Little kids need to be exposed to violence. I'm not saying you need to beat children, but the world is a violent place. When you shield children from violence you teach them that violence will never ever solve anything. This is not true. The raw use of force is the quickest solution for anything, albeit not always the best. Any political decision, any financial decision is always backed up by force. How is this?
Political- If you attack a government they will fight back, with force.
Financial- Money is backed up by gold in the treasury (U.S. specifically). If someone attempts to take this gold, force will be applied against them.
What does this have to do with video games causing violence? Even if that weren't total bat****, would it be a bad thing to teach a society? When a socciety actually understands violence, it will understand the implications that come from using violence. The only way to get your point accross to anyone is either logic, or violence. Shouting is a controlled use of violence, and used correctly can manipulate anyone.
The fear-mongering created by the thought of video games causing violence is in itself a violent threat. The logic distills down to this: If you don't ban video games, someday you will get kneecapped by a kid with a video game controller.