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It might be worth mentioning, that the 1.168 MS (Viking Conquest) has been released silently.
A lot of header files have been updated.
So we've got new/updated operations, advanced trigger parameters, new flags and so on.
motomataru said:
OK, the last release didn't get released, which is fine because there was a small slew of issues that remained. Given that 2.023 is in beta as of today, I present this to you, the faithful (if not totally patient) few. Kindly let us know what is missing (besides the skyboxes source), so we can make a complete version for TW to put up.


Things that have been changed from 1.166(official MS, not Lav's) to 1.168;
(I'll only list Native relevant changes)
#human bones
hb_abdomen = 0
hb_thigh_l = 1
hb_calf_l = 2
hb_foot_l = 3
hb_thigh_r = 4
hb_calf_r = 5
hb_foot_r = 6
hb_spine = 7
hb_thorax = 8
hb_head = 9
hb_shoulder_l = 10
hb_upperarm_l = 11
hb_forearm_l = 12
hb_hand_l = 13
hb_item_l = 14
hb_shoulder_r = 15
hb_upperarm_r = 16
hb_forearm_r = 17
hb_hand_r = 18
hb_item_r = 19

#object types for "try_for_prop_instances" operation
somt_object = 1
somt_entry = 2
somt_item = 3
somt_baggage = 4
somt_flora = 5
somt_passage = 6
somt_spawned_item = 7
somt_spawned_single_ammo_item = 8
somt_spawned_unsheathed_item = 9
somt_shield = 10
somt_temporary_object = 11
itp_replaces_helm            = 0x0000000000400000 #in VC some hoods are attached to tunics
itp_covers_hair_partially    = 0x0000080000000000
itp_disable_agent_sounds     = 0x0040000000000000 #disable agent related sounds, but not voices. useful for animals
mtf_sit_ambient_music                  = 0x02000000
try_for_agents    = 12	# (try_for_agents, <destination>, [<position_no>], [<radius_fixed_point>]),
try_for_prop_instances = 16 # (try_for_prop_instances, <destination>, [<object_id>], [<object_type>]), # if object_id  and object_type is not given, it loops through all instances. For object types see list of "somt_" in header_common.py 
set_physics_delta_time			= 58  # (set_physics_delta_time, <fixed_value>), #Default is 0.025 (40 fps).
is_camera_in_first_person       = 61  # (is_camera_in_first_person),
set_camera_in_first_person      = 62  # (set_camera_in_first_person, <value>), # 1 = first, 0 = third person
player_set_troop_id                  = 405 #syntax correction# (player_set_troop_id, <destination>, <player_id>),
allow_ironman                             = 988 # (allow_ironman, <value>), # 1 = allow, 0 = disallow
party_set_flags                        = 1603   #syntax correction# (party_set_flags, <party_id>, <flag>, <clear_or_set>), #sets flags like pf_default_behavior. see header_parties.py for flags.
party_set_marshal                      = 1604   #syntax correction# (party_set_marshal, <party_id>, <value>),
agent_equip_item                       = 1779	  # (agent_equip_item, <agent_id>, <item_id>, [weapon_slot_no], [modifier]), #for weapons, agent needs to have an empty weapon slot. weapon_slot_no is optional, and can be between 1-4 (used only for weapons, not armor).
mission_tpl_entry_set_override_flags   = 1940   #syntax correction# (mission_tpl_entry_set_override_flags, <mission_template_id>, <entry_no>, <value>),
mission_tpl_entry_clear_override_items = 1941   #syntax correction# (mission_tpl_entry_clear_override_items, <mission_template_id>, <entry_no>),
mission_tpl_entry_add_override_item    = 1942   #syntax correction# (mission_tpl_entry_add_override_item, <mission_template_id>, <entry_no>, <item_kind_id>),
mission_tpl_are_all_agents_spawned     = 1943   # (mission_tpl_are_all_agents_spawned), #agents >300 may keep spawning after ti_after_mission_start (still fires .1 second too early)
agent_get_damage_modifier              = 2065 # (agent_get_damage_modifier, <destination>, <agent_id>), # output value is in percentage, 100 is default
agent_get_accuracy_modifier            = 2066 # (agent_get_accuracy_modifier, <destination>, <agent_id>), # output value is in percentage, 100 is default, value can be between [0..1000]
agent_get_speed_modifier               = 2067 # (agent_get_speed_modifier, <destination>, <agent_id>), # output value is in percentage, 100 is default, value can be between [0..1000]
agent_get_reload_speed_modifier        = 2068 # (agent_get_reload_speed_modifier, <destination>, <agent_id>), # output value is in percentage, 100 is default, value can be between [0..1000]
agent_get_use_speed_modifier           = 2069 # (agent_get_use_speed_modifier, <destination>, <agent_id>), # output value is in percentage, 100 is default, value can be between [0..1000]
agent_get_crouch_mode                  = 2097   #syntax correction# (agent_get_crouch_mode, <destination>, <agent_id>),
agent_set_crouch_mode                  = 2098   #syntax correction# (agent_set_crouch_mode, <agent_id>, <value>), # 0-1
str_store_string_reg            = 2321	#syntax correction# (str_store_string_reg,<string_register>,<string_no>), #copies one string register to another.

lhs_operations += [
can_fail_operations += [
sokf_type_ai_limiter3d     = 0x000000000000000e
ti_on_agent_killed_or_wounded = -26.0 #can only be used in module_mission_templates triggers
# Trigger Param 1: dead agent_id
# Trigger Param 2: damage dealer agent_id
# Trigger Param 3: is wounded
# Trigger result: 0 = do not alter the result, 1 = force kill, 2 = force wound

ti_on_agent_hit          = -28.0 #can only be used in module_mission_templates triggers
# Trigger Param 1: damage inflicted agent_id
# Trigger Param 2: damage dealer agent_id
# Trigger Param 3: inflicted damage
# Trigger Param 4: hit bone
# Trigger Param 5: missile item kind no
# Register 0: damage dealer item_id
# Position Register 0: position of the blow
#                      rotation gives the direction of the blow
# Trigger result: if returned result is greater than or equal to zero, inflicted damage is set to the value specified by the module.

ti_on_scene_prop_hit     = -42.0 #can only be used in module_scene_props triggers
# Trigger Param 1: prop instance number
# Trigger Param 2: hit damage
# Trigger Param 3: dealer agent no (server only)
# Trigger Param 4: item kind no (server only)
# Trigger Param 5: item modifier (server only)
# Trigger Param 6: missile item kind no (server only)
# Trigger Param 7: missile item modifier (server only)
# Position Register 1: Hit Position
# Position Register 2: x holds attacker agent id
# Trigger Result: if set, damage dealt to prop

ti_on_init_item          = -50.0 #can only be used in module_items triggers
# Trigger Param 1: agent id
# Trigger Param 2: troop id
tf_disable_sounds 	 = 0x00010000 #disable agent related sounds, but not voices. useful for animals
tf_guarantee_polearm          = 0x08000000

There are also some changes to the process files, but these are optional... so I'm not gona list them.
There are also a couple of game options which didn't make it into 1.168(Steam version) by default.
(The assigned values are not necessarily representing the default game settings)
turn_limit_ready = 10
turn_limit_release = 10
operation_set_version = 1168
use_scene_unloading = 0
dont_supress_initial_warnings = 1

far_plane_distance = 1250 #clip distance

has_single_player = 1
has_multiplayer = 1

show_multiplayer_gold = 1

map_min_elevation = 0.5 #maximum zoom
map_max_elevation = 1.0 #minimum zoom

auto_compute_party_radius = 1 #helps space, select if mod has large icons
disable_disband_on_terrain_type = 0
use_strict_pathfinding_for_ships = 1 #keeps ships at sea for sea-to-sea routes
disable_force_leaving_conversations = 1 #no TAB end in conversations.

shorter_pistol_aiming = 1 #add pistols to the exception just like in crossbow and muskets
apply_all_ammo_damage_modifiers = 1 #ammo item determines the damage type

ai_decide_direction_according_to_damage = 1
consider_weapon_length_for_weapon_quality = 0 #weapon selection

maximum_number_of_notification_messages = 10 #msg in battle. Common 10

skill_points_per_level = 2
attribute_points_per_level = 0.125
weapon_points_per_level = 5
level_boundary_multiplier = 1.0
attribute_required_per_skill_level = 3

battle_size_min = 150
battle_size_max = 750

blood_multiplier = 1.0

meek_modifier_speed_bonus= 2 #meek horse speed modifier
timid_modifier_speed_bonus= 1 #timid horse speed modifier

show_troop_upgrades_button = 1

use_explicit_couch_flag = 0
It restricts the maximum angle and speed? you can turn your character(while readying/releasing an attack) by mouse movement.
I haven't tested different values yet, so I cant provide detailed information.
Ramaraunt said:
You need to update this post. Add the VC system.
Lav wasn't active for months, so I doubt we'll get any update in the near future.

However, I've posted all changes from 1.166 to 1.168.
Adding those to your MS shouldn't take much time.
Open Source Pack, can be code, assets like 3d items, textures, you can use them, mod them and redistribute them without having to ask for permission to the owners, need to give credit thought.
Slavos said:
Open Source Pack, can be code, assets like 3d items, textures, you can use them, mod them and redistribute them without having to ask for permission to the owners, need to give credit thought.

Ahhhhh, so these are essentially the pre-compiled modsys folders.
The FTP links do not work for me.
Is there something specific I need to do to download? I get "connection timeout" error.
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