Hi all i'm gone give modding a try ^^ I know i'm not allowed to ask questions here so I wont don't worry. If anyone knows the game, wants to give me suggestions, or is such a fan of the old game that he/she wants to help me, anyone is welcome ^^.
What i'm thinking of adding as features:
16 companions (their stats and skills go in a post a bit lower)(note this are the companions at lvl 1 I will most likely change their levels andstats a bit later. This is just a quick preview. I made them all with the same amount of stats and skill points as the player at lvl 1)
New major factions:
- Duchy of Basil
units: Defensive based, high armor values, shields, medium weaponry.
- Imperial Sandora
Units: Offensive based, medium armor, two handed weapons, shock troops. Also lots of "fodder"
- The Kingdom of Tiberoa
Units: High quality troops, fewer in number, limited mounted force.
- The Queendom of Mille Seseau
Units: Combination of Naval units (mariners) and a balanced troop roster
-The Death Frontier
Berzekers, bandits, smugglers, everyone that isn't welcome in the other factions fighting together to keep their plot of land.
Minor factions:
- (when i'm an uber modder) Followers of Melbu Fhrama and Winglies
- Geghrics gangs
- Dark Elves
- Death Frontier Maurauders
- ....
I'm going to try and make custom items for all of the companions so that they look as much as possible as their alter egos in the game.
This is FAAAR away:
Some of the companions like Lloyd and Meru are Winglies. Winglies have small white wings that enable them to fly. I was thinking this night about and tought of 3 possible ways:
One: i make an invisible mount (that is unkillable, very low charge damage and very high manouver)but this would make placing the wings at the right place very difficult.
two: i make special armors that only certain people can cary. This makes the wing relatively easyer but makes the real flying different.
three: I make them with wings as characters and make them always float. This could make the flying more fun but no idea how npc's will react on it.
Next to the winglies certain characters are able to use a dragoon form of themselves, giving them mighty armour, weapon and the ability to fly (i won't even think about magic yet lol).
I have no idea how i will work this out so any suggestions are welkom.
One: i make an invisible mount (that is unkillable, very low charge damage and very high manouver)but this would make placing the wings at the right place very difficult.
two: i make special armors that only certain people can cary. This makes the wing relatively easyer but makes the real flying different.
three: I make them with wings as characters and make them always float. This could make the flying more fun but no idea how npc's will react on it.
Next to the winglies certain characters are able to use a dragoon form of themselves, giving them mighty armour, weapon and the ability to fly (i won't even think about magic yet lol).
I have no idea how i will work this out so any suggestions are welkom.
Map: note: the names on this map aren't all the same as in my version of the game so might be adjusted.