Violence in this Game

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First off, I would like to say that I absolutely love this game. I don't know what it is, but something there just seems to beckon to me, and I have now stop playing World of Warcraft (essentially) to play this game. I have shown this to my friends, and they came up with what I believe to be a very good point.

If you want this game to be realistic, like it seems to be, then you need to add more blood. With all of the cutting and dying that happens, doesn't it seem kind of funny that there isn't a speck of blood? I understand that you might just be doing that for the rating, but couldn't you just put a password on it so only certain people can activate it?

Other than that, everything is going smoothe.
Is there really?
I might have missed a new release because I have been in Hawaii for the past two weeks, but to my knowledge there is no blood...
Or I could just be stupid :grin:
Right when you hit someone blood will shot out and then it just goes away.

A small game like this dosent even get a rating so that dosent realy matter for now at least.
There isn't enough blood to notice. I think there might be small amounts with large hits, and much greater amounts when using ranged weapons. Of course, I think it was just an after-thought in this version, considering that it always sprays straight up like a fountain. And I disagree with passwords and that kind of thing. It should be optional for all the people who have conservative parents looking over their shoulders, but there is no need to foribly prevent little Johnney from seeing the dark knight he just slashed rolling on the floor in a puddle of blood. :twisted:
Why do you want to see more blood?

I think the game is fine the way it is now. Gore adds nothing but there are many things the devs could be working on that add a lot more. Eg - more varied terrains, more commands, more RPG options, a story.
Not to sound like a little kid thats gets all giddy over eye candy...but more blood and gore would add alot to the game. Nothing unrealistic or over the top of course. But it certainly would make it 10 times more satisfying to kill someone and help to immerse you in that era where life was indeed very violent and dirty.

Armagan said they would be adding some more gore to the game anyway, yay!
Personally, my main desire to improve the feel of the gore in the game would be for the blood that just sprayed out of the enemy's body to stay on the field. If you just caused a two-foot blood geyser to erupt from your enemy's neck, then there should be a dark stain on the ground when it lands. Unless it lands in water of course, in which case it would be a dark cloud that drifts away, but that's probably a bit beyond our means.

Second desire would be for the character models themselves to get bloodied when they are injured. This can sometimes lead to odd sights, such as ten soldiers laying on the ground with identical sword-slashes across their chests, but at least they'd look wounded, not just vegetative.
About violence realism, I find very satisfying to see javelins remain stuck into enemies, expecially when you hit them from the back... well... you know... it's fun...
I like it.

How about if after you couch an enemy head with your lance you will have his brain hanging from the top of the lance... Would look cool. :lol:

If the gore is the same as in real battles, the firld of battle would be re and guts would be splashed all over your armor... That will make you pity those poor Vaegir foragers :roll:
You know, in the last major battle of the western roman empire. Between the huns and romans with their ally goths.

The story sais in the middle of the battle the ground was soaked with blood, and their was a entire river of it sweeping people off their feet. With puddles of it everywhere.
I thought there was alot of blood, slash a horse with a scimatar coming at you and you get pools of it.

There really isn't any blood at all in the game right now. That is unless you consider those red puffs of smoke blood?... :lol: Right now, blood just do i put it...bad.
I like the way the blood is in the game, but it can get better, no doubt. But asking for too much detail in this could strike a big hit in the performance. This has to be considered.
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