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I'm not sure if anyone else has had this problem, but the other day i started a new character, a priest(trying to make a char strictly party based). I went for a large group very early in the game, and was helping to pay for their wages by trading. I had 35 units or so, most of which were higher class. In any case, i had about 10k gold, and the troop wages were about 1200g per week. I purchased a large quantity of iron and some velvet, and had about 200g left. While on my way to sell it, the week ended, and i couldn't afford the wages so about 12 of my men left. Now...this just doesn't seem right. As far as i know, you can't tell what date they get their checks, aside from just trying to keep track by looking at what day you're on. So my suggestion is, how about if you can't pay them right away, you have an option to pay them later (no more than 1 week later) with a sizeable interest rate attatched? So lets say i owe them 1000g/week, can't pay it, so if i put it off for half a week i owe them 1500g, plus the new payment thats comming up in just another half week? I know, it seems like a pretty small point to make, but if and when you come across this situation, you'll wish the system were changed a little bit so half your army doesn't run off.
It's annoying to be sure, but I think cash flow is something that ought to be managed.

Now, having the wages screen tell you the next pay day wouldn't change gameplay and would alleviate a lot of the problem.
How about if you had to pay your troops at the end of each day instead? Like at midnight, when the trainer points get distributed. That way it would be much easier to keep track of.
I think the chance of people dropping you it's fine.. Yet the fact tehre's no way to see when the pay is due sucks.. so i guess you should be able to see it, in the party window, just under the amount of money shown you will have to pay em
Personally, i don't think its to hard to take note of when you pay your troops (you pay exactly 7 days after that, every week, from then on), and remember when it rolls around each week. If that's to hard, right it down!
sneakey pete said:
Personally, i don't think its to hard to take note of when you pay your troops (you pay exactly 7 days after that, every week, from then on), and remember when it rolls around each week. If that's to hard, write it down!

Fixed,man that feels awesome :lol:.
your nightmare said:
sneakey pete said:
Personally, i don't think its to hard to take note of when you pay your troops (you pay exactly 7 days after that, every week, from then on), and remember when it rolls around each week. If that's to hard, write it down!

Fixed, man that feels awesome :lol:.


Kinda hard to do... how do you bold a space?
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