Viking Conquest is coming...

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Soon you will enjoy traveling in a knorr sailing the oceans, ascend to the top of Bebbanburh, or hear the waves from the docks of Ribe... soon you'll be a Viking, or Dryhten Saxon, or a warlike godelic, or even a Brytenwalda who govern all peoples...

But meanwhile, welcome to our forum, and to our Meadhall!

Manu_La_Canette said:
*Enters the Mead Hall*

Gimme a cask of ale for me and my men! Tomorrow I set sail on West!

Actually make that two.

Ahem, I believe you mean "My men and I".  :lol:
my body is ready!

warband just got into the update queue on my steam so I got all riled up thinking it would start downloading VC, but then it downloaded just like 4.5MB... don't knows what that was about.
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