War Thunder, Update 1.97: Swedish Tanks

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I hate to break up this *****ing, but:
http://forum.warthunder.com/index.php?/topic/64279-dev-server-135-is-open/page-26#entry1040448 said:
Hey guys! Dev-server will be open today 5.30pm-9.30pm GMT (10:30am - 2.30pm PDT). Patchnotes for the current version are on the way.
According to this, the DS should be open as I post this. I'll take a look.
Amontadillo said:
Speking of which:
Kevlar said:
Wanna prove your point and actually beat it Wellen or is everyone here going to just be like "IM DA BEST N GET ALL DA KILLZ" then never post proof?
You're annoying and not proving anything.

Umm, okay. Since that makes complete sense. I guess you need to cope out too instead of actually addressing my point but okay, be a *****.

Continue to say getting certain scores is easy and then not even being able to post proof.

Nononono, nobody said "easy". I'm sure it required work to master them to that degree.
It's just cheap and silly. A good part - I dare say the majority - of the folks you kill over and over again will be newbies with no or very little knowledge about how the game works and planes that are not fully pimped out. It's like shooting players on the beach in Day Z.

Sir Prince said:

This is sex.
Kevlar said:
How else am I suppose to get 1100 kills to unlock a free plane  :roll:
Play HB mode, then its only 300 or so.

This reminds me, we had had a village idiot on our team last round. Kept going on about how everyone was "fly hacking" because they were, and I **** you not "flying".


To late to switch to HB now. Someone told me it ends in like 8 hours, still have 280 or so to go.

Edit : Called a hacker for the first time today. Got called a hacker twice yesterday :sad:
Me and Kev were playing earlier and we're getting rather good at rocket kills on airplanes. :lol: Hella fun rounds, even if we didn't get many kills because we avoided using MGs sometimes to ensure a rocket kill.

I got a PBY (most satisfying rocket kills ever, the whole plane falls apart in pieces) from above, a Beaufort that was flying in pretty much a head on with me for some reason, almost shat my pants as we were both going at like 450km/h, unleashed 3 rockets on him at almost point blank and I saw a wing of him fly right past me, saw a huge explosion but luckily didn't suffer any damage.

And then I was engaged in several airfights, killed 2 enemies with Kev, he goes after another one and I go after an Hurricane alone. By now I had run out of ammo, was reloading but still had all my rockets. I was perfectly lined flying behind the Hurri at one point at like 300-400 meters, and I start unleashing rockets, miss the first, hit the second and it explodes on him but apparently doesn't do anything, fire a third and it misses, hit the fourth and he dies in a fiery explosion.

Finally I killed a rank 1 Buffalo as he flied in front of me perpendicularly at high speed, started MG firing from 600 meters, when he passes by me at 200 meters I fire 2 rockets a bit ahead of him and at least 1 hits him and causes him to die instantly. Felt goodman!

One attempt did go rather bad, me and Kev killed a H6K with rockets, as Kev pulls out prematurely I use the afterburner to close the distance on him; could have easily killed with MGs from 400 meters but I keep flying without firing so I can finish him off with rocket spam. Unfortunately as I fire the rockets, some other plane comes from above and shoots me down in 1 pass... Still worth it. :razz:
the catalina surfing was hilarious. :grin:

Sir Prince said:
Kevlar said:
How else am I suppose to get 1100 kills to unlock a free plane  :roll:
Play HB mode, then its only 300 or so.

This reminds me, we had had a village idiot on our team last round. Kept going on about how everyone was "fly hacking" because they were, and I **** you not "flying".


IIIII'd probably have dropped a bomb on him at some point.
Harkon Haakonson said:
One attempt did go rather bad, me and Kev killed a H6K with rockets, as Kev pulls out prematurely I use the afterburner to close the distance on him; could have easily killed with MGs from 400 meters but I keep flying without firing so I can finish him off with rocket spam. Unfortunately as I fire the rockets, some other plane comes from above and shoots me down in 1 pass... Still worth it. :razz:

I got two H6K kills that game :grin:

180 more kills for this damn event, eight hours left, should be fine now.

Just noticed this at the top of the patchnotes :

"Attention! 'US Premium Spitfire Mk IX will no longer be available for purchase'"
Sir Prince said:
This reminds me, we had had a village idiot on our team last round. Kept going on about how everyone was "fly hacking" because they were, and I **** you not "flying".


Please tell me he spent the whole game driving around on the ground.

Not that that's always a terrible idea at low rank. Park bomber on ground > use gunners as makeshift AA guns > laugh as enemies kill themselves on terrain trying to attack you.
Moss said:
Please tell me he spent the whole game driving around on the ground.

Not that that's always a terrible idea at low rank. Park bomber on ground > use gunners as makeshift AA guns > laugh as enemies kill themselves on terrain trying to attack you.
I have no idea what he did.
Just discovered the amusement value of the 37mm M4. There's something to be said about plucking the wing off a Wellington Mk X at 780m in a single shot.
Yes. Flying a Wellington is downright depressing; its gameplay consists of making bets on whether it'll die from a Cobra, a Yak 9 or a German 20 mm sniper. All before dropping a single bomb as well, of course.
DS is supposedly going to be open at some time today. I'm not sure when. Also, the google translated Russian patchnotes said something about fixed DM for Beaufighters, so those of you complaining about Beaufighters might like the sound of that.
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