War quest: How to capture noble?

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I've been having a blast with this game, but came unstuck with a Swadian quest to capture a Vaegir noble. I fought his party and assumed I could pick him up afterwards like rescuing a kidnapped girl, but then found out I'd failed the quest. Presumably, I'd killed the noble in battle.

Can anyone tell me (a) how to identify the noble in the battle; (b) how to capture him? I know blunt weapons can lead to enemies being unconscious but what exactly is a blunt weapon? I used a morning star and only got kills.

Is there any trick for stopping your men killing the noble? Does he hang back from battle? I fight mainly with a bow and he probably died from a far distance.

thanks for any advice!
I haven't had this quest yet, but I would recommend buying a staff of some sort, couching it, and running down every man in the party. This is probably the simplest way to do it, and you'll end up with some nice xp in the process!
You have to knock him unconcious with a blunt weapons as you said. He looks like a merchant (start a new character to see what he wears).

It can be quite annoying since your friendly troops will kill him, so you'll have to go after him yourself when you see him and let your own troops handle the rest.

You can take him with you as a prisoner at the end of a battle (if you knocked him unconcious).

A blunt weapon is a weapon that doesn't pierce (so no pointy things) and doesn't slash (no blade). So, a spike-less club would do, or a polearm without a weapon on the end.
THe damage amount shows its damage type

10p is 10 piercing
10s is 10 slashing
10b is 10 blunt

Jousting lance is blunt
I have had this mission 4 times & failed it 4 times.

The first time I killed the guy & the 2nd/3rd times I was killed trying to knock him out on my own by telling my party to hold position.

The 4th time my party killed him after he got stuck on a rock & they swarmed him.

Equip your 2 NPC characters with blunt weapons to slightly improve the chance of knocking him out & not killing him.
Ive had this a couple o times and have nevfer had a problem with it. The best is to have a shield and a good Warhammer, tell your people to stay back and go out to knock the noble unconscious, after that fall back to where your people are and dispatch the rest as you will.

It has worked pretty well for me so far! :smile:
I just got this mission again only to find that he was moving across the map at a speed of 7.7

needless to say he escaped :sad:
they're always really fast, ive tried this quest twice and failed once. I dont usually bother with it, i wait till he's reached his destination and tell the baron i've failed.

He wears a leather jacket i believe and he looks like the constable and the slave trader in Zendar.
the only problem really is catching the noblemans party. he wears a leatherjacket and uses some sort of onehanded sword.
I've found the easiest way to beat this is a 50/50 chance on knocking the bugger out... by sending your troops in without you.

Your troops only seem about half as lethal when you're not involved in the fight.
I never thought of trying that.

The only problem with that is if your party isn't as strong as his. If yo uare at a disadvantage it is more than likely that you will end up losing some if not all of your party members.
I carry around a blunt weapon for these missions. Remember that enemy groups enter combat in reverse order, so if the noble is at the top he'll be last one to join. I let my men deal with them while keeping an eye out for him as reinforcements arrive and then move in to knock him out alone.
Coldberg said:
I never thought of trying that.

The only problem with that is if your party isn't as strong as his. If yo uare at a disadvantage it is more than likely that you will end up losing some if not all of your party members.

At half-battle size, usually the first 10 knights come in, and then the nobleman's in the second wave.

I fight the first battle, mopping up the horsemen/knights, then let the troops battle the nobleman/last 4-5 knights.

Mehrunes said:
I carry around a blunt weapon for these missions. Remember that enemy groups enter combat in reverse order, so if the noble is at the top he'll be last one to join. I let my men deal with them while keeping an eye out for him as reinforcements arrive and then move in to knock him out alone.

Tried that myself, stupid moron always runs past me into the arms of my waiting knights and Man-At-Arms who have pretty much toasted at least half of his remaining force. I can't seem to get that tactic to work well.
Wanderer said:
Tried that myself, stupid moron always runs past me into the arms of my waiting knights and Man-At-Arms who have pretty much toasted at least half of his remaining force. I can't seem to get that tactic to work well.

The AI will follow you forever if you're the only one in their combat range.
Mehrunes said:
Wanderer said:
Tried that myself, stupid moron always runs past me into the arms of my waiting knights and Man-At-Arms who have pretty much toasted at least half of his remaining force. I can't seem to get that tactic to work well.

The AI will follow you forever if you're the only one in their combat range.

The theory and my ability don't seem to mesh well. :smile: Little bugger always seems to somehow sneak into range if I don't drop his damned horse on the first try. I finally gave up. A knight or two isn't going to set me back anything worthy of discussion.
Thanks for the advice, everyone. Thanks to it, I captured him with no problem. He came on the second wave - very distinctive from his escort in his brown leather clothes. I had put my men on hold position and then charged in with Marnid and Borcha - all three of us wielding blunt weapons. It was a little hairy, as my knights also entered the fray but I caught him alive.
Borcha and marnid don't hold position if you order a "Hold position"? I read something like this before, but they always listen to me in my game.
Had this mission 3 times and failed it 3 times :sad:. I came really close once with my one handed mace but eventually he ran past me into my waiting knights and he got torn to pieces.

EDIT: Also my Marnid does follow my orders but Borcha always just does what he wants. I think its because he uses a ranged weapon (Javellin) while marnid just has a sword.
tsuken said:
Borcha and marnid don't hold position if you order a "Hold position"? I read something like this before, but they always listen to me in my game.

It appears to be who you leave on foot. Heros with horses follow their own head, heros without follow the ground troops so they don't get slaughtered easily.
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