Vin Diesel is into... D&D?

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Her Flamboyance, the Calipha
Well, before I post the link, I'll just say it took a long time deciding whether to put this topic in the 'Other Games' thread, regular Anachronist's guild, or the Fun Stuff. In the end, deciding it was more relevant here, as he is a actor pertaining to the theatrical arts. Anyways, one of the most bad ass actors I've seen is into... Dungeons and Dragons? Here it is:

Dunno bout' you guys, but this was news to me.
I don't see the big deal.

The vocalist of Cannibal Corpse plays WoW. Why? I cannot imagine, but there you have it.  :razz:
Night Ninja said:
Old news, actually.

IIRC Jessica Alba also games, but I'm not sure if it's just board games or pen and paper RPGs.

Why is everything gorram old news??? Is there some sort of site were all you cool internet types go to so you see whats up in the news, before it happens?
No, we're just several years ahead of you when it comes to internet gossip.
Vulkan said:
I don't see the big deal.

The vocalist of Cannibal Corpse plays WoW. Why? I cannot imagine, but there you have it.  :razz:

Apparently they named an npc after him. "Gorg the Corpsegrinder" or similar.
He's one of the most badass actor you've ever seen?  HE WAS IN THE PACIFIER!  Sorry 'bout that.
Everyone has some geekiness inside them. It's just a matter of whether they suppress it or decide not to give a ****.
i wish vin diesel was into mount&blade then we could have this conversation with him  :mrgreen:

but what if other celeberties would play M&B ?  :shock:
chuck norris (he starts the game as god)
parris hilton
WIll smith.
Jackie chan
Lil wayne
Vin Diesel likes history too right? Hanibal is suposedly one of his heroes, I wouldn't be surprised if he plays Hegemony mod on M&B
I seem to remember a scene on the Chronicles of Riddick DVD where Vin Diesel completely geeks out the first time he's shown one of the sets (That big, gothic Necromonger ship, iirc).

He seems a decent chap. I've never seen him deny or belittle his gaming habits.
Temujin said:
Vin Diesel likes history too right? Hanibal is suposedly one of his heroes, I wouldn't be surprised if he plays Hegemony mod on M&B

Well, actually, he's making a movie where he stars as Hannibal. However it turns out, it cannot, in any way possible, be worse than the Battles episode of Hannibal the Annihilator. That was aweful on thirty levels.
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