Video Advice

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Sergeant Knight at Arms
Heya, I'm hoping to start some machinema but on my previous attempts *albeit with an older computer) I had some problems doing so. Just wondering what game cams you use and if theres any programs used to go along side them. And any links to said programs or where I download them safetly would be much appreciated!  Cheers :grin:
I'm using fraps to record and xvid4psp to encode right now, works pretty well.  But I haven't gotten into any heavy editing.
I also use Xfire, mostly because you have to BUY fraps.

Heres a link to one of my vids:

Yes, 56 looters in one party.
I just found out 1 annoying aspect (or atleast that is in my case) i can't locate the file where xfire video's are stored with sony vegas pro 8.0 so i can only edit them with windows movie maker.
You mean to capture streaming video of your gameplay?

I use Cam Studio.

It's Free Open Source and has a very nice a  lossless codec ( a separate download from their website) made by Techsmith the same folks who put out Camtasia. Camtasia is nice too but pricey. Difference is with the free cam studio you cannot edit but you can annotate.  Of course Camtasia will do it all but I find it's overkill and Cam Studio uses way less resources which is a plus when your running a game and other things at the same time.
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