So, I decided to play a bit of WT tonight. My integrated graphics decided it wasn't going to comply, and so my FPS stank. After a fail battle with the Russians, I went with the Germans:
Bf 109E-3: A Kittyhawk chose to go heads-up with with me. Neither one of had much of a choice but to go heads-up, so we went at it, guns blazing, but both of us failed to do much damage. He then zoomed past me, but instead of climbing or trying to turn fight, he put about .6 to .8 of a mile between us, and then came around to go head-on again. This time it didn't work out so well. Ram 1. At least he apologized when I explained to him that unless you have no other option, you should avoid going head-on, instead of intentionally seeking out heads-up encounters. Still, how much brain power does it really take to figure that sort of thing out for yourself?
Bf 110: Got in a fight with a pair of A-20s. I went after one of them, but he turned around and went head-on with me. I pulled up to avoid him, but he just went straight through me. Ram 2. Turned out that he didn't have an elevator controls.
Bf-109E-1: After a few minutes, I went after another target, and I got my tail control derped off by a lucky Ki-45 and crashed.
Mc. 202: Chased a P-36 around a bit, he came around and went head-on, and we rammed each other. Ram 3. Chance Meeting. Funnily enough, the P-36 was the same guy who rammed me in the A-20, and who I'd very closely missed in the E-1.