier.
-Optimization - for operations zeroed only first 5 operands (same as vanilla Warband).

Thanks AgentSmith for work on lua update.
Thanks abukhanjar for sponsoring "By inverse mouse movement" option.
You can hook scripts using game.hookScript(script_no, funcCallback).

funcCallback will receive all script parameters. Its return values control further behaviour:

If it returns false, the script will not be executed.

If it returns numbers, the script parameters will be replaced with them, then the script is executed.

local a = 0
game.hookScript(game.script.game_get_console_command, function(...)
  a = a + 1

  if a <= 5 then
    local s = ""
    for i = 1, select("#", ...) do
      s = s .. tostring(select(i, ...)) .. "     "

    print("CONSOLE CMD", a, "blocked, params were: ", s)
    return false

  elseif a <= 10 then
    return 2, 1, 4 --set team 1 bot count to 4. At least for NW

  elseif a == 15 then
    game.hookScript(game.script.game_get_console_command, nil)

To unhook a script, use game.hookScript(script_no, nil).

Now you can patch any old unsupported mods without modifying their files.
How to remove freezes in big battles?

This lua script disables the morale script script_apply_effect_of_other_people_on_courage_scores for Native and all mods that use this morale system. If you wish, you can improve it by writing your own moral system using lua without the need to decompile and modify the mod itself.

Extract lua folder to your root module folder. For example full path Warband\Modules\Native\lua\main.lua

I was told to post here by the TLD mod community. There is a bug that WSE2 causes involving prisoners. In the mod you can talk to the prisoner and kill them. This removes the prisoner from the players party, but gives them an item in return. The problem is that after killing the prisoner and receiving the item, the prisoner stays in the players party.
I was told to post here by the TLD mod community. There is a bug that WSE2 causes involving prisoners. In the mod you can talk to the prisoner and kill them. This removes the prisoner from the players party, but gives them an item in return. The problem is that after killing the prisoner and receiving the item, the prisoner stays in the players party.
Send me your tld version and your save game before this bug occured.
Hey, i was using bannerpage on the latest steam version of the game but i switched to WSE2 mid-playthrough and it worked fine, then i saw in the bannerpage readme that "WSE2 is not supported" but the game was fine so what exactly is the reason why bannerpage doesn't support WSE2 but it works fine atleast for the most part.

A major issue that's been irritating me for so long is that my character "teleports" kinda like frame-skipping, it feels very choppy and unresponsive, it also is there in Viking Conquest, the vanilla engine doesn't have this so it's weird. It happens in 3d scenes aswell as the campaign map. Hope you can help me with this!
Try disable sound occlusion
That didn't work but it did help a bit, i did find a solution i just had to cap my fps to something i was consistently reaching(previously capped to 999), it completely removed all lag and made the game ALOT smoother so i highly recommend anyone having frame skipping or whatever to do the same. But you didn't answer my question, am i fine with using bannerpage or will i encounter issues with WSE2?
Hi. After last update of Wse2 I have many problems with loading saved games(Perisno), because of exception access violation
(0xC0000005, 0x00000001, 0x9405BC28 .
I can load game normally in vannilla launcher. I heard that other people have the same problem as me. Hope you can solve this, and thanks for your great work.
Hi. After last update of Wse2 I have many problems with loading saved games(Perisno), because of exception access violation
(0xC0000005, 0x00000001, 0x9405BC28 .
I can load game normally in vannilla launcher. I heard that other people have the same problem as me. Hope you can solve this, and thanks for your great work.
Hello. Send me your Perisno version and your save game.
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