Need More Info Wants lord to be captured bug stuck (no crash but unplayable)

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no crash but game will be stuck at talking screen.


Summary: I got quest from Vashorki that he wants Mehir to be captured. My fellow lord Lek captured him first while we were war with khuzaits and when i asked him to speak with Mehir then it will automatically lead to battle between me and Lek party. We are from same kingdom. After defeating them i will get stuck at Mehir screen when it supposed to say that am i free but instead he says usual text you get from targeted Ai when doing this quest and game will get stuck then, no way to get out of 2 lines he says because he will repeat them.
How to Reproduce: Take quest to capture hero for hero. Let targeted hero to get captured by fellow kingdom lord and there you have it, ask to speak with prisoner.
Have you used cheats and if so which: no
Scene Name (if related): no
Media (Screenshots & Video): (4pics)
Computer Specs:
OS: win 11
GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1650 Ti
GPU Driver Version: 517.48
CPU: AMD Ryzen 5
RAM: 8,00GB Single-Channel
Motherboard: LENOVO LNVNB161216
Storage Device (HDD/SSD): 447GB ADATA SSD
Hey, we do not offer support for the mods or modded games. Can you try to reproduce the issue on a new campaign after manually removing all the mod files and verifying the integrity of the game files. If the issue is persistent on a new, unmodded campaign please let me know.
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