Village Improvements

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Master Knight
I am sorry if there has been a thread on this already, but what exactly do the new village improvments do? I ask this because when I was granted a fief it already came with quite a few improvements and I cannot for the life of me figure out how to see what they do. Also how do you repair watch towers?
One thing to be aware of that the wiki (when I last checked) didn't explain fully.

The skills must be had by your Steward.  If you have a party member with a higher skill, they may teach it to the Steward during a Council Meeting (only costs 500 denarii).  But until HE has the skill level, the building won't become available.

It is just each to train him up (in everything except Engineering, which is being fixed in the 2.01 patch.)
kaeldragor said:
One thing to be aware of that the wiki (when I last checked) didn't explain fully.

The skills must be had by your Steward.  If you have a party member with a higher skill, they may teach it to the Steward during a Council Meeting (only costs 500 denarii).  But until HE has the skill level, the building won't become available.

It is just each to train him up (in everything except Engineering, which is being fixed in the 2.01 patch.)
Oh, that's a very good point. I forgot to put that in the wiki :grin:

I'm planning on going through the wiki tomorrow and doing a good overhaul. I work a 6 day week so spare time is annoyingly sparce >_>;
I'll remember to put a guide on all that up there.
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