Video card comes loose

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This problem is not specific to M&B (for me, at least), but I thought maybe someone might have heard of it.

Sometimes when I'm playing a game that puts some strain on the video card, the PC will suddenly conk out. Screen goes black and there is no sound from the speakers or from the PC itself (e.g. grinding, fans spinning, etc.). I have to use the power button to turn the PC off. If I just turn it back on, it doesn't really start. The light on the case turns on, and there's a brief hum, and then nothing.

If, however, I open up the case and push on the video card, and then restart, everything works fine. The card is always hot when I have to do this.

So what I think is happening is this: when the card is working hard, the fan spins fast to cool it off, and the spinning of the fan causes the video card to dislodge itself from the PCI slot. Although, when I look at it, it isn't obviously out of place, and when I push it back in, there's no click or anything obvious. But after I push on it, it always works.

I'm not overclocking or anything, just running games. Has anybody ever heard of this and/or know any way to fix it?
Sounds like it could be an overheating problem. And that's certainly not healthy for the PC.
Do you notice any severe performance issues prior to the PC shutting down (low FPS)?
I suggest checking the CPU temperature after playing a while. And check if it happens while playing other 'graphics heavy' games.
Definitely an overheating problem. It's not just the card it's the whole machine if it's turning it off/shutting down (by that I mean the sound and other things you're experiencing). The fact that you're messing with the card I don't think it'll directly do anything. Because you're opening the computer to move the card, you're releasing all of that built up heat.

You need to upgrade to a new set of fans or find some other cooling method. I wouldn't keep playing that way because soon enough your motherboard and/or processor will burn up.
No, there are no performance issues that I have noticed.

It does happen with other graphics-heavy games. It happened when trying to run 1701 AD with high graphic settings.

I guess I will look into some fans or other cooling things. Any recommendations?

Thanks for your help, btw.
Ok heres somehting that may help ,
download "Speedfan" , i dont have a link but just google it , its free.
It will tell you how hot all of your stuff is getting and if your fans are turning fast enough.
It can make clear some problems, 
like if your computer is getting over 45 degrees, than its defitnely too hot.

I have a link now ,
its a good thing to have.
ask me for anymore questions
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