War Nerd says: Glory to the Turks!

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Well, sorry for not writing in Turkish :smile: - but I guess this belongs here anyway.
Where is the article:
War Nerd writes articles that are both hilarious and alarming - mostly concerting wars and everything around them to Exile.ru - an online newspaper made by US expats in Russia. It's rather similar in design to Maddox blog (if you know what I mean :smile:).
You may want to read a few other articles by him, expecially about Iraq war...
Heh, it's really interesting how he went from "WTF, but at least it would be fun to watch." to "WTF are we doing??!"
He may not be someone you want to live in one apartemnt, but he does make an impression of a knoledgeable and smart person.
I hope that'll be an interesting read for Turking people (at least it was rather interesting for me, if even I knew a lot from it before)... expecially since, as I've seen on Discovery channel, Western press make Turks look like inferiour warriors or even people. As you will see, not everybody falls for it :smile:.
More than western press, i'd say it is western ignorance.

A pair of centuries ago england didn't even consider "humans" certain populations... and black slaves brought to the americas in those ships weren't surely considered humans.

Western culture has a need to feel itself superior, starting from the exquisite (sarcasm) statement of the leader of my country: "Western culture is superior to eastern culture" (litterally, he said THESE exact words).

Fact is, when on one side i have commies, and on the other side i have dumb jackasses who consider themselves the "perfect being" but at least don't believe in that communist crap... i have, for my own well-being, have to stick with... how should i phrase this... "the least bad".

And i say "least bad" instead of "better" because no one of the possible leaders here in my country is even in the slighest a "good" leader.

Pfff, tell me another *democratic* state where ONE person is:

-The leader of the country

-Directly controls most of the mass-media

-indirectly controls the rest of the mass-media and press

-has societies of almost any kind

-made laws to favour himself

You know... that's a pattern i've seen only in dictatorship's states. Oh well... better THAT than commies, of course, but still... it's like choosing the right-hand man of the devil instead of the devil himself.

Good old Italy... only place you'll find glory is in your past -_-''

EDIT: sorry to speak english here... it seemed a good "start" for a good discussione but... well... my knowledge of turkish is zero, and about russian (for balor) i just know... hmm... "tovarish"... "da"... not much else. Sorry, again, to not be a linguist :razz:
Skree said:
EDIT: sorry to speak english here... it seemed a good "start" for a good discussione but... well... my knowledge of turkish is zero, and about russian (for balor) i just know... hmm... "tovarish"... "da"... not much else. Sorry, again, to not be a linguist :razz:

In Russian the sentence you probably need most is (Sorry for not using the right alphabet): Menya zovut holodnaya sabaka :razz:

I hope that makes sense to the Russians here. It's the first sentence I learned in the language.
In Russian, it's "My name is cold dog*.
Where did you hear that? :smile: It don't make any sense.
Balor said:
In Russian, it's "My name is cold dog*.
Where did you hear that? :smile: It don't make any sense.

I know what it means, it just hit me in Russian class. Simple yet confusing.
Nothing we Turks didn't know of but it is nice to hear these from a foreigner.It is a good source for ppl who would like to know more about Turks.
Seljuks did not conquer Istanbul. Ottomans did.

He was doing ok until that critical mistake.
Firstly,this author Gary Brecher, is clearly a American nationalist.And if there is something he cares,its the americas profits.And his praise's source,about us(Turks),comes from a Turkish histroian(as he says).Hey man this is a very limited point of view!! Because of that man is good and honest,all Turks are like him?Of course not..He thinks that Americans are the greatest nation in world,then Turks are the second.Hey Man!We are not superior than any other nations,as you are not.All nations are equal!As nietzche says;all generalizations are wrong,as this is...This man is just a prototype of worldwide-known imperalists.He still says democratize all arabs around world..And Bring Freedom!!!oh look he is afraid of losing their puppets,sorry i mean their friends Turks..Get out of Turkey,you Americans,and Iraq,And Palestine,And Afganisthan,and Somali,And Germany,And South Korea,Let World Live in Peace!Btw we are not proud of being a part of nato.The aristocrat class-that directs country,love nato,also love their pockets.When you ask to public,we dont want wars,wars in our neighbors,wars in world.
As Mustafa Kemal Ataturk said:
"Peace in Country,Peace in World"
Turkish Freedomist Socialist Essence
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