Walker Payne

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Sir Lulzalot

Sergeant Knight at Arms
So I was flipping through channels a while back and I found a movie called Walker Payne. It relatively flew under the radar of mainstream, but after watching it I can't understand why.  It tells the story of a man in a small town forced to make unbearable choices
put his dog in pit fighting matches
(possible spoiler, not much of one though) in order to make enough money to save his two daughters from their uncaring ***** of a mother. The acting is really quite good in my opinion and the plot flows well without pointless distractions.  The movie is actually pretty horribly depressing, though not as bad as say Schindler's List, and I advise those disturbed by violence towards animals not to watch it.  However despite its saddening content its a great movie and it beats a lot of the crap Hollywood gives us these days.  On a final note, if you are one of those people who needs to witness a rip-snorting blood bath of destruction every 5 minutes to stay awake in a flick, avoid this movie entirely.

A solid 8/10. Highly recommended.
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