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I know alot of people want a more dynamic world with people capturing cities and so on, however, i think it would be cool if you dotted the map with a lot of small farming villages that enemy forces can ravage once in a while. it would add a new battle terrain and it would be sort-of satyrically funny if the peasants took the brunt of the war. the villages don't need to have much more use then buying grain or recruiting peasants (if anything). It just seems like there would be manny more farming communities than cities and keeps.
How about having it just be a trading post, while being an opportunity of battle if the village was ever attacked by a group of bandits. It could be another type of random mission given by a count.
Pirates! has a size/label attached to each of its locations.. like trading post, poor village, wealthy large city, etc. This affects what kind of stuff you are likely to find there. The locations can grow in size or shrink depending on events in the world and the player can assist this by escorting immigrant convoys or escorting new govenors to struggling places.

So you could have most places in the world just be listed as small villages with little in the way of services. Maybe only a couple of places would warrant larger status and youd have to go there to get lots of recruits or trade goods.
I think something like the Age of Wonders2 map (or HOMM) would be awesome. I certainly dont see any engine limitations for it.

BUT. First fix crashes etc of course.

It would be cool if there was a peasant class. like a hard mode. They could start in a poor village with a pitchfork and an old mule or some assorted inventory of rusty peasant tools. they might even have some horendous social class draw back like only being able to hire peasants on to your squad.
Yeah. You could start a classic peasant rebellion, except this time the peasants prevails and doesn't get slaughetered :smile:.

Yeah, I;d love it. not necessarily a place where you coulld visit, but farmis and trading psots attract bandits so you can fight in a slightly more urban setting. It'd be a lot of fun.
I'd love to see more variation between locations too. Perhaps one or two large cities per nation, the rest could be more minor, and more locations like the salt-mine (why not have an iron mine you can visit, like the salt mine? etc.)
Andrew_Jay said:
I'd love to see more variation between locations too. Perhaps one or two large cities per nation, the rest could be more minor, and more locations like the salt-mine (why not have an iron mine you can visit, like the salt mine? etc.)

I see those as logical and obvious extensions too. I wouldn't be surprised if they were in the pipeline. With the future desert maps they could add other more exotic stuff to trade as well. Perhaps silk and such stuff.

I think that villages could make a great battleground (are they randomly chosen btw? If the surrounding enviroment affects the type of battlefield, you could have villages near cities as battlefields.). Have you seen Conan the barbarian :cool:
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